Dream Big

It's All Coming Out

AN: Some things are a bit bent to go with the plot, this isn't a canon B.A.P fanfic so don't expect things to be identical to real life. But it's close!

Choi Junhong had always had very few dreams growing up. When he was 7 everyone wanted to be an astronaut or fireman. He didn't know what he wanted to be; he just liked to play with the frogs that lived at the creek by his house. He would touch them and watch them jump away, sometimes they'd look at him. Some kids found them scary, he thought they were cute. He put one in Kim Junsu's skirt pocket at school and he got in a lot of trouble so he stopped doing that. That was also probably the day he decided he didn't like girls, as she screamed in the most shrill, annoying voice possible that he was so 'GROSS' and he needed to 'GROW UP'.

He hated shrill high voices, he liked the deep, comforting rumbling voice of his dad, who told him it was fine to take his time with his dreams because his dream were probably so big they were still forming in his head. He loved his dad, and his dad sometimes came and looked at the frogs in the creek with him, when he wasn't feeling too sick. His dad would sit on the big rock by the water, sometimes putting his feet in if it was warm, and Junhong would bring him specimen's from the water for them to look at together. His father was often quiet, but when he spoke his deep voice would rumble all over Junhong leaving him wrapped up in it's warmth and depth. It made him want to put his head against his father's chest and leave it there and just have his dad talk to him forever. 

When he was around 9, he developed a small interest in soccer and decided becoming a soccer player was as good a dream as any. He loved to kick the ball around without a thought in his mind except to get it to the goal. He loved to run fast. He loved to go fast in general. He also fell in love with listening to Hip Hop and Rap music, trying to emulate the lyrics as best as he could even though he didn't know any English. There was nothing funner than having words slip quickly off of his tongue to a beat, it gave him a thrill he couldn't stand. There was nothing like this sort of music in Korea, he wanted there to be, 

When he was 12 he realized his dream. His older brother shared his love for rap music and was going to see an underground rap group, called Soul Connection. After an hour of begging to go he had gotten to sneak out of the house and tag along. 

He realized his dream while standing in a dark and crowded room with a strange smoky smell, surrounded by screaming, sweaty people. The pushed him around, he was a small 12 year old (would he ever grow, he wondered). But he could hardly hear them; the only sound he heard was coming from the small stage in the center of the room. A deep, rich, rumbling voice spat lyrics so sick his stomach hurt, lyrics that gripped his insides and pulled them out, lyrics that crawled into his soul and sat there forever. He locked eyes with the man singing, his intense stare made Junhong feel hot and cold inside. He probably was about 18. It was in that moment Choi Junhong realized what passion was, what raw, deep, true, emotion was. It was in that same moment he realized what love was, because he felt it in his bursting, pounding 12 year heart, without even knowing what the feeling meant. He found his new and true idol, standing on that stage, spitting those words like hot fire. Bang Yongguk. That was his name. And that became his dream. 

After the show he had to meet this person who had put goosebumps all over his skin. "Ey, don't be stupid, we gotta get home before mom wakes up." his brother scowled at him. "I knew I shouldn't have brought you here."

Junhong was insistent, even though there was a crowd of people around the man Yongguk, he had to meet him, now. He pushed through the crowd, trying to make his way to the center. He pushed till he bounced right into the chest of the person he had been pushing towards, and he jerked back suddenly with embarrassment. "What's this?" Yongguk glanced down at the boy that was trembling and staring up at him. "You're a little young to be here, hm?" 

Junhong wondered to himself if he had ever known any words before now? He couldn't think of any, none came to mind. He was totally silent, shaking and staring at the deep voiced god in front of him. He wanted to thank him for...he didn't know what. For opening up his soul? For giving him a dream? He wasn't even sure of that dream, but he felt it so much it hurt him with happiness. But no words came to his lips. "Hey, are you ok kid?" Yongguk asked, bending down to make eye contact with the boy. "What's your name?" 

"Mh...Junhong..." he piped, clearing his throat. Yongguk smiled, and Junhong's shoulder felt warm from where he touched it. He knew he was blushing but he didn't know why. He couldn't look away from Yongguk though, his eyes and that massive grin. It made him feel so happy. 

"Did you like the show, Junhong?" Yongguk asked softly.
Junhong nodded. He was aware of the amount of people around him waiting to talk to Yongguk, he was so popular, obviously because he was so talented. He was aware that Yongguk was giving him all the time despite the people waiting. He had to be the kindest person in the world, to give so much attention to a kid who could barely speak up. He had always been shy, but right now he wished he was more vocal. 

Yongguk was staring at him and he stared back, as people jostled him in efforts to get Yongguk's attention. "Please, sign something for me." he whispered finally, words coming to him. 
"Of course. "Yongguk said, his huge grin brightening. Junhong didn't have anything on him but the mask around his neck he'd been wearing during the show to protect from people around him smoking. It was a plastic purple mask with a duck face on it, and he was so embarrassed to offer it but it was better than nothing. Yongguk took it and wrote his name in big letters. 'Dream big, Junhong'. He added. "I couldn't see you because I'm so short but I heard you and it was awesome." Junhong burst out suddenly as Yongguk handed him the mask and he clutched it in trembling hands. "Don't worry, you're going to grow big and strong." Yongguk said, placing a reassuring hand on his head. "Come see me again, ok?" 

Junhong didn't say anything more, as he was pushed to the back of the crowd. He didn't say anything on the ride home. He didn't say anything when he got home. His heart was filled with shapeless emotions so big and full they ached inside him and he wanted to scream them out.
He placed the mask on his desk and sat, breathing in and out deeply. He stared at it and he smiled. That night he began writing. That night be began rapping. That night, he became Zelo, and he realized his dreams. He had to see Yongguk again, he had to. In his 12 year old heart he didn't need a bigger dream than that. 

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I'm so excited I got the perfect gif for chapter 4


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Terissaren15 #1
Dataslash #2
Chapter 23: I've been nonstop Reading I've already catched up with all the chapters and I need more please
Update soon :)
Chapter 23: You can't leave us hanging here~~~~ T.T
Chapter 23: God this is AMAZING!!! I shipped banglo a lot!
Big thx for u athour-nim for thos amazing fic~
Thx for writting~
I'll wait ur next update :)) ♡
Chapter 23: Im afraid banglo get caught up by fans and they have to break up..
oh hell nooo..
Chapter 22: an update!!! \(^0^) / ♥♥♥
Chapter 22: you left me in misery for so long author-nim
I always waiting for your update
but finally banglo solve the problem
but the question is, will it be last long?
Im afraid Himchan ruin everything