




Krystal looked herself in the mirror one last time after spending the rest of her favorite lipstick writing that message; smiling disgusted at her reflection while the bathtub was filling. She sat on it without taking her clothes or bothering to turn off the tap when the water overflowed, lifting the sleeves of her blouse cutting the same places and taking several pills she found. Her lifeless body sank into the tub, blame of all those who persecuted and humiliated her for years because an error, blame that’ll chase them until their last breath.

"That you all burn in hell"

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WAAAHHHH you only have one fic! write more please♡♥︎♡
Oh Jesus, the feels in the Drabble wow. Just wow. I wanna read more of your writing now! Like, OMo this is, just...♡[excuse me while I go and read your other fanfics]