Leave Me (for room to grow)

Leave Me (for room to grow)

My only princess, you are cuter than Wendy

My heart only beats for you
My eyes only glow after I see you

Victoria wakes up to an empty bed, the space beside her still warm from the body that was there not too long ago. With a giddy laugh she throws the covers off and treads into the kitchen where she knows her husband will be cooking. The sight of Yifan's broad back greets her. She wraps her arms around him, drowning in his musky scent and natural warmth.

"What’re you cooking, dear?" Victoria asks softly despite knowing the answer.

 "The same thing I’ve cooked for every anniversary, except this time there's a twist." He turns smoothly in her arms and lifts her up on to the counter.

"Oh, what kind of twist?" VIctoria breathes, the undercurrent of excitement thrumming in her veins.

"The special kind," Yifan breathes into before kissing her. She reaches up and tugs at his black hair, wrapping her legs around his waist to bring him closer. The sun bathes them in a soft, golden glow as they remap all the familiar routes on each other's body.


Breakfast was divine (as usual). The was just as amazing though it wasn't the twist that Yifan had talked about before.

"I'll tell you what it is after work," he says in a teasing tone before leaving for the firm. She kisses him goodbye, happiness coating her like it had for the past three years. Cleaning up the kitchen, she quickly gets ready and heads off to her own store. Her store only sold Polaroids and though it was never b with customers, it brought her pleasant joy to see herself surrounded by the film of moments passed.

Victoria cleans up the store flipping the Open sign but not expecting much. Instead, she passes her time making stories of the students and adults passing by. Imaginary families waiting at home, a boyfriend to sneak a kiss in before class, or maybe just a bed to finally collapse in.

At exactly 12:30 pm, Zhou Mi flounces in from the doorway, an expectant look in his eyes.

"Whose turn is it today?" Victoria asks, resigned already to her best friend's antics.

"Mine!" Zhou Mi proclaims already ushering her out the store. 

Victoria finds herself in what Yifan dubs a 'fancy shmancy' restaurant with wine glasses at every table and ridiculous prices attached to every dish. 

"Why are we here again?"

"Because Junmyeon would not stop raving about how delicious the food here was! Of course, I had to come here and see for myself." She shakes her head fondly.

"Since it's your turn to choose a place to eat and pay...that means I can order the most expensive thing on the menu and get away with it, right?" Zhou Mi rolls his eyes in mock exasperation and simply waves his hand. This is the closest thing to a yes she is going to get from him. With a barely contained laugh, she goes back to perusing the menu, searching eagerly for the highest priced meal to burn her friend's wallet with.

After an extravagant meal (which was just as delicious as Junmyeon had said it would be) and a small exchange of gossip, they head back out to Victoria's shop. Zhou Mi always lingers after lunch, always setting his photography appointments for a little after two pm just to have a little extra time to annoy Victoria.

"You should really come be my assistant." Victoria doesn't even bat an eyelash. She just continues to walk into her store and wipe imaginary dust off her window display. She's gone through this topic too many times with Zhou Mi.

"I mean, you're never gonna get anywhere with this pretty shop. And Junmyeon's going to leave me soon for some art school closer downtown. I'm going to need a new assistant and-"

"I always help you on slow days anyway so it's not like I would be new to it, I know," Victoria finishes not even hiding her irritation. Zhou Mi raises his hands in defense.

"Can't help it. We've been friends for forever and watching you sit here everyday with only a handful of customers to keep you going." Zhou Mi tsks and shakes his head. "It's sad. You could do so much better." Victoria nods. She understands Zhou Mi's concerns, best friends and all, but this is what she loves. Looking up and seeing the walls adorned with Kris's and Zhou Mi's faces in old film fills her with such warmth and she only wants to share it with others. Not to mention the quality of the pictures was truly one of a kind.

"How about you let me do my thing and you go attend that photography session with Junmyeon before he leaves? That way you won't miss him too much." Zhou Mi scoffs (I will NOT miss Junmyeon, please). "Also, I'm closing the shop early today so don't wait for me." 

"Oh? Plans with the hubby?" Zhou Mi's eyes gleam mischievously and Victoria laughs.

