chapter 13 (what a weird guy)

Dangerous and Beauty


Chapter 13


“Do it like this... and this...” Chansung instructed her but Soyeon started to get sleepy. She yawned again and again until her head slowly leaned closer toward Chansung shoulder. He was surprised over the sudden weight on his arm but Chansung quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulder to support. After that, he just sat there without moving, afraid that it will disturb Soyeon’s sleep.

“Noona, I wonder what’s on your mind. Why do I feel like you’re hiding something from me?” he questioned himself and tightened his arm around her when he noticed her shivering.


That morning,

Jiyeon arrived at her school today. The moment she stood in front of her classroom, her leg stopped from moving. It’s like a burden to her by forcing to make herself looked okay when she’s not but Jiyeon knew that she had to stay strong. Clenching her fist, she entered the class and noticed Wooyoung was inside there already. Looks like he was the first one who comes to school today because she was sure she was very early today. One of the reason definitely because of her new hairstyle. She had no idea having a shorter hair will save her sometimes from sitting in front of mirror. Plus, Jiyeon just simply comb her hair and decided not to style it.

He was cupping his face using books but removed it when he heard a footstep. For a moment, both of them were staring at each other face but then, Jiyeon smiled and entered the class. 

“Good morning Jang Wooyoung-ssi,” she greeted.

Wooyoung stared at her in disbelief. The newly transformed Jiyeon looked even cuter than always. He found himself being overly mesmerized upon her changed so he cleared his throat and continue to act cool.

“Good morning,” he replied. “I didn’t expect you to come to school earlier.”

“Why? You don’t like seeing me here?”

“.............” Wooyoung shook his head without answering and continue leaning his head onto the desk but all of sudden, he lifted his face and stared at Jiyeon, slightly amused. “Your hair?”

Jiyeon smiled bitterly. She looked at him in a weak gaze before tried to smile again, hoping this time it will appear to be brighter but unfortunately it’s not working at all. 

The class went normally but no one really talked with Jiyeon because she obviously choose to stay quiet and isolated herself from her classmate. Not even teachers wanted to talk to her except for Taecyeon. He just couldn’t stand to see her that way. To him, she was the victim of White Lily but that’s not just all, there’s something inside her that capture his attention. She looks like she was hiding something. He still remembered when Jaebum said Jiyeon lived with some woman who was not her sibling according to his investigation. Where’s Jiyeon parent? 

“Park Jiyeon,” he called her name when the class ended. “Can you come with me for a while? We need to talk.” His masculine voice causing some of the female student shrieking secretly but what make them react more is the way Jiyeon react to him. Cold expression but she still nodded and follow him.

Instead of walking to the teacher’s room, Taecyeon was heading toward the rooftop. Jiyeon looked around as the wind hit her face softly as she arrived there. She looked up to the sky and watched the cloud arranging beautifully but the sound of bird chirping sounded as if they were mocking her. Annoying her... making her extremely pissed off!!

“SHUT UP!!!!!” she yelled all of sudden and cover her ears, causing Taecyeon turned around in surprised.

“Are you okay?”

“Why do you bring me here? Shouldn’t we just go to teacher’s room?” she rolled her eyes, starting to felt curious.

Realizing that his action to brought her here might causing a awkward assumptions from her, Taecyeon let out a deep sigh and stood facing her.

“I’d rather speak with you here because the office is kinda hectic and crowded with many people,” he began. “If you don’t like it, we better go to my office now.”

As he was about to leave, Jiyeon spoke. “Sir, I’m sorry... I guess the crowded place is not where I want to be right now.”

Taecyeon smiled. “Good. You know what, when I was teenager, this is my favourite place. Isolated myself from the others.”

Jiyeon nodded her head, not knowing how else she supposed to react. To her, what he did was a normal thing that teacher would do to their student. Showing care and support but she didn’t know, Taecyeon was actually trying to dig something from her. The real story of what happened that night. It’s because Jaebum failed to get the info, now he need to do it on his own, using his way. He must do something quick before White Lily ‘touch’ another victim.

“It’s nice to see you comeback so soon after all your hard time,” Taecyeon tried to start a conversation. He knew he wasn’t very good in this area so he tried his best without putting a lot of hope in this.

