You Are My Prize.

An Unimpressed Dance♥ {One-Shot}

Helloooo!! Yeap! Here's an update!
Kekeke~ This week is the last week of school~
After that is holidays holidays and MORE holidays.
Oh well!!~ After reading, COMMENT!!!!
Thnk you :DD
Listening To: The Boys(Korean Ver.)-SNSD.

-No One's POV-
As she ended the dance swiftly, the club was filled with claps and cheers.
Its pretty normal for her. Really. SunKyung wasn't nicknamed as 'Dancing princess' for no reason.
She also have a beautiful face fit for princess. They think 'queen' sounds old for her. Hence, princess.
Upon seeing so many supporters, her face immediately lit up. 

But her smile soon disappeared when she saw a boy who looked like around the same age as her, looking unimpressed.

'What's this?! No one. NO ONE ever gave that stupid look after I ended the dance. That really bothers!!! I need to find out who that is.' she thought.

-SunKyung's POV-

Whoever that is, when I found out who he is, he'd be so screwed.
Walking towards the counter for something to chill, I spotted that guy on the other table with.. his cliques maybe?
I walked over to him and started. "Hey you!" I NEARLY yelled while pointing at him.

"Pointing at people is rude." he replied.

"Fine. YOU. You're the only one that gave me that stupid 'oh-so-unimpressed' look on your face just now while others are all cheering and clapping. What's wrong with my dance?" I asked, holding back my temper.

Oh yeah, I didn't mention.. Did I? I hate it when people give me that 'wtf-is-with-your-dance' look. Seriously. He better know how to play with words or else he'll get tons of foul words.

"Oh. That's the thing you wanted to clarify? I'll say. Firstly, you have way too much confidence. Must everyone like your dance? Secondly, you're lacking of energy. Last but not least, your face irritates me. A WHOLE LOT. And oh yeah, you should kinda fix on your attitude yeah?"


"OH YEAH?! Like as if your face doesn't irritates me?! Like you can do better?! OH PLEASE DUDE."

"You want to see who's better?"

"Duh~! You sounded like some 'pro'!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Well well well. How about a dance battle then?"

"You're ON."

"Right. So we'll have it right here at this place in the evening. We'll give each other 3 weeks to practice. How bout that? Also, PLAY FAIR. You can't have any coach. Its okay to have friends advising and such but NO COACHES."

"Sure. I can't wait already!" I replied, sounding excited.

-Minwoo's POV-

"Oh. That's the thing you wanted to clarify? I'll say. Firstly, you have way too much confidence. Must everyone like your dance? Secondly, you're lacking of energy. Last but not least, your face irritates me. A WHOLE LOT. And oh yeah, you should kinda fix on your attitude yeah?"

Okay. I seriously didn't mean it at the last part.
I just thought its fun to irritate her.
Her 'oh-so-irritated' face is so cute!!

"OH YEAH?! Like as if your face doesn't irritates me?! Like you can do better?! OH PLEASE DUDE." HAH. LOOK. She IS irritated. Clever move Minwoo. Kekeke I'm so proud of myself.

"You want to see who's better?" I challenged.

"Duh~! You sounded like some 'pro'!" she said while rolling her eyes.

"Well well well. How about a dance battle then?"

"You're ON."

"Right. So we'll have it right here at this place in the evening. We'll give each other 3 weeks to practice. How bout that? Also, PLAY FAIR. You can't have any coach. Its okay to have friends advising and such but NO COACHES." I stated.

"Sure. I can't wait already!"

I just smirked and walked off together with Youngmin, Kwangmin and Jeongmin hyung.


"Yah, you're really going to challenge her? Her dance seems awesome!!" Jeongmin exclaimed.

"Hyung, are you on her side or my side?!" 

"No comments." he replied; making the Jo twins laugh.

"Very funny?" I asked, feeling annoyed and they just kept quiet.

On the outside, I acted like I'm not giving any crap to Jeongmin hyung's question but inside, I'm thinking about it.

Is it a good idea to challenge her? I mean, her dance weren't exactly bad but..
What have I gotten myself into? A DANCE BATTLE! What if I lost?!!?
NO PABO! I won't lose. My great passion for dance will get me through. Yes it will.

-SunKyung's POV-

I stomped to the counter after he left.

"Donghyun-ah~~~ Is there something that'll cool me off?"