"Not really. More like a personal trip to an artwalk not too far from here. Except they're closing early today and I don't want to miss it." Zhou Mi nods and pats her on the head wishing her luck before strutting out the store. Victoria settles down and looks at the clock. Four pm sounds like a good time to close. She looks out the window and passes time by weaving stories for all the strangers, looking forward to the pieces of artwork to share with Yifan.


Life has other plans. Victoria does not count on traffic and life's other distractions getting in her way. To say Victoria is upset when she reaches the artwalk only to find it closed is an understatement. She can still see slabs of paintwork and sculptures through the glass windows.

I've come this far. Yifan has always said she's as stubborn as a mule and she isn't going to go home without telling him of the wondrous pieces waiting inside. She wanders around back after trying the front door and finding it locked. There has to be a way inside.

She jiggles the doorknob, already anticipating the door to be locked as well, only to find quite the opposite. The door creaks open and Victoria peers inside. The hallway is  devoid of people but overflowing with paintings and sculptures of varying sizes. Too distracted, absorbing all the imagery, she fails to notice the other person coming around the corner until it's too late. She catches herself using the wall but the man isn't as successful. All Victoria sees is raven hair and long, firm-looking limbs before her eyes catch sight of the camera laying by his side.

"I'm so sorry! Is your camera, ok?" The raven haired man scrambles for his camera, instantly pushing buttons to check its condition. He beams up at her shortly after, boyish smile bunching up his cheeks in such an adorable way it takes Victoria's breath away.

"Everything looks ok. But I'll have to take a few pictures just to be sure."

"Oh here, I can pose if you want, since we're not supposed to take pictures of the artwork."

"We're not supposed to be here, period." This made Victoria flush and it's then that the boy chooses to take the picture.

"Still works," the man whispers. He is much closer than before. Up close, she can see all the lines on his bowed lips; can feel the feline eyes boring into her. She can smell his intoxicating cologne - so different from Yifan's.


Just then, the echoing sound of footsteps makes them both jump.

"We really need to get these art pieces moving. The new showcase is tomorrow. We have no time to waste!"

Victoria turns and sees the same panicky expression on his face. Without hesitating, the man pulls her by her wrists into a room hidden by some sculpture twisted so that a slew of hearts form one large heart. The room is overflowing with beams and stacks of wood forcing them to cluster together.

The same heady scent fills her senses, leaving her dizzy. The dust in the air, fairy dust, adds to his ethereal glow. His toned arms are centimeters from her and her fingertips buzz with the need to touch feel.

"Careful! These are still important pieces of art! We can't afford any scratches or dents."

Victoria jumps again. She's suddenly much closer, his wide chest filling her vision, drowning in his scent. She feels the warm press of lips on her forehead and sighs. Every kiss left a slow burn in the pit of her stomach until he finally reaches . It was like a spark, setting everything inside her aflame. Before she knew it, her fingers were skimming warm skin, pulling at hair, discovering all the secret pleasure spots. There is no thinking, just feel, breathe, devour with their hands flying everywhere, groping, cupping, pulling closer. Victoria's intoxicated and she doesn't even know his name, she thinks desperately as her vision turns white, blinded from the florescent light, and her brain erases any further thoughts.


Yifan is packing the last of his things away when his old time friend and co-worker approaches him.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're already boss's favorite if you just stick around a little longer-"

"But I won't." His friend's usually bright face is nothing but sadness at the moment. Yifan would normally crumble at such an expression but today nothing could touch him. "This isn't my dream, Chanyeol. I've wasted enough time here. Now, I'm going to live the life I always wanted."

Chanyeol still looks like a kicked puppy but he backs off, letting Yifan slip past him. Away from the cubicles and never ending paperwork and stepping closer to his dreams of building worlds and fantasies on empty paper. He could not wait to get home and let Victoria know, She always encourages him in his writing, always celebrates with him whenever he wins a contest.

She'll be thrilled.


But she isn't. She's looking at anywhere but him and Yifan feels lost despite the ambient noise in the restaurant.She had always been so encouraging before and now...

"Is everything ok? I thought you would be happier..." Yifan's voice trails off. Victoria looks up, eyes wide in alarm.

