chapter 5 (what should we do?)

Dangerous and Beauty


Taecyeon flipped the file that Bekha gave and read every single data from it. After a few second, he frowned and looked back to Bekha and his teammates, Jaebum and Seul Ong.

“The name..Han Soo Man. Young teenagers around 19 years old. He’s an orphanage and well—bad boy reputation. He have a criminal record because for stealing and bullying. Ordinary rebellious young man”.

“Bad boy..” Jaebum said in lower voice. 

“Troublemaker..” Seul Ong added.

“But no matter how bad he is, I don’t think he deserved to be killed that way,” Bekha said.

Taecyeon nodded in head. “I agree. This is too cruel. Bekha..did you found ?? you know..their sign?”

Bekha sighed and shook his head slowly. “Nope. No tiara sign or anything..”

“This doesn’t looks like them” Jaebum commented.

“But..” there’s a huge remark on Bekha face as she stressed the word ‘but’.

“But what ?” Taecyeon asked while tapping his own chin with his index finger.

“We found this..”Bekha showed something. A petals. “Flower petals. I believe this is white lily”.

All three of the male policeman stunned and exchange their glanced with each other—frowned.

“It can’t be..” Taecyeon gasped.


The girls are having their breakfast together that morning.

“Are you sure this was just a prank ??” Qri asked them while pouring a juice into her glass.

“Positive..probably Mr.K want to test us..who knows” Eunjung said while chewing her bread.

“But that guy already dead..”Jiyeon said nervously.

“Don’t you think..there’s someone else who actually know about us? Monitor us from far ? not Mr.K but someone else..” Soyeon came out with her theory while adjusted her glasses.

“It can’t be. No one know about us..listen !! That teenager boy death might just be coincidence..I don’t think someone actually know about us or maybe HUNTING T-ara ? No way” Eunjung, as a leader convinced them.

“If there’s really someone who wanted to kill us..I don’t mind. They have to face me if they want to mess with T-ara” Hyomin said and clenched her fist. As usual, Hyomin with her fearless emotion and yes—she loves challenge even though it will put her own life in a risk.

“ girls sound too serious. We already inform Mr.K..we should just wait for his response. Probably this was only a joke. Do you remember the time where he testing us ?” Boram exclaimed. Among them, she always the one who think positives in almost everything.

“Yeah..and we’re all scared to death..” Qri continued.

“So, this must be another test from him. Right?” Boram asked.

“I hope..” Soyeon said—doubted.


( In school )

Jiyeon still can’t get over her conversation with other girl this morning. Is it true someone really know about them? But how? And why? And who?

Even Soyeon unni looked so curious and suspicious over something. I should know she have the best instinct..gosh—why do I feel uneasy now? Jiyeon said to herself silently.

“Good morning..” someone greeted her from behind. Jiyeon turned around to look at the owner of the voice.


“Where’s your boyfriend?” he asked.

“Jinwoon ? he’s not coming yet. I guess I’m the one who come to school too early” Jiyeon said with laughed.

“I guess you are..” Wooyoung smiles.

“Finally !!!” Jiyeon stood up and claps her hand cheerfully.

“What?” Wooyoung looked confused.

“You smiling…wow” Jiyeon said happily.

“And why you have to be so happy about that?” 

“Because you look so cute with a smile on your face. Omona—your cheek..I want to pinch it” Jiyeon quickly pinched without continue more word.

“Aish…” Wooyoung protested.

“Aigoooo” Jiyeon pinched his cheek crazily again. “I always wanted to have this kind of cheek. You’re so cute”

“You can have it if you want to” he leaned closer to her playfully.

“Good morning !!!!!” Jinwoon suddenly come and sat between them. “Hi Jiyeonie..Wooyoung..”

“Hey—what took you so long?” Jiyeon pouted.

“Err—is it supposed to be like this? I mean the question...what make you come to school this early?” Jinwoon asked her.

