Tootsie Roll

Tootsie Roll

Namjoon doesn't know how he got roped into going with Hoseok to take his younger brothers trick or treating, but before he knows it, he’s walking down the neighborhood street. Screaming kids rush by him hurrying to the next house in house in search of more sweet, sugary cavity inducing candy, and none of that tootsie roll . He looks at the houses that line the street, decorations covering every inch of their exterior. It’s not that Namjoon doesn't enjoy Halloween. He would just rather be enjoying it from the comforts of his couch, pizza in hand as he watched ty horror movies on the Sci-Fi channel. Hoseok being Hoseok though felt extreme pity on Namjoon’s “sad excuse of a night” and decided to drag Namjoon against his will out into the night. He tried telling Hoseok that he had homework to do, but it was Friday and Hoseok knew Namjoon always did his homework Sunday night.

So here he is, watching over the two kids, three if you count Hoseok when he decides to walk up to the houses, mother’s cooing over him “being such a nice young man, taking his siblings trick-or-treating”, and giving him handfuls of candy. Hoseok returns, mouth stuffed with what he thinks is the remains of a Kit-Kat.

“You’re going to get indigestion watch,” Namjoon chides. Hoseok swallows the chocolate and pats his stomach.

“Worth it dude”.

His little brothers run back to the two, looking into their bags, examining and trading the candy they got. For being tiny little hyped up humans, they aren't that bad. They were cute in a way.

“Oh my god. Jimin! That lady has Reese’s. Jiminie, we have to go right now. Immediately. At this moment. ASAP. Jiminie!” Taehyung screamed out, grabbing Jimin’s paw covered hand and whisking him away, lion mane shuffling all over his head and out of the hold the hundreds of bobby pins they had stuck into his head in hopes of keeping it in place.

Like he said, they were cute.

In a way.

He and Hoseok followed, Hoseok giving Namjoon the rejected candy from his rewards from the mothers. It was mostly lollipops and the disgusting tootsie rolls. The bastard. Stuffing the candy in his pocket, Namjoon walks to the next house, watching the kids run up to the house. Taehyung bounced up to the woman holding the bucket of candy, roaring playfully at her while Jimin barked at her. She cooed at them as she reached into her bucket and pulled out two king sized Reese’s. The boys said their thanks, eyes focused on the candy now in their bag. With the looks on their face, Namjoon could have sworn the two had found the Holy Grail. Suddenly, a red figure rushed by the two and headed straight for the kids, colliding with the unsuspecting boys. Hoseok ran to the kids, Namjoon following close behind. They looked over the pile of faux fur, animal tails and a red cape. They each picked up one of the boys just as a voice rang out.

“Jungkook I’m going to strangle you!” Namjoon looked over and recognized the voice belonging to Kim Seokjin who was running over towards them, an amused Min Yoongi following behind him. Namjoon remembers the two from when they were seniors in high school and he and Hoseok were juniors. He hadn't seen them in a while, with Seokjin leaving for college right after school. Namjoon couldn't forget Seokjin though. He and half of the student body at their school found themselves attracted to Seokjin at some point. Namjoon subconsciously thought about his appearance, compared to that of Seokjin’s. He was always so clean kept, not a strand of hair out of place, while Namjoon’s hair was probably disorderly and messy. He liked it like that though so he didn't really doubt himself that much. Seokjin smiled meekly at him, muttering a quick apology as he reached and gripped the small devil child off the ground. Seriously, the kid was dressed as a devil, horns hanging off the side of his face, pitchfork lying on the ground next to him. “I told you not to run off like that! And not to be rude to other people. Now say sorry.” Seokjin stood Jungkook up and folded his arms, watching the kid sternly. Jungkook looked up at Seokjin, trying not to pout but failing.

“My hyung says I have to say sorry, so I’m sorry I ran into you trying to get to the candy.” Seokjin cleared his throat behind him. Nobody was really upset at the situation, just highly amused. Jungkook looked up at his hyung, dropping his head again. “I mean I’m sorry I was mean. I shouldn't be mean to others because I want candy.” Namjoon chuckled at the soft, “That’ll do” that came from Seokjin.

“It’s okay! We don’t blame you. Look what she gave us!” Taehyung being Taehyung pulled out the candy to show Jungkook. The youngest boy’s eyes lit up and he looked up at Seokjin. Seokjin sighed and nodded. The boys took off to the house again, “Be polite Jungkook!” he called out, Jungkook throwing an, “Okay hyung” over his shoulder. Hoseok and Yoongi had struck up a conversation, Yoongi showing Hoseok some music off his phone and Seokjin just watched over the kids.

“Stuck on babysitting duty?” Namjoon asked Seokjin. Seokjin turned and smiled at Namjoon, butterflies spawning in his stomach.

“It wouldn't be so bad if the little demon could stay still. I've probably burnt off a couple pounds from just chasing him from house to house.” Seokjin sighed, looking as Jungkook held his own king sized candy bar in his hands. “I’m waiting for him to take off again. Yoongi isn't the best help either. He’s been telling him which houses have the best candy, which coincidentally turn out to always be halfway down the street.”

“Hey, I’m just trying to be nice and help the kids out.” Yoongi defended. “By the way boys that house over th-” He turned and pointed in the direction of the end of the street but was cut off.

“Min Yoongi I will make sure you never have children again if you finish that sentence. Better yet I’ll have Jungkook spend the night at your house.” Seokjin threatened. Jungkook turned and looked over to Yoongi, eyes lighting up again.

“Sleep over at Yoongi hyung’s house? Yay!!” he screamed out. When the chorus of children’s voices crying out that they wanted to be a part of said sleepover, Yoongi shook his head, quickly ending Seokjin’s threat.