"Of course I'm happy for you! You're finally doing what you love to do and you're wonderful at it!" Victoria smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. "It's not that. That - I-"

"What is it?" Yifan asks gently. Reaches out his hand to hold hers. I'm here. I'm listening. This just makes Victoria feel all the more filthy, disgusting. What she had done was...

"I went to the gallery...met someone..."

"Who? Did they do something to you? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No! No I'm not hurt-" but you will be. "We had snuck into the gallery and - we - well I. I did...it. I had with him. I wasn't thinking. It was hot, the sun was hot and I got dizzy and everything just happened-"

"Stop." Yifan's eyes are dark and brooding. Victoria would normally tease his 'fierce' expression but this time they aren't playing and she's fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I-"

"Stop. Just. Stop." Yifan lets go of her hand and stands. "I need to be alone a bit. Need to think," he chokes out before slipping out and into the bathroom. Victoria twists the napkin in her lap. She lets herself, for a minute, imagine a life without Yifan. A life without her own personal large teddy bear to cuddle, where she has no one to kiss good morning, no one to envelop her in hugs every day after work. It isn't until Yifan comes back, still with that same dark, unreadable expression, that she realizes she is crying. He hands her a tissue, hands still warm but, now, so stiff.

"Forget about it." His voice is soft but Victoria could still hear him, "Let's just pretend it never happened. Never bring it up again."


"Don't." But I cheated. "Let's go home. It's getting late and I still want you to meet my friend from when I went to university in China. He's going to help me write my first draft." Victoria stands. Pretends like he wants. I can't lose him. I'll make it up to him.

"Zitao, right?"

"Yes, that's him. I'm sure you two will get along great." Their small talk continues on as they walk to the car and into the dark of the streets with unsteady hearts.


When they arrive home, it's to find a tall man waiting at their doorstep. The shadows of the night hid most of his face, but Yifan could recognize him.

"Ah, that's the guy I was telling you about. Zitao!" The light is restored in Yifan's eyes and he eagerly parks their car to greet his old friend. Victoria stays in the car, mind still racing from all that had occurred today. Yifan is waving towards the car. Zitao starts making his way over to the car and-

It's him. The man from the gallery. Never has she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole more than in this moment. A tapping noise has her looking up and into a familiar face. Startled eyes look back at her. Yifan appears out of nowhere, unaware of the tension in the air.

"This is my wife. Isn't she beautiful?"

"Yes," Zitao answers breathlessly. Victoria flushes and ducks her head as she exits the car. Yifan continues on chattering as if nothing was wrong. Because nothing is wrong. 

Forget about it. She reiterates it in her head. But there is Zitao and the memories of the gallery are clawing at her. Forget about it.


Except, she can't. Not with the reminder walking around her house. Not with Zitao laughing at Yifan's lame jokes and graciously accepting the things Yifan gives him 'to help him be more comfortable during his stay here'. It all sends her head spinning.

Come bed time, she's still laying in bed. The ugly truth is itching to come out.

"Yifan?" she asks hesitantly as Yifan settles into bed. He hums in reply.

"About-" A deep breath. "About what I said - before - at the restaurant, the guy-"

"I told you never to bring it up," he interrupts, turning his back to her in the process.

"But Yifan-" that's him. Your friend is the guy.

"I don't want to hear or talk about it anymore." Victoria wants to shake him, demand he be angry with her, something.

"Yifan! Can you come help me with this?" Zitao's voice carries into their room. Yifan jumps out of bed, telling Zitao he's coming, he's coming. Victoria sighs. She's lost the only opportunity. But if it makes him happy... With these conflicting thoughts, Victoria falls into an uneasy sleep. 


The next couple of days pass in a blur of colors and apprehension. With Zitao around, their home feels more complete, almost like a jigsaw puzzle they had never realized was missing. And it worries Victoria.

Victoria wakes up, bed empty but warm. She leisurely walks into the kitchen a broad, tall back greeting her. Without hesitation, she throws her arms around him in a back hug.

"Good morning~"

"Good morning," a husky voice that's definitely not Yifan replies. Victoria jolts back in shock. The same broad back but now she sees the shoulders aren't as wide.