“Eunjung unni..she want to come to school a little bit early so I have no choice but to follow her”she explained. Eunjung work as a school nurse in the same school with Jiyeon but they always come home in different timing so Jiyeon prefer to come back home alone or with Hyomin.

“Unni? You have a sister here?” Wooyoung asked.

“Not really. To me, she’s just like my own sister but were no related by blood” Jiyeon answered.

“Oh..” Wooyoung didn’t know what to say. “By the way, got to go..I have something else to do and to check..”

“To check ?” Jinwoon frowned and his eyes followed the other boy figure until he disappeared from the class.

“Jinwoon-ah..are you jealous?” Jiyeon asked her boyfriend as soon as Wooyoung excused himself.

“A little..” Jinwoon admitted.

“Awww..” Jiyeon pinched his cheek and smiles. “I only have my heart for you..”

“I know. That’s why I said a little instead of a lot..” Jinwoon jokes.

Jiyeon pouted again. For some reason, her curiosity about the white lily sender disappears. Slowly, she started to forget about it and focus on her school and of course Jinwoon. Who says puppy love is stupid? At least that stupidity make me curiosity and scared feeling disappeared.

“Have you watched yesterday newlines??” Jinwoon suddenly asked.


“Someone has been killed. I think it’s near your residence” he said. “Han Soo Man if I’m not mistaken..”

All of sudden, Jiyeon face change drastically. Her nervous came back to her as Jinwoon mentioned about it. 

“I know..” she replied in lowered voice. Jiyeon didn’t want to show him how uneasy she was.

“Jiyeon-ah..if you feel scared, don’t worry. I will accompany you everyday. It’s really dangerous now” Jinwoon assured her.

“Don’t worry. I can take care of myself..” she replied with confidence even though the truth is, there’s only 10 percent of confidence while the other 90 percent is her own weakness. Perhaps what Soyeon assumed was true. Now it’s only left two other people who didn’t receive the white lily. Eunjung and Qri. If those two girls also get the flowers, Soyeon assumptions might be true. Someone really knows about them.

About T-ara !


Eunjung walked toward her locker to get her uniform before she startled to see what’s inside. Eunjung blinks her eyes furiously to make sure what she saw. It’s true—she wasn’t dreaming. It’s there. White lily placed on her uniform. Someone put it there nicely on her white uniform. 

“What the...” 

She quickly turned and looked around. Someone has left a white lily inside her locker which is impossible because she locked it with number key lock. No one knows except her. How someone could opened it.

*sound of wind*

Eunjung started to feel goose bumps as she could feel a dark shadow was staring at her. She know someone is watching but she couldn’t find the source—the clue. 

“Who is it ??” she purposely said it louder. No response. 

Eunjung glanced around to make sure she was really alone there before concentrated on what’s she found this morning. Slowly, she took a deep breathe.

“White lily..”


Qri don’t understand why there’s so many people come to her shop today. Usually, her mini accessory shop didn’t have this much customer.

“Thank you..please come again” she bows deeply toward the highschool girls before the walked away from her shop—her last customer. Qri stretched herself to released all the tiredness and decided to closed her shop early today.

“Yay..I want to go home early neck hurt” she whines to herself and ready to closed her shop until her eyes captures something. Qri rubbed her eyes and looked again. There was something near the counter.

“Eh ? I didn’t realized that thing before. What is it..” she murmured to herself.

Slowly, she walked closer and jaw dropped as soon as she found out what is it. 


Someone left that flower inside her shop without she even realized it. From who ? and when that person leaved the flower here? 

“So that person is here ? among my customer ? and I didn’t even know or realized about anything? “


( At the police station )

Taecyeon sighed again as he sipped another cup of coffee.

“Whoaa..too many sigh and you can look really old easily” Jaebum patted his shoulder.

Taecyeon didn’t quickly answer but he kept staring at the black coffee inside the cup. Seul Ong patted another shoulder of him.

“That white lily dude isn’t it ?” he assumed.

“I am really positive that the person who killed Han Soo Man is him. But why ?? does Han Soo Man have anything to do with T-ara? Because we all know that his target always be T-ara..” Taecyeon tried to make an assumption. Truthfully, his mind were really distracted now.