“No, no sleepover. Jungkook, you just met these kids, why would you spend a sleepover with them.” Yoongi asked, grabbing the candy bag out of Jungkook’s hand and examining the candy that was filling up the bag.

“So, that doesn't matter! I can make friends in seconds’ hyung! Look, we can talk about Seokjin hyung and how he likes the nasty candy like Tootsie Rolls!” A chorus of “eww!” rings out and Seokjin scoffs, turning away from the group of children and walks in the direction of the next house on the street. Namjoon looks over to Seokjin and pats his pocket, the abandoned candy now burning a hole in his pocket. He runs follows the group as they make their way down the street, following their eldest boy. Namjoon pulls out the candy, eyeing it for a few seconds before Yoongi’s voice pops up.

“He’ll think you’re the best person on the planet for a while, plus I can tell he’s getting kind of bored. I’d say now is your best shot.”

“What do you mean?” Namjoon turned and looked at Yoongi who was playing on his phone like he wasn't even aware of anything happening around him, screaming kids and all.

“I mean if you hadn't been looking at him for no good reason this whole time, then I’d be wasting my time telling you this," Yoongi started, " But I, Min Yoongi, do not waste my time. Plus I’m not blind.” Namjoon looked back at Seokjin’s form which was standing off to the side as the three kids ran up to the porch of yet another house. Namjoon nodded to himself and ran over to Seokjin. Seokjin looked up at him, face pulling into another soft smile. Namjoon’s nerves once again popped up, but he took a breath, not knowing why Seokjin was causing him this much strife. 

It was a goddamn piece of candy Namjoon, just give it to him.

“Here” Namjoon all but threw the piece of candy at Seokjin. Nice. Seokjin looked at the piece of candy.

“You know, I actually don’t like Tootsie Rolls,”


Namjoon’s stomach plummeted down into his lower intestines, probably was going to live there for a couple of minutes. He must have made a face because Seokjin started to laugh, hard.

“Kidding, Namjoon. I’m kidding, please don’t die inside” Seokjin laughed out, unwrapping the piece of candy and popping it into his mouth, small chuckles escaping his lips as he chewed.

“Too late, I think part of me killed itself off a bit” Namjoon responded, starting to stand a bit straight now that he knew that he didn't actually screw this up entirely. It wasn't even 5 minutes and he thinks he set a record somewhere for quickest downhill disaster of conversing with an attractive person. They started to talk again, Namjoon feeding Seokjin more Tootsie Rolls as they continued. The two conversed as the night came to an end, the activity levels of the three maknae’s dying out, Jungkook stumbling over to Seokjin, sugar high crashing and burning out. Seokjin cooed at him and picked him up effortlessly, Jungkook resting his head in the crook of Seokjin’s neck. Seokjin let out a yawn, stretching the arm out currently not occupied with Jungkook.

“Tired so soon?” Namjoon teased, looking down onto his phone, the phone screen lighting up with the clock reading 10:30pm.  Seokjin slapped his shoulder playfully.

“Hey, you don’t have siblings so you don’t know the pain alright?” Seokjin defended, “And not actually, I’m going to take this little thing back home and sitting down and watching that ty sci-fi movie that’s on TV tonight.” Namjoon perked up at the thought of maybe extending the night a bit.

“The one with the vampires and how they fight to protect people from the zombies?” Seokjin turned around, almost jostling Jungkook awake, murmurs of discomfort coming from him.

“And they have a ty make up job where you can see the zombie’s makeup being to wear off?” Seokjin whisper yelled. Namjoon nodded. “Yes! That’s the one. It’s so horrible but I love watching it every year.”

“I was planning on watching it tonight too, before Hoseok denied my plans.” Namjoon had a habit of word vomiting sometimes, and now was turning out to be one of those times whether he liked it or not. “I was planning on ordering a pizza and just relaxing and watching that movie plus the other movies since they’re having a marathon tonight and I don’t know since you like that movie there’s also this other one that comes on right after it and it’s like zombie sharks fighting off alien squids or something I don’t know did you maybe want to watch it with me?”

There was a moment of silence where Seokjin just looked at Namjoon, brain trying to catch up with Namjoon, lagging a bit but it was getting there. Namjoon was about to take everything back when a voice mumbled its input.

“If you’re trying to get to date my hyung you have to do better than poopy candy and poopy movies and poopy pizza.” Jungkook looked up from his spot in Seokjin’s neck, looked in between the two older boys, shook his head and went back to sleep.

“Be nice Jungkook. Or I’m going to give all your candy away.”

“Date him. You look good together. Not poopy. Nothing is poopy. He’s not poopy. His pizza and movies aren’t poopy.” Namjoon let out a laugh, thinking about what would happen if he let Jimin and Taehyung hang out with this kid.

“That’s a start. And yeah, ignore what this one said, pizza and ty horror movies sound good”  Seokjin meekly agreed, cheeks turning a light shade of pink which Namjoon immediately adored and was starting to plan out more ways to make it happen again. He had the rest of the night and a marathon of movies to do so. Not to mention a pocket full of Tootsie Rolls.

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Chapter 1: aww this is so cuuuteee >///< but whats so wrong about tootsie rolls? kkkk
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: Aaaww..soo cute..and the adorable maknae line.. ><
Chapter 1: XD that has got to be THE CUTEST devil, dog,and lion EVER
exoshipperks #4
Chapter 1: *imagines little jimin and taehyung in lion and dog costumes, running around with tails sticking out* KYAAAAAAAAA THAT SOOOO CUTEE! CAN I HAZ THEM AS MY BABY BROTHERS!!
Chapter 1: I cannot with kid jungkook, he's so damn cute
Chapter 1: Aww, this was pretty cuteee~!
Chapter 1: This is sooooo CUTE!!!
watchyourback #8