"Haha erm.. coke?"

"YAH I'm not B2ST's Junhyung! I'm not a coke-addict! No alcohol?! Oppaaaa~~ Pweaseeee~~~" I begged while trying to manage my puppy eyes.

"No Kyungie. You're too young for that stuff. Oh and you should know by now-the fact that your puppy eyes will NEVER work on me." he replied with a huge grin on his face like he's sooooo satisfied with his reply.

"Unfffff.. No fair~! How can you ever resist my cutest puppy eyes?!" I pouted.

"Awww but sorry. You're just not cute enough." he laughed.

MEANIE DONGHYUN. Always a meanie. He doesn't act like a boss! Sometimes, I just wonder if he's even one.

"Whatever meanie I'm going home!"

"Bye little-miss-underage!" Ohmygod. I TOLD YOU HE'S A MEANIE.

*Reached home*

"Mum~ I'm home~!" 

"Yes dearie! Go get a bath! You're full of alcohol smell!!"

"No choice mummy. I'm working as a part time dancer in a club. So kinda impossible to not have that smell right? But I didn't drink it! Meanie Donghyun won't let me touch alcohol

"Awwww your boss is such a nice person. Now get going!"

*After showering*

"Keep your head down~
neon jeongmal yeppeujiman neomu dareun neoui sogi nan neomu duryeowo~
Keep your head down~
saranghaetda hajiman nan ije neol noketda~~"

Ah there goes my phone! I didn't mention this either righ? IMMA HUGE FAN OF TVXQ!
Looking at the caller ID, it stated 
'Suzy♥'. Yeap. My best friend Suzy.

"Hello Suz--"

"SUNKYUNG AH!!!!!!!!" she screamed. "Urgh.. this friend..=.=" I mumbled as I held the phone away from my ear.


"Alright chill! Mianhae! I heard you'll be having a dance battle against a guy in 3 weeks time?!"

"Whoa.. News spreads FAST. Who told you?!"

"Are you kidding me?? I heard it as soon as I stepped into the club. I thought you were there so I went to visit you. But Donghyun oppa told me you went home!"

"I see..." 

"Oh well, by the way, what made you decided on the battle?"

"Aish I'll tell you tomorrow. He's the most annoying person I've met. REALLY."

"haha okay! I'm looking forward to your  story! Keke"

"Aish you!!!"

"MEHHHH~ Ah.. Have to sleep now. See you in school tomorrow!"

"See ya!"

This friend of mine.. Never failed to be updated on my life. Sometimes I kinda wonder if she actually stalks me or anything like it.

I've made up my mind. From tomorrow onwards, I'll not go to the club. I will go to the dance studio in our school instead. I'll practice my head off. Yeah SunKyung hwaiting!! Oh yeah.. Need to tell that Meanie oppa-.-



"Yes honey?"

"I'll not be going to the club these 3 weeks. Just to let you know.."

"Ah waeyo?"

"Well I've a dance battle. I need to practice. I need to win him."

"It's a him? Haha I'm just joking. Anyway, I got it. Hwaiting!"



-No One's POV-

Days had passed since the start of practice-which is last Saturday. It's now Thursday.

Everyday after lessons, SunKyung would grab her bag and rush off to the dance studio. She had reserved the studio for 3 weeks; 4 hours per day. Suzy will also follow her there, advising her. Suzy wasn't bad in dancing. Which is why SunKyung she could trust what she says. But of course, they'd finish their homework first.

As for Minwoo, he'd spend his afternoon is HIS dance studio, together with the Jo Twins. Both of them would tell them what's wrong with his dance and advice him-playing the same role as Suzy.

Two days ago, Minwoo had hired a man to check Sunkyung's profile. Address, phone number, EVERYTHING about her. Jeongmin will always ask why's he doing that. Honestly, he had no idea. He just felt that he needed to.


"Minwoo ah~~ What will the person get if he/she wins anyway?" Youngmin asked randomly.

"Oh! I havent thought about it.. But wasn't the dance battle meant to see who's better in dancing?"

"Yeah! But isn't it boring?" Kwangmin said.

"True.. Hmm.. I'll think about it."


The next day in school, Minwoo decided to visit SunKyung to talk about the prize of the dance battle.

Walking towards the dance studio nervously-even though he didn't know why he felt a little nervous. I mean, how can going to talk to her makes him nervous?.