Before the other two guys could answer, someone greeted them with a tray on her hand. “Hi guys..may I join? It’s too boring to sit alone as always— you know” Bekha grinned.

“Sure” Jaebum replied with smiles.

As Bekha sat down facing them, she stares at Taecyeon face deeply. “Okay—I know that face..” 

“Huh?” Taecyeon seems blurred but later, he sighed again.

“You know about Taecyeon so much but you know nothing about could you. We’re go to the same academy as well remember ?”Jaebum pouted.

Bekha stop chewing her food. “Err..isn’t that we only be in the same academy when you transfer there for a few month due to some stuff ? and you’re just being there for a while..right?” 

“Aish..this girl. Still the same..” Jaebum .

“Yah Jaebum..stop hitting on her” Seul Ong reminded him and pointed toward Taecyeon.

“Don’t think too much Taecyeon..” Bekha said.

Taecyeon took a deep breathe before answered. “The truth is..I really don’t know which side is dangerous now. Is it T-ara or white lily?”

“Perhaps white lily dude just create a story about T-ara so that he can kill people while all of us crazily investigate about non-existing T-ara?” Jaebum tried to gave his conclusion.

“No..I think T-ara really exist” Bekha suddenly said.

“How can you be so sure about that?” Jaebum asked.

“Because forensic is my field. Handling with dead body is my job. I ’communicate’ with them” Bekha told them and paused for a while to sip her coffee before continue. “Know what, in every serial killer or plan murder—you can notice their same strategy or trademark no matter how hard they tried to cover it. We observes the victim from every angle and we know if the victim are killed by the same person on not. Sometimes, a murderer purposely leaving their sign behind so that they can have ‘fun’ playing psycho with police. When I’m still having my practical training at CA, my senior and I already stuff our head with so many killer choreographic style. I know you might think this is too lame but I believe with my instinct. And I know T-ara really exist base on how they killed previous victim. But this Han Soo Man—it’s totally not them. Trust me…if you still didn’t trust me, keep search for more evidence and you’ll know what I mean..” she told them.

“I’m still curious about T-ara” Seul Ong said. “Why did they kill people? Do they work for someone? For money ? But who?”

“But I’m more curious over white lily now” Taecyeon said. “I don’t know why but I can feel that as long as he’s out there, anything could happen. We’re like hunting T-ara..white lily also hunting them..what if he also hunting us?”

“Curiosity kills the cat” Jaebum reminded him. “You have to bear that in’s come from his tape message isn’t it ?”


Eunjung enter the house without knocking. She kept staring at the white lily on her hand.

“’re back..guess what, Qri unni…” Jiyeon paused as she saw a white lily on Eunjung hand.

“OMO..” Soyeon blurted out as soon as she saw it too.

“Eunjung..I got the flower too..white lily” Qri said nervously.

All of them looked at each other face in puzzled.


A video message from K.Will.

“Hello girls..I have urgent things to tell you” he said with a slight cough.

“We have something to tell you too” Eunjung said.

“Okay—please don’t get panic but I want all of you to be careful. I know about the white lily. Since Jiyeon-shhi ask me about that the other day, I keep investigate about it and notice something. All of you get the flower too isn’t it ?”

“Yeah..” Soyeon replied.

“The thing is—why didn’t you tell me ?” K.Will questioned them.

“I’m sorry Mr.K but we thought it was a test from you” Boram answered.

“Mr. K…how did someone know about us ??” Jiyeon asked and started to panic.

K.Will took a deep breathe before answered. “Listen, don’t worry about your safety. I’ll send someone to look after you but all I really want from you guys right now is—being extra careful. I don’t get much info’s yet but if any—I’ll inform you. I love you girls and I don’t want anything bad happen to each of careful and do tell me if there’s anything.”

“AISH !!” Hyomin suddenly cursed. “So that Han Soo Man?”