"I thought you were..."

"Yifan?" Zitao smirks.

"You're wearing the same pajamas that he usually wears so I thought..."

"I ran out of pjs so he lent me his while mine are washing. Anyways, sit. Breakfast is almost ready." Victoria shuffles back out the kitchen, wondering why her heart is thudding so hard in her chest.

"Good morning! I smell something delicious," Yifan's voice calls out from the entryway. Victoria goes up to him and kisses him good morning - ignoring her irregular heartbeat.

"Zitao cooked us breakfast. Let's go see if it tastes as good as it smells," Victoria jokes. They settle down around the dining table. The food turns out to be extremely delicious.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Yifan asks once they're all done eating. Zitao just smirks. Victoria starts clearing up the table when Yifan grabs on to her wrist, holding her in place. "I just want to let you know before you leave for work that I'll be working with Zitao all today and hopefully we can get started on that first draft."

"Oh, OK. Good luck you two. Especially you, Fan," she whispers encouragingly before kissing his forehead.

"Here, let me help you with the dishes," Zitao says, carrying the remaining dirty dishes and following Victoria into the kitchen. He stands behind her as he places the dishes into the sink.

"What are you doing?" she hisses. "What are you doing? What if Yifan walks in right now? What if-"

"What if the reason your heart is beating so fast right now is because you like me?" Victoria gasps. She doesn't have to turn around to know that Zitao is smiling. "It's ok, you know. I like Yifan and would never want to hurt him."


"But I also like you. It is possible to like more than one person." What? Victoria turns around in confusion but Zitao is already walking back towards the living room. She really needs to find someone to help her make sense of the mess that is her feelings. 


"You did what?!" 

"Keep it down, will you?" Victoria slaps Zhou Mi's thigh lightly. They are in public after all.

"I'm sorry. But you??? So what did you do after the whole gallery thing?"

"I told Yifan the truth." 

"Why would you?! What did he say? Are you stupid? Is your relationship alright, now you've told him you cheated on him?" Zhou Mi lets out a noise of disbelief.

"Zhou Mi, slow down. After I told him, he - he told me to forget. To pretend it never happened."

"Which would be fine, of course, if you weren't living with the guy."

"Exactly! And now, I just - whenever he's around, my heart picks up and I enjoy his company. He's sweet and-" It is possible to like more than one person. But can you love more than one person the same way? 

"Zhou Mi, do you think - is it possible? Can someone like two people at the same time?" Zhou Mi studies her for a long time before answering.

"I think that Zitao is this new, exciting thing for you. I mean, you've known Yifan your whole life so maybe it's just the thrill of the unknown."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right." Maybe. After the heavy conversation, Zhou Mi walks Victoria back to her work place, both too lost in thought to talk much. 


Victoria hopes that after having tasted the "forbidden fruit" (as Zhou Mi likes to call him) her feelings will just  go away. Except they don't. The feelings take hold, growing and manifesting into something much stronger than before. She could feel it festering especially in moments like these. Victoria needs to go grocery shopping but Yifan is too busy to accompany her. She's surprised to see Zitao at the market looking for her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Keeping you company, of course. The market here is waaay bigger than the ones back home."

"That's where you and Yifan met, right?" Since he was already here, Victoria figures she might as well learn more about him.

"Yes. In university. We would both compete for the creative writing slot in our school's page. I always won," Tao replies and Victoria laughs.

"You two must have been quite a pair of rivals."

"No," Zitao chuckles. "We actually got along pretty well. Got even closer because of it, really." There is something in Zitao's voice that implies more, but she decides to ignore it. "He was the one who encouraged me the most when I told him about my blog project."

"The one that got you famous?" Zitao nods. "Why don't you write a story?"

"I’ve always liked keeping things short and sweet." After a moment of comfortable silence, Zitao starts asking the questions. As they move into the fruit section, he asks how Yifan and Victoria met. 

"The better question is when were we not together? We grew up in the back streets of China. When things got bad at home and I didn't think there was anyone to protect my mother and I from my father, he would show up."

"Like a knight in shining armor." 

"Yeah, something like that," she smiles.

"How do you know if that's love then?"

"What?" Victoria lines up at the cashier and looks up at him in confusion.