He peeked through the glass window of the door and  saw SunKyung dancing powerfully. 'Whoa.. She took this for real.. I mean its not that I didn't take it seriously but.. She looks awesome..' he thought in his mind, not realizing Suzy had been looking at him.

'What's that guy doing there?' Suzy thought and went to open the door to see if he needed any help or anything.

Opening the door, she faced a shocked Minwoo.

"Hi.. Erm excuse me.. May I know if you need any help or if there's any reason why you're peeking from outside?" Suzy asked politely.

"Ah.. Sorry I'm here--" he started but was cut of by SunKyung's yelling.

"Yah you! Why are you here?!"

"SunKyung you know him?" Suzy asked thoughtfully.

"Yes! That idiot guy whom I told you about who wanted the challenge!"

"Oh I see.. Oh well, he seems to have something to tell you. I'll leave you two here okay? I want to buy drinks. You guys want any?"

"No thank you!" Both Minwoo and SunKyung said together.

"Whatever, COUPLE." Suzy joked.

It's a joke. But why do I feel my cheeks heating up? OH NO!

"Well well, someone is blushing!!!" That idiot teased.

"No I'm not you idiot!"

"Yah! Will you stop calling me IDIOT?!"

"No!" I stick my tongue out.

"WHY YOU!!!!" before I knew it, we ended up playing catching.

"You're not going to catch me!!!" I yelled. 

I was kinda having so much fun that I didn't realize there's a puddle of water on the floor so I ended up slipping. I'm not even sure how'd the water get there but.. right now, I felt something soft on my lips.. OH WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?

Yeah-.- I slipped and he tripped and he fell on me and our lips... TOUCHED.
I'm pretty sure my face is all red by now.

Right this instant, I heard a clicking sound followed by a flashlight.
Pushing away that idiot quickly, I sat up straight. 

"Well well well. This is what happens when I leave a COUPLE here alone huh? How nice. As for this photo, I'll keep it as a memory yeah. Thanks. Kekeke" Suzy laughed.

My life is so screwed.

"Y-yah you idiot!!!! MY FIRST K-kiss..." I shouted, but voice gradually getting softer.


"Stop your love quarrel people. I'm visible here>.>" Suzy said, obviously annoyed.

"I told you Suzy, we ain't no couple."

My first kiss.. Taken by an idiot... THAT'S A NIGHTMAREEEEEEE!!!!!
I kinda hate to admit.. his lips are soft... >///<

-Minwoo's POV-

This is crap. Pure crap. My first kiss taken by Ms 'Sunny day'
[A/n: Because its Sun-Kyung xD SUN.]
I hate to admit though.. her lips are soft and sweet.. >///<

"Stop it Suzy!!!!" SunKyung yelled. Making me jump a little.

"Say, idiot, what are you here for?" she turned towards my direction and asked.

"Stop calling me idiot. I have a name. And I'm here to tell you about the prize of the dance battle. For whoever that wins."

"Fine. You didn't even tell me your name and you're like an idiot. So obviously I'll call you that. And.. WHAT IS THE PRIZEEEE?!?!?!"

"Alright then. My name is Minwoo. And as for the prize, its two air tickets to Paris. You may choose to go with whoever you want."

"OMGGGGGGGG!!!!! PARIS~!!!!!!! I WANNA GOOOOOO!!!!! OH! What if I lost?!" Now she's the one looking like an idiot, gaga-ing like an idiot.

"If you lost, you'll go to Lotte World with me!!!" I said excitedly. 

"Whoa! But if I won, the prize is soooooo big!!! If you win, the prize is just going to Lotte World.. You sure you'll be fine with it?" 

"It's alright. That's what I wanted anyway."

"WAHHH REALLY?! OMG THANK YOU~!!" she said as she hugged me unknowingly.

My eyes widen as she did that. There's a sudden tingly feeling roaming around in my body.

Suzy interrupted with a cough.

"Yah! I'm not invincible!" Suzy said, sounding irritated.

Realizing what she's doing, she quickly let go of the hug.
Weird still, part of me hoped that the hug didn't end this quickly. I don't know why.

"S-Sorry..." SunKyung mumbled.

"Err... I-its okay.."


"You're my lady~~
You're my lady~~~
You're my lady~~~~ 
With you~~~~~" There goes my phone!!

Ah.. Jeongmin hyung..