“That day, I don’t know how I get there. All I know when I opened my eyes, I was already being locked inside a strange dark room,” Jiyeon absentmindedly spilled it. Taecyeon tried his best not to look at her face right now. He knew she might not feel comfortable to let the story leaked with someone was watching her so with he turned the other side with his two hand were tucked inside his pocket. 

Jiyeon continue with her story. Even though this guy wasn’t someone that she really knew, she just forced herself to let everything out. Luckily, it does make her feel relief now. 


Hyomin loved sitting down on the bench nearest her campus. First reason, she could sit and do nothing while observing others. Second, if there’s something caught her attention, she will immediately grab her favourite camera and snap a shot. That’s what she loved to do, the only thing that can make her feel calm. ONLY!
She eyes darted around while glanced at her mobile phone. Receiving sudden order from K.Will makes her stunned. Moreover, after what’s going on within T-ara right now. Her mobile phone suddenly vibrated and she saw JoKwon was the one who called her. 

“Hello,” she greeted monotonously, as always.

“K.Will already called you isn’t it?” JoKwon asked and his tone full with concern and Hyomin could tell that. “Listen, I feel surprised too with his sudden order but if you don’t think you can do it, just tell.”

“AISHH!!” the word that slipped from undeniably surprised JoKwon. “What makes you think I can’t do it?”

“Calm down Hyomin, this is the reason why I’m asking you this because for this task, you need to do it alone. Soyeon can’t help you like always and Qri still not fit for any task. Eunjung kinda busy with her job and Boram as well.”

“Leave it to me,” she assured. “I don’t need a partner.”

JoKwon sighed. “This time, please make sure you do it with extra careful. Remember, the police might watch us and the White Lily too... now we had extra warning from Black Rose. One single mistake, we’re doomed.”

“I got it,” Hyomin said and finally ended the call. Looks like they still didn’t forget her last task which she shoots the victim directly and leaved an evidence. Hyomin admitted her mistakes but she never expressed it in front of others. Despite her cold heart, she still has a soft spot which no one ever saw. Probably no one...

She tossed her long black hair aside and adjusted her sit before took her laptop and placed it on her lap. Hyomin switch on her laptop and waited the window to load. After her laptop finish loading, she waited another moment to connect for campus Wi-Fi. It doesn’t took longer and she began check her email. The one that been sent by K.Will caught her eyes so she clicked it open and started to read the next victim profile.

“Hmm let see... Nichkhun Horvejkul, what a weird name,” she mumbled. She observed Nichkhun photo beside his profile and frowned. Why do this name sound familiar to her? She tried to recall her memories but failed. Later, she gave up and continue reading the rest of his profile. 

“I got some work to do with this cute guy,” after saying that, Hyomin slapped , realized that she just mentioned the word ‘cute guy’. Praising a guy definitely a big NO in her rules and regulation. “Stupid me... blehhh.”


After the teaching period done, Taecyeon hurriedly leaved the school and stopped by at the police station to discuss with his team regarding the topic of his conversation with Park Jiyeon. Deep inside, he felt slightly guilty when the girl was willingly told him everything by the name of trust but he had no choice but spilled it to his team member. He knew how she was hesitated to open but finally she did. Plus, it was Jiyeon request to keep all these things as secret but he still had no choice. ‘I’m doing this to help you Park Jiyeon. I’m sorry.’

“That’s what she said?” ChangMin looked at his face directly. “By the way, what kind of charm that you use until she willing to tell everything.”

Jaebum poked ChangMin on his back. “I had to face the ‘gateway’ okay, her housemate.”

“That’s now what important right now guys. Now that we had tiny detail, I guess we can conclude something.”

Jaebum flicked his finger. “White Lily is very detail. He planned everything so well. He got all the secret info and only God knows how he got it and he know how to erase evidence and we always failure to capture his path. He’s a truly genius.”

Taecyeon nodded. “He was manipulating us.”

All of sudden, Junsu ran and almost tripped himself in front of them. He was panting heavily and tried to spoke something. “This... this... a new package...”

