The Office


(Narrator's POV)

The tour began normally, and as boring as Yifan had expected. Mr. Kim showed him the lobby, where a nice secretary gave the CEO a coffee, and offered Yifan candy, which he politely turned down. 

A few floors up were the cubical offices, where people were buzzing everywhere; printing, typing, looking at diagrams, the works.

Towards the top, Mr. Kim introduced him to a few of his associates, who were dressed in suits as exquisite as Mr. Kim's.
"Ah, so this is your new son?" A tall, slender man asked with a grin, gesturing to Yifan.

Mr. Kim nodded. "This is Kris. Kris, this is my close associate Mr. Oh. You know his son right? He's not that much younger than you."

Yifan nodded. Mr. Kim must've been talking about Oh Sehun, a quiet and respectful kid Yifan would see at the academy every once in while. He was a soft, and kindhearted boy, who spent most of his time staring out the window or writing in his notebook; Yifan had never asked what.

"I'm surprised. My son doesn't talk much. He must take after my wife in his timidness," Mr. Oh chuckled.

Mr. Kim laughed. "How is your wife, by the way? Does she still have complaints?"

Mr. Oh shook his head. "Not as much, no. I think you really got through to her. She's always been the obedient type though, and with the money I bring in, a new purse or pair of shoes now in then soften her up. One word about Sehun usually gets her to keep quiet."

"I suppose it's good leverage," Mr. Kim nodded thoughtfully. "We've always had a way of getting what we want, don't we?" Mr. Oh laughed and nodded his head in agreement. 

Yifan scrunched his brows in confusion, but could get the conversation much thought, for the two men bid each other goodbye, and Mr. Kim was shuffling Yifan to his office. 

Once the door was closed, Mr. Kim adjusted his tie, then spoke.

"I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here," he said, and Yifan stiffened. 

Mr. Kim sat at his desk, and gestured for Yifan to sit across from him. Nervously, Yifan obeyed, eyeing the man carefully.

"There's something about you, something I've noticed from the moment I met you," Mr. Kim began, a thoughtful, almost wistful, look in his eyes. "In you, I see potential. In you, I see myself. Kris, Yifan, you will be the one to inherit my company."

Kris's eyes opened wide, and he looked up in disbelief. "W-What?" 

(Ten Years Later)

Kris took one look at the pile of papers on his desk, and sighed. The woman in front of him flinched, noticeably uncomfortable. 

"I needed these yesterday," he began, his tone low. "And now that you give them to me, and give them to me late, the first page already has a typo."

The woman bowed her head in shame but said nothing. 

"It's also translated terribly," he said, shaking his head. "Get a native speaker on it, now. Before I have to fire the whole floor."

The woman looked up, startled. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, we'll get on it-"

"Then go," he said, his eyes intense. She said no more, and scurried out, almost bumping into the tall, handsome man walking in. 

"Geez, hyung," Oh Sehun said with a whistle. "I thought she was going to cry. The day is still young and you are already terrorizing the underlings."

"And?" Kris said, barely raising his eyes, instead adverting them to the stack of reports next to him. "Women are always complaining about being treated without equality, so I'm treating everyone exactly the same."

"With your heartless and ruthless charm," Sehun chuckled. Kris rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he sighed. "Do you have your reports ready? We have a meeting this afternoon."

"Of course, did you think I forgot?" Sehun asked, a little hurt, but he smiled.  

"At least you're efficient," Kris sighed. "How's Junmyeon with the finances? Have we been running into trouble recently?"

"If we did, you would've known by now," Sehun assured him. "Our dealings will stay secret, and if need be, you pull in with wads of cash and master bull ting, and we're in the clear."

Kris allowed himself a smile, then lit himself a cigarette. He offered Sehun one, but he shook his head. 

"If we're hitting the town later, I'll have plenty then," Sehun smirked. "But your expensive whiskey sounds delightful," he said, looking at Kris with hopeful eyes.

Kris exhaled a puff of smoke. "No."

Sehun pouted and then there was a knock at the door. 

A petite girl poked her head in, her pony tail swaying as she did so.

