chapter 2 (the mysterious guy)

Dangerous and Beauty

Chapter two

“Good morning everyone” Jiyeon entered the class with a wide smile on her face while her hand keep showing a peace signals. It’s her way to greeted people every morning.

“Good morning Jiyeon” a group of girl replied and waves back to her.

“Yo pretty Jiyeon…morning” SeungHo, her class monitor waves to her.

Jiyeon walked cheerfully to her seat and table. “Good morning baby” she grinned toward her boyfriend.

Jinwoon flushed in red after his girlfriend greeted him like that. “Hey—don’t talk like that louder. People might hear it”.

Jiyeon giggles. That is why she loves Jinwoon. His shy attitude along his aggressive-ness. Jinwon has the looks, good in sports and doing great in academics the tall and great figure and he has the nicest eye smiles among other male students in her school but despite that, he always be awkward whenever it comes to girl. Jiyeon believes she was Jinwoon first girlfriend. Same goes to her. He was her first boyfriend so no matter how many times Eunjung and the rest of her ‘unni’s’ mentioned about puppy love, she just tend to ignore it.

“Sorry” she bows to him and grinned.

Jinwoon place not that far from her in the class while Jiyeon sat alone—leaving an empty chair and table besides her. That’s the place where he love to sit while they’re doing some random chit-chatting or discuss some homework.

“That’s why I wanted you to sit to me” Jiyeon pouted.

“We can’t. If we sat next to each other, how can I concentrate on what teacher said. It’s already a big challenge when we’re in the same classroom because I can’t take my eyes off you” he whispered slowly. She blushed to his word.

They have seeing each other since last year and eventually, this year due to some changes—Jinwoon transferred to her class. It’s like a big challenge because of their relationship but they already promised to concentrate on their study.

Jiyeon loves him so much that she never hesitated to tell him anything—everything except for one. Her position as one of T-ara member. An assassin whom work for mysterious guy name K.Will.

She cannot bear to lose him if Jinwoon ever find out that she’s one of those assassin even though she has never killed anyone yet. But soon—she knows she will.

“Ehh..” her hand touched something under her desk. It’s a flower. White lily. Jiyeon quickly looked at her boyfriend with smiles.

“What?” Jinwoon asked.

“Thanks..but why a white lily ??” she asked.

Jinwoon glanced to the flower on Jiyeon hand. “I didn’t give it to you..”

“Haha—very funny”

Jinwoon frowned. “Seriously..I didn’t”

Jiyeon stare at the flower carefully. White lily ? if Jinwoon is not the one who gave it then who ? luckily Jinwoon is that easily get jealous type of boyfriend.

“Perhaps your secret admirer” he .

Jiyeon pouted. “I don’t need any secret admirer. I already have you”.

Jinwoon laughed.

“Good morning class” today, their homeroom teacher came in early than usual.

“Good morning teacher” they said in unison but lowered voice.

“Today you got yourself a new classmate. Come in Wooyoung-sshi” the teacher called for someone who already waited outside.

From far, Jiyeon could see a new male student walked in. His appearance ? well—average. But he has that cute cheek that make everyone want to pinched it. And his skin are fair and light. He’s cute.

But not as cute as my Jinwoon..she said to herself.

“Good morning everyone. My name is Jang Wooyoung and I just came from Busan” he bows politely toward them. “Please guide me”.

“Okay Wooyoung-sshi. You can go to that empty table besides Park Jiyeon,”

Wooyoung nodded his head and walked slowly toward her.

Jiyeon glanced to her boyfriend in sad expression but he just smiled to her—as if telling her that it’s okay.

“………..” Wooyoung sat quietly besides her.

“Hi..I’m Park Jiyeon. Nice to meet you”.

“Jang Wooyoung” he introduced himself.

“That’s Jung Jinwoon, my boyfriend” Jiyeon pointed to him.

Wooyoung smiles and bow to Jinwoon. “ Hi.. nice to meet you”


( At the police station )

“Are you serious Ok Taecyeon?” his chief asked.

“Positive. I mean there’s nothing wrong to investigate this case. If what he said was the truth, that mean we’re dealing with some kind of professional criminal. They’re murder people. We cannot let them go easily” Taecyeon said with confidence.