All of them were now exchanging their glanced in panic way. From the way it is, obviously this was coming from the White Lily.

“I kinda missed him, in eerie way.” Taecyeon was particularly joked but everybody knew it wasn’t his intention. Junsu played the CD on his laptop.


A few hours later...
Jiyeon walked back home slowly and once in a while, she will turned around. At first, she decided to let it go and ignore it but her patient also has a limit. She stomped her feet and turned around fiercely.

“Jang WooYoung! Why are you following me?!!!”

WooYoung raised his hand up high, indicated that he surrendered. “I’m... just worry about you,” he slowly said that, still with expressionless face. “And who told you that I was following you?”

Jiyeon continue walked back. For some reason, WooYoung slightly changed ever since Jinwoon died. She could see that. Sometimes, she felt that WooYoung was trying to get closed with her but whenever she thought of that, she will slapped her forehead. 

“Hey,” WooYoung called up for her but she fastened her steps. The feeling of being watched suddenly crept over her. She knew it was very unsafe especially with current situation but her school daily routine forced her to go home late almost every day and since Jinwoon’s gone, no one accompany her like always. Slowly, her worry feeling of being watched changed to loneliness. She finally stopped on her track.

“What do you want?” she scoffed, starting to feel a bit annoyed. She was rather being followed by White Lily rather than this guy who was 180 degree changes after something terrible happened. And little by little, WooYoung did scare her a little bit by the way he stares at her.

“Why you look so scared?” he asked her with his eyes not leaving her face.

“It’s late already, of course I’m scared walking alone and you were following me like creepy stalker,” she stated her opinion and thought.

WooYoung burst out his furious laughter after hearing that. “did I scare you too much?”

“................You’re strange,” Jiyeon tossed her hair that covered her cheek.

“I am...” WooYoung started to smirk evilly and let out a silly laughter. The atmosphere turned creepier than before. “Strange...”

“.........” Jiyeon was only able to stare without saying anything, she felt so scared that her knees started to shaking like crazy.

“A little too strange to love a White Lily flower.... am I right?” after saying that, he took out something from his pocket. It was a razor blade and it was sparkling metal indicates how sharp the blade was. It was too quick when he suddenly chased her while shoving the knife. “I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU GO... ALL OF YOU... T-ARA!!!”


“Aghhhhhh!” Jiyeon screamed and trembled. Her whole body was shaking as she opened her eyes but the reality took her by surprised. She wasn’t in the scene that she thought she was.

“Are you okay Jiyeon? Having a nightmare?” WooYoung asked her. She still confused and blur. After glancing around a few times, hearing some naughty student laughed at her, she finally realized that she was inside the class right now for self-study session. To make it more relief-worthy, it wasn’t late night. It still late in the evening. Jiyeon was having a bad dream while fallen asleep inside the bus. 

WooYoung who sat beside her gave a concern look but when Jiyeon looked at his face, she quickly turned around and slowly patted her own forehead to shoved away her weird dream. White Lily?!

“Jiyeon...” WooYoung repeated calling her name.

“Excuse me,” Jiyeon stood up and walked out the class, heading to the toilet.

Inside the toilet, Jiyeon kept wash her face with the water and stared at her own reflection on the mirror. From her view, she scared face of her and decided to wash her face again and again. Finally she stopped and felt a bit more relief.

As soon as she walked out the toilet, WooYoung already stood outside there, as if he was waiting for her, which indeed true.

“Why you’re here?” Jiyeon asked curiously. “You should be in class...”

“You look so not okay and I’m worry about you,” his explanation wasn’t something that she expected anyway.

“Thank,” she said slowly.


Jiyeon doesn’t know why she let him walked her home but since WooYoung kept insisting to do that, she had no choice. After all, being ‘alone’ wasn’t a good choice especially after having a stupid dream about White Lily. She still scared whenever her memory kept replaying her nightmare of WooYoung as the real criminal but Jiyeon tried her best to put it aside. It was just a dream, after all and he was trying to be nice, perhaps he felt pity upon her lost and maybe he wanted to be a good friend? She knocked the door and Boram quickly opened it. She looked surprised to see the guy who stood beside their maknae but still gave her best smile.

