The Initiation of Autocorrect... [SUJU]

Chat With Me!


Ryeowook- RYEO_1284

Sungmin- MIN_1847

Heechul- LadyHeeHee

Siwon- nowis-iohc



RYEO_1284 has just signed in

MIN_1847 has just signed in


RYEO_1284: Hi hyung, could you do me a favour?


MIN_1847: Yeah?


RYEO_1284: Could you take the siwon out of the freezer and rub a little salt into it? I'll prepare the rest later when I get back~


MIN_1847: Are you feeling okay Ryeowook?


RYEO_1284: Uh… yeah?


MIN_1847: But then… why did you put Siwon into the freezer?!


RYEO_1284: What do you mean I put Siwon into the freezer? Are YOU feeling okay hyung?


MIN_1847: Ryeowook, please scroll up and read what you told me to do...


RYEO_1284: …okay?







LadyHeeHee has just signed in



LadyHeeHee: Ahh my followers are already faithfully waiting for me online!


LadyHeeHee: But why do your usernames sound like barcodes? That's so not… now




LadyHeeHee: Salmon??




LadyHeeHee: What salmon? I see no salmon!!


MIN_1847: Really now Wookie? >:]


RYEO_1284: Hyung. Do you really think I have the strength and mentality to put Choi Siwon into the freezer?


MIN_1847: Haha that's why I was asking if you felt alright :P




LadyHeeHee: As much as I dislike that horse and his religious ways… he's still a member of our group is he not?


LadyHeeHee: How could you just casually stick him in the fridge??


RYEO_1284: Yeah Min, like I would just go up to Siwon and say, "Oh hyung, would you so kind as to pop into the fridge for a bit so I can cook you for dinner?"


RYEO_1284: Can you imagine what that would be like?


RYEO_1284: I mean what would he say if he heard about this!


MIN_1847: He'll say that's cannibalism.


LadyHeeHee: What the muddafudging hell is going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RYEO_1284: No seriously.


MIN_1847: But it is!


LadyHeeHee: …why do I get this feeling that I'm being ignored?


MIN_1847: And plus he'll probably tell you that it is the worst sin a human could ever commit and that The Lord will reprimand you for your actions.


LadyHeeHee: Oi. Followers. I don't like being kicked out of the limelight you know.


MIN_1847: Maybe even go as far as to unleashing the Shibrows for a bit.


LadyHeeHee: ...


RYEO_1284: XD


LadyHeeHee: Fine then. See if I care. Hmph.


MIN_1847: XD


LadyHeeHee: Okay I do care. TALK TO ME!!



LadyHeeHee has just stalked offline haughtily



RYEO_1284: Oh was Heechul-shii online? Why didn't he say anything?


MIN_1847: Really? That's so uncharacteristic of him though :/


RYEO_1284: Ah well


RYEO_1284: ...


MIN_1847: ...


RYEO_1284: So can you go salt it now?


MIN_1847: Oh right~


MIN_1847: I'd be honoured to salt the salmon aka siwon :P


RYEO_1284: And don't you dare mention this to anyone else okay? Autocorrect can wreck more havoc than two thousand Heechuls.


MIN_1847: Hmm... Now that I think about it, this could be an interesting conversation to send to the members...


RYEO_1284: !!!


RYEO_1284: Don't you dare!


MIN_1847: Oh Wookie...


MIN_1847: Even if Kyu is rubbing off on me, I wouldn't do that to you! :))


RYEO_1284: Oh.



nowis-iohc has just signed in



nowis-iohc: Sup guys!


MIN_1847: Who the heck is this? Why has a fan infiltrated our chat system?!


RYEO_1284: I highly suggest you try reading it backwards


RYEO_1284: Been taking a few lessons from Kibum I see… XD


nowis-iohc: You'll be surprised at the amount of fans who didn't recognise me on Twitter!


nowis-iohc: And it appears that even one of my own members fails to recognise me…


MIN_1847: Oh, right, hey Wonnie!! You have no idea what we've been talking about!^3^


RYEO_1284: Lee Sungmin… >:/


nowis-iohc: Oh?


MIN_1847: Nothing much really… just some temperature issues in the kitchen *cough*


nowis-iohc: Ah speaking of temperatures…


nowis-iohc: It's extremely cold in here right now


MIN_1847: o_O


nowis-iohc: …what?


MIN_1847: Wookie… you didn't really did you?