“But..Han Yoo Suk is died because of heart attack and Lee Choong Jae died because of the accident. And the latest one, Jang Geun Suk, he committed suicide and all these cases file already closed,”

“Chief..” taecyeon stood up and face the older man deeply. “We should open the case again. I, myself—feel something weird regarding to their death.”

“Hmm” the older man sighed.

“Please let me do it sir..” Taecyeon bows desperately.

“ Okay. Since you have a tiny evidence. Plus—there must be a reason why Jameson highly recommends you to transfer your duty in Korea. I guess this is the time for you to prove it. Ok Taecyeon, you responsible for this case and whatever happen, is your responsibility. And you can bring some of your people including your partner, Park Jaebum.”

“Thank you sir..”

I’m telling you. They are not committing suicide. Someone kill them. Not one..not’s five..Probably six people

That word..from the mysterious guy still playing on his mind. Taecyeon promised to himself to arrested the criminal.

Hmm..T-ara..that name sounds like a girl. But it can’t be a girl..right… he whispered to himself.


That night..

Hyomin cough slightly and repaired her fake huge mole on her left chin. He managed to sneak into that high profile building with the help from genius Soyeon whom monitored every steps of her since the beginning.

“Okay Hyomin…stop there. A few security guards walked toward your direction” Soyeon told her from her place, outside that building—in their vehicle. She managed to hacked all the security camera building and let Hyomin entered easily.

“This stupid mole make me look ugly—feel ugly” Hyomin complaints.

Soyeon laughed. “It’s for your own good Hyomin-sshi..that’s a cute ajumma cleaner style. Just finished your task quick and we can go back home. I need more sleep”.

There are three security guards walked and one of them turned around to greeted Hyomin.

“Err..I didn’t know there’s a overtime for cleaner..” he bows to her.

“Babo even wanted to flirted over that huge mole ajumma. Hey..let’s go” the other two called him.

“I’m sorry for their rudeness. I have to go” he bows again and walked away.

At first, Hyomin was really nervous that her undercover planned ruined but eventually, they believe she was really a cleaner.

“Hahahahahhaa..ajumma” from her headphone, she could hear Soyeon laughter.

“Shut up..” Hyomin hissed. “Do I look that old?” she rolled her eyes toward the CCTV. Soyeon laughed even more.

“Enough !!!!!!!!!!” Hyomin snapped.


Taecyeon flipped each of the file on the table.

“Arrrrrrrrghhh...this must be hard” he sighed heavily and leaned back to his couch. He was wearing a white tank that wrapped his body nicely with shorts.


“Ahh..that must be a pizza guy” he jumps from the couch and ran toward the front door.

He crack the door opened. “What took you so long dude”. Taecyeon patted the pizza deliver person roughly.

“Here’s your pizza. Sorry I was trap on traffic,” she glanced to her watch. “ I was late for about twelve minutes and you can pay half prizes.”

Taecyeon gulped. It was a girl. A short girl with short hair. He couldn’t see her face clearly as she wears her cap and looked down to the floor as if she was shy over something.

“Oh snap..” he’s just realized what he wear. Perhaps it’s too y for Korean girls ? he just arrived Korea a few weeks a go and still didn’t really used to the environment and culture that well even though he’s a truly Korean guy. He was born here in Seoul but growing up in Boston makes his lifestyle more to American-ish. If he was in Boston, this kind of outfit that he wears was considered as okay. Not that he was or something.

“Here’s the pizza” she hand it to him.

“Oh..” he took the pizza and pay for it. “Keep the change.”

“No” she said. “I was late for eight minutes and you have to pay only half prices. Plus, this money is too much”.

“I said it’s okay…don’t be so stubborn. It’s not that I will die if you’re late for twenty more minutes” Taecyeon jokes. Obviously, she didn’t even laughed or smile at all.

“Thank you sir” she was about to leave but Taecyeon called her and she paused on her track but didn’t looked back.

“Hey pizza girl..sorry. I didn’t know you’re a girl. Good night and be careful. You know it’s really dangerous outside there..especially when….” He paused. “Nevermind. Good night”.

After he closed the door, Boram walked faster toward her motorcycle.

“Fuuh…Fuuuh” she inhaled and place her hand on her chest to check her heartbeat. “That man was weird but he’s really hot..and y”

Boram couldn’t help but to blushed crazily.


“I know honey…that’s why I said, we have to be extra careful. My wife might sense something between us,” that middle age—old and bald guy whispred huskily toward his mobile phone.