"If you've known him your whole life, how do you know that what you're feeling is really love?" Victoria slowly blinks.

"I just know. He's something safe and warm and constant and I can't imagine a life without him in it." 

Zitao just hums before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Victoria feels her insides warm up and she does nothing to shrug him off. Instead, she tucks herself a little closer to his side. Unknown to them both, a pair of eyes are watching them, filled with hurt.


The confrontation happens days later. Days after Zitao and Victoria get closer, days after Yifan finishes his first draft.

Victoria had left to attend to her store and Yifan walks into the the living room to find Zitao updating his blog.

“Zitao, I need to talk to you.” Zitao looks up and closes his laptop to give him his full attention.

“What’s up?”

“I’ve noticed...” Yifan takes a deep breath. “You’ve always been really bold.” Yifan smiles bitterly.

“I’m not sorry, just so you know.” Zitao is also never one to beat around the bush.

“That’s my wife, you ,” Yifan yells before punching him. Zitao lets him. He lets him yell and hit him until all the fury starts to wane, because he doesn’t. He doesn’t regret falling in love. He doesn’t regret loving Victoria.

“She’s my wife. I love her.”

“You once told me the same thing. I love you.” Yifan sighs heavily and Zitao scoffs. “Please, you can’t deny we had a spark back in university.”

“That was then, Zitao! She’s my wife and-”

“And what? Marriages don’t have to be confined to two people. A family doesn’t have to consist of just a mom and dad. You might meet people who you will love you like family even if they aren’t your family. You can love more than one person, at the same time, and still be happy.”

“Zitao, that was years ago. This is now.”

“It still is now. You just don’t want it to admit it.”


“What’s going on?” Yifan pulls his hand back to his side and Zitao gets up from the floor. They both look guiltily at Victoria. “Zitao, what happened to your face? Yifan, what’s going on?”


“He feels lost and unsure about your marriage. He doesn’t know what’s the right thing to do anymore,” Tao explains and Yifan turns angrily to the side, cheeks aflame with guilt and shame.

“Yifan,” Victoria begins softly. “Yifan, of course I love you. I will always have and I always will.” And she looks at Zitao next.

“It’s not that. It’s just that my heart got bigger - so big it could fit you both. I can’t - you can’t ask me to choose between you two. I love you both. You both make me so happy.” Victoria pauses, dabbing at her eyes because this is the first time she’s said it out loud. I love you both.

“I can’t ask you both to feel the same. I understand that. But I won’t, can’t, choose.” With that, Victoria quietly walks back to her room. Yifan stays silent. Zitao, for once, is at a loss for words. Both men stay buried under the blanket of silence for a long while.



Yifan’s book gets published. It grows popular for his last few lines.

The you who is inside my fairytale
This lonely island doesn’t have you anymore.

Victoria childishly asks for Yifan’s signature. 

“Who knows. A few years down the road and you might become the next J.K. Rowling,” she justifies her request and Yifan laughs. 

Zitao had asked, (before he left for Qingdao), what was up with the ending of the book.

“But it’s not an ending. You were the one who taught me that there never really is an ending. Just a to be continued.”

“Waaaah this is why you were always my favorite pupil. So how does the rest of the story go?”

“When you come back, I’ll tell you the rest,” Kris smiles mysteriously. 

Victoria watches the two men, her eyes soft. With Yifan alone, she’d felt complete, but with Zitao in their lives they are truly whole. She can’t wait for them to be back together again. To be happy.

I flipped to the last bit about you
Although there will be a little regret
Let the sorrow disintegrate
And use the language of hope to fix and replace
Let time fast forward
There is still another half to our story
At some turn,
fate is still waiting, and there definitely will be beautiful plans ahead

A/N: This fic is based off the movie Kitchen. It’s a lovely movie I recommend it to everyone \o/ huge huge huge hugs and kisses to annem for beta-ing and cheering me throughout the last stretch. And to my cat bear for being the precious thing that she is I pray for the day you get some actual sleep.

P.S. Zhoumi and Junmyeon are so a thing /kicks self cuz they're not even important in this fic


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Why is it marked as "complete" when there is no chapter? :/