
A Living Gift

"What! Its ing Monday??" I got up and walked lazily to the toilet. JR continued swearing through his bath. It was 9 in the morning and the test will start at 10. His parents must be having breakfast downstairs. JR walked through the stairs quickly. 


"Hey Dad, Mom. Whats for breakfast?". Without waiting for an answer, he grab a sandwhich and probably ran to his car outside. "Aren't you gonna have breakfast first. You've got a test today right?", asked Ms.Dawson who followed his son at the doorway. Jeremy will always wake up late in the morning. Even if its a holiday.

"No, if not I'm sure gonna run late to college. Bye!", said JR before closing his car door. Gates open. After a quick drive and a run to class, he finally was in time for the test. His eyes was scanning the class for an empty seat. He was glad when he found a seat his friends had saved for him.

"Thanks Kai.", he said while wiping his sweat with the back of his hands. "Did you just run for a marathon or this is just your natural beauty of sweat?", Kai laughed about JR's sweat. JR used to sweat really bad if he starts sweating (off course :p).

JR realized his seat was behind Seira. His CRUSH! OHMYGOD!! Why the did I sit here? Her hair is pretty from the back, he said to himself. JR remembered the first time he met her. He accidently bumped into her in an alley. Seira actually freaked out cause she thought he was a or whatever. Before she starts crying, he quickly calmed her down.

"Jeremy Dawson! How dare you daydream in my class.", said the teacher with her hands on her hips. Why didn't anyone warned me about her? The teacher walked away and JR saw Seira giggled. Maybe because of him. I MADE HER GIGGLE! Nice job, JR. Your skills have really been a great help.

"Jeremy. Do you want me to call your name for the third time?". . Better get started with the test.


I saw him walking in class. With his undone hair and his sweater, to others make look like he was lazy but to me. . . PURE PERFECTION. I had a crush on him since high school. Well thats when I moved in to this town. Before living here, I lived at Myeong-dong with my grandmother. After she died, I moved here and lived with my foster aunt. Basically she is just a friend off grandma. 

Is JR walking towards me? What the hell happened with the world? He then suddenly sits at the empty seat behind me. GODAMNIT. I was practically sweating of joy and maybe nervous. Did my hair look good? Did I smell weird? He talked with his friends a few seconds. Oh his voice. Did he talk or was singing just now. I don't know but I love his voice. 

"Jeremy Dawson! How dare you daydream in my class.", the teacher who was in charged with out test walked to JR's seat. Didn't he know about the test. Maybe he was daydreaming. Maybe it was about ME!! Haha, nonsense Seira. He won't even dare to look at me. 

Suddenly Seira giggled. Why the did I laughed? Stupid.

"Jeremy. Do you want me to call your name for the third time?", glad it wasn't me. Better be quiet Seira. Focus now.

30 minutes later...

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Nana, my buddy since highschool. Me and Nana always sit at the non-popular table which is at the corner of the cafeteria. A really nice spot for me, so that no  one would make a fuss when I'm reading a book. Which is now I'm actually reading a new book called "Blink Once". Suddenly, Nana was tugging at my shirt.

" What do you want from me? I'm busy you know.", I shrugged at her. Nana stopped but didn't lose her grip on my shirt.

" Get off me, Nana. What?!!", I watched her face, she looks white like she just seen something unbelieveble.

" He's coming. He's coming.", suddenly she talked or maybe screamed.

" Who's coming, maniac.", I was so close to punch her in the face when suddenly I saw him. Walking. To me. Maybe to me. But JR was looking at me right in the eye. Like he was trying to talk with me. Nonsense.

" Your Seira right? You left this at class. I came here to give it back.", he took out a bracelet from his jeans pocket. He touched my bracelet. My precious bracelet.

"How did you know it was mine?", I asked and was so closed to drool actually. Because he was really pretty from the front. Like infront of me.

"It had your name. So thats it. Take care.", he walked away to his group. The 'in' group. 

"OHMYGOD! Is that really JR? I mean 'the' JR.", Nana was screaming like hell.

"Off course. He's so cute, right?", I searched for him in the cafeteria and couldn't find him. Nana and I was so excited about him. A really popular guy talked to me. Isn't that cool enough. It felt like I owned the world. Nana went to her class, still half-screaming. I went to the library for study hall. Walking to the library took me five minutes, then I settled my things and went off to find some good books to read. 

I saw Leah and her gang at the corner of the library, talking about parties and boys. Typical girls. I made eye contact with Leah and I tried to smile but she just glared at me. Arrogant people.

Then I saw Lay walking towards me. He must have something to talk about. 

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