Chapter 1

Wizards Of Fantasy

I got out of the car and walked towards the boring old school. I entered the front door and walked towards my locker. I placed my lunch inside and took out a ham and cheese from the bag and started eating it.

"Hey Han!" My best friend, Seohyun, called me as soon as I started eating my sandwich. We both study in the NORMAL school in Seoul cause of the same reasons, her dad isn't a angel. Oh yea~ Seohyun's a angel and I'm a wizard, but we are best friends.

"Hwey~" I said with my mouth full.

"UGH, Han you gotta stop talking with your mouthful, u look like u have a disease or something...."

I swallowed my food, "whatever, you know i don't care, oh, you wanna go my house today?"

"Yea~ sure, I kinda miss your mom's sandwich." Ugh! Why does eveerybody misses my mom's sandwich? "We're going to wizard world! I wanna bring you to this new place I saw on wiz teens. The food looks awesome!" I added.

"Okay, see ya after school~"

I went to slack, and Seohyun went to class. I don't feel like studying, I wanna cut class but, I decided to turn up....


I went to the gate and saw Seohyun waiting for me. I took her hand and went to the alley. I took out my wand and poof us to my room. Then we placed our bags on my bed and went to the wizard world door in our house, it's the way to the wizard world.

I took her to the place I was talking about and we ate food there. I was indeed delicious, after eating, Seohyun decided to take a visit to Pixie Land, a place she hasn't been to for years. So I went to Wiz Tech, My pre school... Should have been my school until now but dad died and rules state that both parents have to be wizards in order for you to study there. I always wanted to have scholarship and study there.

You must be thinking scholarship means to have good grades and whatever but I am so lazy, how can I get it right? But you are so wrong. Wiz Tech's scholarship means to safe wiz tech from some big problems and so, I'm in no qualities to safe Wiz Tech, since it has never been in danger before...

And thats wad I thought

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