“Calm down Hyomin-sshi..control your anger.. from my first observation—Han Soo Man didn’t have anything related to that person. Can we call it white lily ? because I can’t find any subject name to call him.”

T-ara nodded.

“But Han Soo Man do have some connection to one of you right ?” he said and looked at Hyomin face directly.

“Yeah—he snatched my bag,”

“And make you slightly injured right?” K.Will added.

“My elbow slightly bleeding but it’s nothing..” Hyomin said.

“Bingo !!” Soyeon claps her hand a few time to get their attention. “White lily don’t want other people to hurt Hyomin so he killed him and returned Hyomin precious camera”.

“That’s right Soyeon-sshi..” K.Will nodded his head. “Like I said—we still don’t know the real motif of white lily. Perhaps he’s dangerous perhaps not..but he knows so much about you while you know nothing about him.”

“Should we move out ?” Qri asked.

“NO” K.Will said firmly. “Han Soo Man died near your area..don’t bring any suspicious toward the police when you’re so busy running away from that unknown person. Remember—catch two bird with one should handle the white lily and still keep your secret away from the police. I don’t think all this white lily stuff related to police.”

“This is confusing” Boram mumbled.

“Boram-sshi..until now, your secret still save from the police. If white lily invites us to join his game—let’s participate. Until we know more information, let’s just stay calm and it?”

“Got it..” the girls replied simultaneously.

When the video calls ended, Eunjung turned to them. “Mr. K was right..stay calm. Don’t react too much or we’ll just bring police to suspect us..”

“Oh come on know we’re all not a bunch of coward girls..” Hyomin hissed.

“Relax Hyomin” Boram patted the taller girl besides her. “Remember when Mr.K said he will send someone to look after us ? I wonder who is it..”

“As long as it’s not him..HAHA” Soyeon chuckled.

“Haa—I mean him..HIM ?” Jiyeon followed and giggles.

“Hey—he’s the one who teach us about so many thing,” Boram blurted out.

“We don’t need anyone to protect us okay..go ahead if you need it. I don’t..” Hyomin exclaimed and ready to walked to her room when someone rang the doorbell.


Jiyeon gulped and quickly held Qri’s arm. “Who is it?”


“Let me open it,” Eunjung offered and walked toward the door. 

*The door crack opened*

Eunjung stare at the person unblinking.

“HELLO GIRLS…” A loud voice echoed the whole atmosphere as he entered their house and closed the door. Leaving Eunjung—still jaw dropped and unblinking.

With his Hawaii style pink shirts..shorts and hat and random scarf around his neck, he smiles and wave cheerfully to the girls.

“Miss me?”

“Jo Kwon ajussi !!!”







how's the new chap..? i hope you like it as i did..


thanks for reading~ 

until next time!!

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Kpop_fan21 #1
Chapter 20: woah this story is daebak!!! update!!! Boram please dont die (T^T)
cutieabby #2
Chapter 20: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee more more episode author-nim !!
Chapter 20: Boram is really dead??? T.T Poor her,
*cry hard*
BTW this is the most awesome story I ever read...
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 20: welcome back,authornim!! it was so long that i thought u already left the story but im so GLAD ur back!!
poor boram, *sob sob* it was so sad what happened to her, and i hope nothing happens to others..
btw i had to reread the story coz i forgot who was white lily & black rose.hehe but it was worth it, finally remembered jinwoon died & there i was thinking where he disappeared to..xD

update soon..hwaiting!!!
1122 streak #5
Wow i like the story... Maybe you could continue this ff so that it would be a waste of t ara s2ry just like you said new reader here.. I love taecjung moments... Hehe
yeonniestan94 #6
hello authornim.. pls update soon
i love this story so muchh esp taecjung moments..hwaiting!!
Chapter 19: cool!! >.< Nice update ^o^
exobacon #8
Chapter 19: Finally update !!!!!!!.………………:)
love it hope you update soon!!!#
Chapter 19: I like the update~~~ update soon!! ^^ ><
DWOLF23 #10
Chapter 18: update soon