Pick up for jmec25 !! ^^

★ -- minimilk trailer shop (CLOSE)


♡ ♡ ♡ 


Trailer Link

Story Link


*You can request for a re-do once.  Please inform us immediately if your going to request a re-do Don't foeget to credit us! Thank you for requesting! ^^*

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Awwal mianhe I have to cancel my request :/ sorry
I requested ^O^ but I'm not sure if you're open though :/ but oh well~
seojisoos #3
I requested c:
I requested c: thanks in advance!
Oh, if only I had known about this shop sooner because I have a story and I REALLY NEED MAJOR HELP on video editing Q^Q
I wish to request again once you guys finish this batch
OH YEAH :DDD I really LOVE this shop *throws strawberry sprinkles everywhereeee*
i had requested!!!!!!please do quickly for me~ :D
lethargic #8
gosh, you guys make a good trailers! (:
ah thank you~! this trailer is just sooooooo cute keke ^^
I swear I could die from happiness too when watch it huahaha~ I REALLY LOVE IT ^^ THANK YOU! yeahh~ if I have another new story, I'm sure I'll request here again >______<
Thank you and welcome~ ^^