“After all these document settled, my marriage with that ugly granny will be over. I already hired someone to kill her and with her death—all of this including our future luxury house will be mine. just have to wait honey………..I love you so much..muaahahhh. Just wait for tomorrow news..I’m sure her face will be on every newspaper as a big headline..Hahahahaaha,..and I have to restrain myself for wonderful so called OSCAR acting in front of policeman..hahahahahah” he laughed so loud.

Hyomin bit her bottom lips—trying to hold her anger.

“I guess it’ll turned the opposite way Mr Kang Hyung Soo.”

Kang Hyung Soo almost fell down from his chair to due to over shocked of Hyomin word.

“Who the hell are you..what are you doing here !! get out of my office” he yelled.

“No need to yelled bald guy..You’re just bunch of pathetic guy who eat and lived with woman money. And the worse thing is, you even wanted to kill her who happen to feed you with all her luxury…I guess, it should be this’re the one who’s going to die” Hyomin smirked. There’s a flashed of anger from her eyes.

“ down..don’t let your anger controlled yourself” Soyeon advices her.

“What the hell are you talking about..GUARDS..SECURITY..SOMEONE !!” that bald man cried in panic.

“What? Scared ?? it’s too late to regret” Hyomin force him to sit down on his chair and pointed a gun toward his forehead.

“What do you want from me..I can pay you double. Please don’t kill me..” he begged and Hyomin could feel his body shaking.

“Right now—at this moment, you’re nothing but coward chicken a.s.shole…You should die..” she pulled her trigger.

From far, Soyeon frowned. “Hyomin..control yourself. Don’t kill him that way. It’ll leave so much evidence to the police..”

But Hyomin ignore her.

“Pleaseeeeeeeeeee…don’t kill me…” he continue begged her.

“Hyomin-ahhhh..” Soyeon shouted.

“Bye bye..I hate this kind of man…..all man population in this world should vanished if they are all just like you” she lowered her gun toward his chest and……..

BANG !!! BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANG !!!!!!!

Three times in a row..Kang Hyung Soo died.

Soyeon sighed. "Stupid girl.." she exclaimed and get ready to started another hacking system. To erase all the temporary transmitting which ci all the CCTV inside that building connection and return it back as normal. Hoping police will never get her track or proof.


( somewhere else )

“Hmm..nice one….I love white lily” He smirked as he looked to his own bed that filled with white lily.

“Kill….continue killing other people because next time—it’s my turn to kill you—all of you” he said—stares at all T-ara pictures on the wall directly.

“ might be the toughest one among them but it’s my pleasure to handling you……….Hahahaahahahahhaaaaaaaaahahahha.. I love challenge.”

“YOU’RE GOING TO DIE..SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”










REaders, sorry for keeping you wait!!

our internet connection got lost for 1 week and just go back now.. another thing is, we still need to reformat the comp... -sigh-


i will update my other fanfic 'My moonlight angel' tommorow..... look forward to it~


thanks for all who subscribe and to  chocolate_elli for the comment


keep supportingt ^-^

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Kpop_fan21 #1
Chapter 20: woah this story is daebak!!! update!!! Boram please dont die (T^T)
cutieabby #2
Chapter 20: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee more more episode author-nim !!
Chapter 20: Boram is really dead??? T.T Poor her,
*cry hard*
BTW this is the most awesome story I ever read...
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 20: welcome back,authornim!! it was so long that i thought u already left the story but im so GLAD ur back!!
poor boram, *sob sob* it was so sad what happened to her, and i hope nothing happens to others..
btw i had to reread the story coz i forgot who was white lily & black rose.hehe but it was worth it, finally remembered jinwoon died & there i was thinking where he disappeared to..xD

update soon..hwaiting!!!
1121 streak #5
Wow i like the story... Maybe you could continue this ff so that it would be a waste of t ara s2ry just like you said new reader here.. I love taecjung moments... Hehe
yeonniestan94 #6
hello authornim.. pls update soon
i love this story so muchh esp taecjung moments..hwaiting!!
Chapter 19: cool!! >.< Nice update ^o^
exobacon #8
Chapter 19: Finally update !!!!!!!.………………:)
love it hope you update soon!!!#
Chapter 19: I like the update~~~ update soon!! ^^ ><
DWOLF23 #10
Chapter 18: update soon