
Fire in the Rain

The door was pushed open, and sunlight crept into the dark room, glistening at the certificates and pennants that were aligned on the bedroom wall. Mrs Sung smiled. 

"Jiyeonie, it's time to get up. Breakfast is ready," Mrs Sung softly cooed. A soft good morning was heard and Mrs Sung turned for the other room. She frowned at the sight as she opened the door. A pair of track shoes was lying on the floor messily.

"Wake up," she sharply inhaled, and with that she headed down the stairs.



Jiyeon had already left the house ten minutes ago when Jieun rushed down the stairs hurriedly, nearly tripping the last few steps. She mumbled a few incoherent syllables which sounded like 'morning' and seized the last piece of sandwich from the plate, stuffing it into . She slipped on her shoes and reached for the door, but halted to a stop when she realized she had one important belonging missing. She then sprinted upstairs and grabbed her track shoes before hurling down the stairs again and ran out of the house, shouting a goodbye without looking back. She had her hair tangled up and her uniform not tucked when she left house.

The door was slammed closed and her mother took the empty plate from the dining table, shaking her head and muttering how her daughter was such a disgrace, her father lifted his gaze from the newspapers, sighing in reply. This was how the Sungs started their morning.



Myungsoo cursed for the umpteenth time. He couldn't believe that he was shipped back to Korea, and stuck in the backseat of his father's Porsche,  being unwillingly delivered to some custom old-fashioned high schools. Although he is a native Korean, Myungsoo hated the idea of being trapped in the dense and populated city of Seoul. He had been enjoying his carefree and relaxing school life in Australia, when his father unexpectedly sent him a one way ticket destined to his hometown, Seoul, Korea. Immediately, Myungsoo had known that his mundane and uninteresting life would return. He sighed, leaning back into the backseat and looked out of the window to see the dull streets of the city.

Then, something sharp caught his eye. A girl wearing familiar yet messy uniform was darting through the streets, throwing rushed apologies to anyone she had bumped into. Myungsoo cringed at the clumsy sight, but couldn't wipe off his smile from the moment he realized that the girl was enjoying the run, a grin unconsciously plastered on her face. Anyone who was in a hurry would look tense and nervous, however, Myungsoo could almost feel that she was having a thrilling adventure instead. His negative thoughts were swiftly lifted and he was more than glad to have this running figure as his schoolmate. Because this girl was definitely interesting.



Jieun scampered to the finish line and flashed her student card at the school gates. She smiled in triumph as she made it again on time. In fact, she was too busy celebrating her victory that she didn't notice a black car stopping at the entrance of her school until a group of hyper boys crashed into her and ran towards the car to welcome their long lost friend. Jieun peeked with curiosity to see who they were greeting with such overwhelming excitement. Yet, to her dismay, the person was engulfed into suffocating bear hugs and loud welcoming. She couldn't help but just chuckled at the childishness of the boys, and walked into the campus.



Myungsoo groaned as his overpassionate friends trapped him in their deadly embrace. Sunggyu pinched his skin over and over again, adoring his tanned and toned body. Woohyun complained how he had outgrown, making Woohyun difficult to catch up with his height. Hoya ruffled his frizzly hair and told him how his hair remained the same before he left for Australia. Dongwoo slapped his back excitedly, and gripped his buttocks for the familiar softness. Sungyeol clung his arm tightly to Myungsoo's, sobbing out how much he missed his dorky bestfriend. Sungjong hugged him around his waist, like the way he clutched his teddy bear in sleep. With every inch of his body exposed to the radiating heat of skinship, Myungsoo fought the urge to punch them, repeatingly reminding himself that they were his friends.

"Hey guys, I just came back and I won't be going anywhere, so you can, um, let go of me," Myungsoo croaked weakly.

Six pair of hands dropped to their sides immediately.

"It's just great to have you back."

Myungsoo gave a lopsided smile.

And he was once again crushed into the chests of six grinning boys.



Hi, so I am finally back! It's been a long time ever since I updated this story. I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting:/ I will try to update more frequently and soon, but i'm making a really slow progress on the plot. Anyway, thanks for all of your patience, I promise to complete this story, but without dealine:) Hope you enjoy this short update and please continue to support this story and comment below~

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 1: Its sounds good!!!
I already got hooked with this story!!
I want to know moreeeeeeee~
Would you update, please?*puppy eyes*
juveriya #2
Chapter 1: beautiful story line plz update fast.....plz...authornim....