"Yifan? I brought you your lunch," she said quietly, with the ghost of a smile on her face.

Sehun gave his hyung a smirk, but Kris waved it off. 

"Just leave it here Soojin," he told her, patting at his desk. She nodded, taking careful steps into the office. She placed the neatly wrapped package where he instructed. Backing away, she looked at Kris intently.

"What?" Kris asked her, not hiding the edge in his voice.

She cleared . "Yifan, those are bad for your health and the health of those around you. Just... Don't have too much," she told him, her tone softening towards the end.

He stared at her for so long Soojin was almost uncomfortable. Almost.

He sighed. "Whatever you say Soo, whatever you say," he said, not hiding the annoyance in his tone, but he put out the cigarette.

She smiled, then moved to exit, before stopping again. "Is there something particular you want for dinner?" She asked him, her hand loosely on the door handle.

"I probably won't be home for dinner. I'll be out very late today," he told her. "But for breakfast tomorrow, make some porridge. I'll need it for the hangover."

He saw her scowl, but she exited, and he went back to his paperwork after moving his lunch to the side. 

"Fan Fan, can I have some whiskey? I won't be good for you if you drink it all," Sehun said as he broke out into a laugh. "Soojin hasn't lost her touch."

He was silenced when Kris whacked him on the head, giving him a glare that told him it was his time to exit. 

"Okay, okay, I'm going," he told him, clutching his head and backing away to a safe distance. 

Kris rolled his eyes and went back to the paperwork.  

"Oh, and hyung?" He heard Sehun's voice ring. He didn't even look up.

"Thanks for the drink," he heard Sehun say and Kris looked up I'm time to see the younger bolting from his office with the bottle. 

"Little punk," Kris said under his breath. As annoying as it could be, Sehun's pick pocketing skills were too useful to complain about.

Yes, Sehun was a worthy asset, and good company. Friend, he wasn't so sure. Kris had no need for friends, the give and take balance he could never repay. Why give when he could take? 

He pulled back his lunch and decided to eat it before it got cold. Fancy dinners and street food didn't hold his interest either. No use in spending his money on that, not when Soojin could cater on fine.

It was good, as usual. He liked that about Soojin. She was constant, and he appreciated that precision.

Minutes passed, then hours, and soon it was evening and Kris sat up, pleased with the amount if work he managed to complete. 

He pressed the button on his desk phone, and said, "Send me Luhan and tell Sehun he's handling the meeting alone. Luhan and I have some other business to attend to." 

His secretary said yes as she always did, and them hung up. Sehun came in shortly after.

"Hyung, I don't do meetings alone," he whined. "Besides, they're expecting you, the CEO."

"Then they should be honored I even sent one of my top managers. Remember, you have the high ground. Regardless of age, you're still above them," Kris told him impassively.

"They hate it when a younger kid comes in and tells them what to do," Sehun mumbled. "And you and Luhan are just going to have all the fun without me."

"I need Luhan for this, and I need you at the business meeting. Am I clear?" Kris dismissed him, looking at him expectantly.

Sehun's shoulders were slumped but he nodded. 

"You've been hanging around Baekhyun too much Sehunnie," Luhan cooed as he entered, earning a glare from the younger.

"Whatever hyung," Sehun said, rolling his eyes. "Fine, you two have your fun. Are we still on for tonight though?"

"Depends on my mood," Kris shrugged. "And how long Luhan and I take."

"You guys better come. You owe me one," Sehun warned them, walking out the door.

When it closed, Luhan rolled his eyes. 

"Are we tax collecting, hyung?" He said with a dark, hopeful glint in his eyes.

"That we are," Kris said, taking the gun from his desk and putting it inside his jacket in the holster.

Luhan laughed. "Poor Sehun is actually missing out on all the fun."



So yeah.... This happened...

But it's summer now so I'm hoping updates actually will come out faster than what has previously happened.

Congrats, we are introduced to adult Kris and a few more EXO boys. The time gap was meant for mystery and stuff will be uncovered I suppose. 

It'll all make sense, trust me:p

See ya next update;)

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