Part 2

I'm a NERD, but he loves me...




 I super duper love this song~

Anyway...back to the story....




(Your wedding dress)


The church was filled with excitement. There are lots of  people who attended the wedding. It was said that the wedding will be simple but things just turn to be opposite. Families, relatives, close friends and even reporters are present.




This is said to be the wedding of the year----very glamorous.



Your POV


I was accompanied by my Mom and Dad to go the church. I am really nervous. A few more minutes then my life will change. Well who knows what will happen after this? Will we still continue to be happy as we are right now?.. It's not that I'm doubting...just thinking of the different possibilities.


"Nervous?" My dad asked.

"Very much~" I simply said.

"After this, you will not be my baby anymore~"

"Appa~ I'm not a baby! But I'll always be your daughter." I smiled.

"Arasso. Arasso. I just wish you all the happiness. You have gone through a lot, I couldn't ask for more. I just want you to be happy." My dad said seriously.

"Komawo Appa~ You've always been the best dad in the world." I said with teary eyes.

"Okay.Okay. We're finally here. Enough with the drama. This is not the right time to cry. Your make-up will be ruined and I don't want your face to be a mess during this day." My Mom -in.


I chuckled. She's always been this kind of Mom. Very bubbly and she's the only one who understands me very well. She might be annoying sometimes but she's simly one of a kind.


It's only a few months had passed since I came back and now... I have to leave their side once again.




The ceremony started and I can clearly see Taemin at the altar while I'm still at the door, waiting for my turn to walk on the aisle. I can see that just like me, he's nervous as well.


This is it.


I was accompanied by my Mom and Dad to walk in the aisle. Everyone was staring at me with a smile on their faces. And the person that has a huge smile on his face was Taemin. He was patiently waiting at the altar.



And when we finally reached the altar, it's now the time to give my hand to him. This isn't the end but it's just the start.


"Take care of her arasso?" My dad said.

"Neh~ I'll definitely will." Taemin confidently said.



"Taemin, will you take _____ to be your lawfully wedded wife for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part?" the priest asked.

"I do" He said.

"____-sshi will you take Taemin to be your lawfully wedded husband for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part?" the priest said

"I do".




Today I pledge to you what has already been yours for so long -- my eternal love.
As we have always done, I promise to walk hand-in-hand with you through life's journeys.
No matter what lies in our path, it will be our path, together.


(SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP~ Let's proceed to the latter part. hahaha )


"I announce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.


When Taemin kissed me, everyone applauded and my heart is applauding as well from happiness. This is such a memorable day for me. A day where I chose to live and be with the man I love. I couldn't believe it. I was just once a nerd. But it seems like my life is like a fairytale where I was able to find my prince.


Right after, the ceremony, everyone gathered to take picture with us. Then after that, we all went to the reception and have fun. We were all able to cherish this day.


This is the best and happiest day that I've ever had. And this will also be the day where the real journey shall begin.......


YEHEY~ Finally done with the wedding~~~:))))

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taebae0718 #1
Chapter 100: Wow literally i was sad that is ended ..such a beautiful story ireally cried in some chapter bc it was so sad...ilove your storyand taemin...difinitly would read it again
Chapter 1: What a good story this is ^^ totally love it gurl
Mitchies234 #3
Chapter 4: Plot line wasn't bad but the writing was done in very simple sentences, which kinda ruined it for me:(
Chapter 100: Awww was beautiful story!!!!♥
yunnielotus17 #5
Chapter 93: Seriously , who care about the "a" .. Well , I just care about the story ..andddddd your story is awesome .. I love it .. ^_^ <3 <3
ichrak #6
Chapter 99: waaw happy ending loool reaally like iit good joob it s already 5:14 am sooo niight hhhh annyywayy thaank u for thiis ff <3
skydream #7
i think the trailer song is called - love sick by 4men
i can't wait to read this story, i love the plot.
Victoriaxox #8
Can I ask what is the song in the trailer?
Chapter 100: GOSH I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH<3 somehow I proud of myself for reading this story in just a day Lol. AUTHOR-NIM, WHOEVER YOU ARE, I THINK YOU REALLY HAVE AN AMAZING BRAIN(?) It's really good, even though I think there are few typos here and there, but it doesn't matter hehe.
I really enjoy your story~ I thought it would be a mainstream story with an arranged marriage and a bet, but you made it unique and I love it<3
Keep writing author-nim^^
alwaysdreamygirl #10
This story is okay. Not boring at all. But to cheesy . Hahahahha