"Yeoboseyo, hyung~"

"YAH!!! Where're you?! We're supposed to meet for lunch! Did you forget?!"

"AHHHHH!!!!! Mian!!! I'll go now!!"

After that he hung up the phone and I turned towards SunKyung and Suzy.

"Ah I'll go now.. I need to meet hyung .."


"Uhmm.. See you during the dance battle."

"See ya."

-SunKyung's POV-

"Ah I'll go now.. I need to meet hyung .." he said. 

"okay." I replied simply. Part of me definitely doesn't want him to go. Weird much?!

"Uhmm.. See you during the dance battle."

"See ya."

During the dance battle.. That's so long.. OH WAIT. Why am I being like this? Wanting to see him every single day? SunKyung you must be nuts. Yeah that's right. SunKyung is nuts!! And also, what's with that tingly little feeling when I hugged him by accident?


-No One's POV-

Days have passed. 3 weeks have passed as well. So now, its only a day left to the battle. SunKyung and Minwoo had been practicing hard. Of course, they had kind of been missing each other. Evn though SunKyung has no idea why would she be missing an IDIOT. And Minwoo has no idea why would he be missing a fierce girl. Both of them decided to have the last day as a break.

>>SunKyung's side 

'Finally. A BREAK!!!!!! AT LAST!!!! Oh! And I can't believe it. I can't sleep well without thinking about that idiot. It has been almost 3 weeks. I've never missed anyone so dearly except for my dad when he said he'll be abroad for 4 years. I can't keep up with this. I need to do well for tomorrow. I need to ask Suzy why's this happening. I have to.' SunKyung thought as she held on to her phone and lastly decided to call Suzy.

"Suzy ah~!"

"Nae Kyungie?"

"I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead!"

"If a person misses someone so dearly-which is kind of a rare thing-and can't help thinking of them everyday otherwise they can't sleep well and felt a tingly feel when there's somehow or rather skin ship.. What does it means? Or probably--" I wanted to continue but was cut off by her.

"That means... The person is 70% in love with that someone!!!" 


"Now will you tell me who--"

"THANKS SUZY!" SunKyung yelled and hung up.


>>Meanwhile, Minwoo's side.

After tossing and turning  on his bed, Minwoo sat up right away.

'Urgh.. What's happening ?! My mind is filled with Ms. Sunny Day's face!!! NOOOO!!!! Omg. That stupid vision of... of.. our first kiss being taken away by each other.. WHAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOO!!!!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. NONONO!!! Come to think of it, I've been thinking of her since the last time we spoke-3 weeks ago. What's seriously happening to me?!! I NEED TO DO WELL FOR TOMORROW. I DON'T WANT HER TO GO PARIS-- WAIT WHAT?!?!?! MINWOO YOU'RE MAD. YES YOU'RE MAD. I have to ask hyung. I NEED TO!!!!!!!' Minwoo thought and decided to reach for his phone and dial Jeongmin's number.

"Yeoboseyo Mi--"


"Aish I'm not deaf! Stop yelling on the phone!!*pop*"

"And YOU stop chewing your bubble gum when we're talking!""

NO WAY. What is it that you called?!"

"Hyung you MUST help me!!! I can't seem to fall asleep! I want my nap!!!!!"

"Aigoo wae?"


"No. Not exactly. You just wanted me to help you."

"Urgh fine. Look. I'm only telling YOU so it better stay as a secret arraso?!"

"Fine. Respect your hyung!"

"Whatever~ So.. I've been thinking about this girl a lot lately. And I don't know why I couldn't sleep without thinking with her. I'm not even sure why am I missing her and and.. I felt this tingly feeling when she hugged me. Hyung.. What happenin--"

"AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Minnie is in loveeee!!!"

"MWOH?!?!?!??!!?!? ANDWAE!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!"

"But its possible. FACE IT MINWOO."

"Urgh hyung!! You can't be mean to a maknae!!!"

"Yes I can!! Ah! You can't treat your hyung that way too!"



"THANKS HYUNG BYEE!" Minwoo yelled and hung up just like what SunKyung did.


Finally. Today is the day of the dance battle.
SunKyung realized that she does.. Like Minwoo. After the 'convincing-talk' yesterday. Suzy called SunKyung again after she hung up. Same for Minwoo, he realized that he does like her. After the 'convincing-talk' by Jeongmin yesterday. Like Suzy, Jeongmin called Minwoo again after he hung up. The news of Minwoo being in love with SunKyung definitely reached the Jo Twins through Jeongmin-even though Minwoo told him not to tell.