RYEO_1284: Pretty sure… unless…


RYEO_1284: Siwon-shii?


nowis-iohc: Mhm?


RYEO_1284: Why did you stick yourself into the freezer?


nowis-iohc: ?!?!?!?!


nowis-iohc: Why on earth would I do that? O_O


nowis-iohc: I'm in the waiting room and it's freezing~


RYEO_1284: …ah


MIN_1847: …right.


MIN_1847: Mmkay better go salt the fish (aka siwon) now!


RYEO_1284: Stop saying aka siwon... >.<"


MIN_1847: Bye! :P



MIN_1847 is now offline to salt siwon the salmon



nowis-iohc: Ryeowook… is there something I don't know?


RYEO_1284: What? No! Of course not!


nowis-iohc: Then what's this about a salmon nicknamed Siwon??


RYEO_1284: You see, Sungmin thought the salted salmon was salted siwon because I accidentally typed siwon instead of salmon and it was really salmon but Sungmin thought it was a siwon he had to salt see?


nowis-iohc: …


RYEO_1284: Uhh yeah so nothing to be worried about! ^^"


nowis-iohc: ...


RYEO_1284: Oh I'm sure you need to be on your way now so I won't disturb you bye!


nowis-iohc: Wait-


RYEO_1284 is now escaping offline


nowis-iohc: -did you just say A Siwon?!?! Are you implying there are many Siwons roaming the streets?!


nowis-iohc: How many types of Siwon do you think there are in the world?!?!


nowis-iohc: Wookie… I love you very much but that was just plain rude. I'll talk to you when I get back... >:/


Oh Siwon, don’t you see? It was a typo! Poor Ryeowook… he should learn to double-check before sending…


As you may or may not have noticed… I've decided add a new (not really) idea into this story! Introducing… autocorrect!! *bounce*

(I've also decided to bold the usernames to make things a little easier/less confusing)

In case you can't be stuffed to read the *new&improved* foreword again… I've added the new bit here for your convenience :))


"And if that wasn't enough…


When the idols use iPhones to chat- the consequences of autocorrect were obviously not the first thing on their minds.

What misunderstandings might occur?

What disasters might follow?


Death by... Autocorrect?


It's possible."


So what do you guys think? Should I keep with the autocorrect idea and make it a regular thing or should I scrap it and just stick to my original concept?


. c o m m e n t s  a r e  l o v e d .


ALSDFJKLASDJF Yes I know I've been MIA for like… what? A few months? Blame it on a hectic term… ;)


Personally, I didn't find this chapter as funny as my previous ones (yes I re-read my own chapters again and again and laugh at the funny bits… is that lame? XD) so I was going to do a double update but then I haven't finished the next one yet so...


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I'm sorry to all my wonderful subbies... lately I have another case of WRITER'S BLOCK!! @#$%^&*(! yes... I will try my best to update soon!!


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 15: OMG thisis hilarious?? I think I might start reading more Big Bang fanfics now XD (well I have never read a big bang fanfic ...)
Update when you're ready authornim!!
You like comments? I like comments too haha ... Well you're in luck I also happen to love commenting wayyy too much *giggles* honestly I'm so hyper online
Like certain kpop idols on sugar rush~~~ *wiggles eyebrows*
Thisis hilarious!! All the usernames are really funny too!! And then dbsk dancing and singing mirotic in a water fountain outside a resturant ... O.o
This is so funny omg I literally couldn't breathe giggling (its a TORTURE trying not tto laugh reading this because my phone is supposed to be banned and my paremts are right outside)
Lol I'm rambling sowee ...
Anyways, this is so good!! Keep it up authornim, and good luck with your updates!! Hwaiting~~
Chapter 14: i have way too much fun reading these kinds of fics
Mirriechanbaekkie #3
Chapter 14: /squeals
This is so cute!!!!!! Kyaaaaah!! >_<
Chapter 15: waa so funny! I'm laughing like hell right now!!! please update soon btw
lovesj #5
Chapter 11: omg!! My stomach is aching at laughing at this!! This is so awesome chapter!! *reading the next chapter excitedly* oh by the way.... I MISS YOU LIKE HELL!!!
Chapter 8: ONEW~~~~~~~~~!!!!! I praise the chicken!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: APPA CHEAT!!!!
Omo... RLAB!!!
Chapter 15: Oh god! LOOOOOOL More Big Bang!! :DD
Chapter 15: LMAOXD what the hell did I just read? XD this is too funnyXD update soon! I'll give you fried rice? ^^