Its finally evening.
SunKyung got into her usual 'tank top+track pants' which were always meant for dancing.
She tied her long hair into a pony tail and shove on her converse shoes and headed for the club.

Meanwhile, Minwoo wore a t-shirt and a track pants. He then put on his cap and shove on his shoes and headed towards the same destination.


The club was crowded.
SunKyung got in through the back door.
Same goes for Minwoo.

At the backstage, SunKyung and Minwoo met.

"Hey~! You ready?" SunKyung greeted and asked excitedly.

"Definitely?" Minwoo smiled.

His smile made SunKyung's heart skipped a beat.
Upon seeing her, he had never felt any happier.
Both of them just didn't know that they like each other. 
They were afraid that what happens if one confessed and got rejected?
They didn't like that. So they kept their happiness to themselves.
They are just too happy to see each other.

In about 10 minutes, the battle started. 

"There'll be a special dance battle today. SunKyung VS Minwoo! At the end of the battle, you audience will have to vote truthfully. No biasness!" EunHyuk, the usual MC announced.

Claps and cheers were heard.

SunKyung soon came onto the stage, causing the cheers of the crowd to go louder. As the music started, she danced like she had practiced for the past 3 weeks. Crowds wouldn't stop cheering. Knowing that she has a crowd that loves her even after 3 weeks, she secretly smiled. She ended the dance swiftly once again as soon as the music stopped.

The club was filled with claps and cheers again.
Now its Minwoo's turn.

Minwoo walked on to the stage. Causing all the girls and noonas to squeal at how cute he is.
The crowd cheered and clapped as well.

He started the dance moves as soon as the music started. His moves surprised SunKyung; who was looking from the backstage.

'How can someone dance so much better than me?! He's really awesome!!' soon, she found herself squealing, cheering and clapping like a fan girl.

Minwoo ended the dance swiftly as well. And soon, he went to the backstage to be greeted by a big hug from SunKyung which surprised him a lot.

"WAHHHH!!! Your dance is awesomeeee!!"

"Heyhey, you really like hugging me?" he teased and smirked.

SunKyung blushed and pulled away from the hug immediately but Minwoo grabbed her hand and pull her back into a hug.

"Can we stay like this for a moment?" Minwoo blushed.

Surprisingly, SunKyung stayed still. She had to admit the fact that she really love hugging him. She didn't want to let go. Same for Minwoo, he enjoyed being hugged by her. Neither did he want to let go.

-Minwoo's POV-

She blushed and pulled away from the hug immediately after I .

But quickly, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into a hug. This time, I want to make sure our hug didn't end so quickly.

"Can we stay like this for a moment?" I blushed slightly.

She stayed still. All I can think of now, is to tell how much I liked her. I should.. right? Yeah.

"SunKyung.. I've something to tell you.." I said, still hugging her.

"Yeah?" she asked softly; no longer that fierce girl I knew.

"I know this wasn't expected but.. I like you.." I confessed.

"Actually.. I l-like you too.." she replied blushing.

I smiled, knowing that our feelings for each other is the same.
I just hugged her tighter.

"Let's go. We'll still have to find out who's the winner." I winked.

"Hehe yeah! Let's go!" hand in hand, we walked out.

-No One's POV-

"So.. SunKyung has  80 votes! And Minwoo, 80 votes as well! Its a tie!" EunHyuk exclaimed.

Minwoo and SunKyung just looked at each other and smiled.

'It's okay. You're my prize.' they both thought at the same time.

This is slightly longer right?
Keke.. its 1:07am here now..
No school tomorrow though.
*jumps with joy*
COMMENT PLEASE! <3 thank youuu :>



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Me .... Love !!! Hehhe .. So sweet , amazing , awesome , cute !!!!
@gikwangwifey: you most disliked one-shot ;) HAHA! Now you know one-shot isnt that bad 8D kekeke thanks for commenting <3
gikwangwifey #3
I smile all the way ! Oh-so-good ! Somemore , minwoo is my bias !!!!!!!
@myunghee17ukiss: Aigoo thank you >///< Imma shy now xD
your so great SooKyung unnie ^0^