“Boram unnie, this is my classmate,” she said with tiny smile.

“I’m Jang WooYoung,” he introduced himself and bowed slightly. Jiyeon watched in amazement upon his sudden changed. So polite? How come? After being so rude at school... 

Boram bowed back and invited him. “Come in.”

“Actually—“ Jiyeon cut off the older girl word. “I think he just want to walked me home right WooYoung?” she turned at him, hoping he would understand. Jinwoon was the only guy who visit their home and whom Jiyeon brought back home to introduce to the rest of T-ara’s and she didn’t want to do something like that right now, especially after Jinwoon tragic death. It will make her look like she already forgotten him.

And to her surprise, WooYoung understand her. “She’s right,” he said. “I just want to make sure she arrived safely at home considering how unwell she looked at school.”

Boram eyes widened and she quickly held the younger girl’s arm. “Are you okay?”

Jiyeon smiled bitterly. “I’m fine unnie, thanks.”

“I better get going,” WooYoung suddenly interrupted. “Looks like it’s going to rain soon.” He pointed toward the sky. The cold breeze and lightning indicates that the rain will fall, heavy or not, it will fall.

“That’s why I’d say you should come in,” Boram insisted. “Let’s have some coffee...or tea... or... soda?” she frowned. “I do sound like old woman already.”

“She’s right,” another voice was coming from behind and it was JoKwon. He just arrived there.

WooYoung startled a bit but Jiyeon quickly said. “That was my... uncle. JoKwon ahjussi.”

JoKwon gave her a hideous smile ever but as he turned at WooYoung, he sweetened his face and cleared his throat a bit. “Yeah, JoKwon... no need to add ahjussi behind the name.”

“I thought you lived with your sisters and cousin?” he said slowly at Jiyeon.

“Well,” she scratched her non-itchy head. “It’s kinda complicated.”

The moment WooYoung sat down on their comfortable couch, he glanced around, looking amused or maybe, observant?

“Here,” Boram put down the glass of soda on the coffee table. 

“Thanks,” WooYoung said.

JoKwon who was ready to ‘attack’ him with tons of question suddenly paused when someone slammed the door harshly while open it. Chul Yong appeared, looking all dripping wet from head to toe.

“Geezzzz, thank you so much for not changing the gate key. It stuck on my damn shoes. Damn it!!!” he was complaining sarcastically while shaking his head.

“That’s because you don’t know how to play ‘soft’ and kicked the gate nicely. Everything in the world might hate you if you continue being like this,” JoKwon mumbled.

Chul Yong was about to snap back at those word but once his eyes met with the visitor, he fell silent.

“You know him aren’t you because he’s Jiyeonnie classmate too,” Boram wink at him.

“i hate this front gate!” Chul Yong cursed under his breath and walked past Boram.

“Sorry,” Boram apologized toward WooYoung. “He always act that way.”

“No worries, I’m just the same as him.”

Jiyeon suddenly spit out her soda and coughed heavily. She patted her own chest and put down the glass before excuse herself from them. While heading toward the bathroom, she turned around and saw WooYoung was eyeing her with an unexplainable gaze that sent a shivers through her spine.

“What’s up with him anyway?” she asked herself, silently.







im so sorry readers~

i know its takes me a long time before i update.. i actually start watching dream high since my friend told me its awesome and also, jiyeon will be in the 2nd season of it.. so of course, i need to know the story of the first in order to understand the 2nd..


by the way.. Congratulation to T-ara for their 2nd win on m!coundown~ 


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Kpop_fan21 #1
Chapter 20: woah this story is daebak!!! update!!! Boram please dont die (T^T)
cutieabby #2
Chapter 20: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee more more episode author-nim !!
Chapter 20: Boram is really dead??? T.T Poor her,
*cry hard*
BTW this is the most awesome story I ever read...
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 20: welcome back,authornim!! it was so long that i thought u already left the story but im so GLAD ur back!!
poor boram, *sob sob* it was so sad what happened to her, and i hope nothing happens to others..
btw i had to reread the story coz i forgot who was white lily & black rose.hehe but it was worth it, finally remembered jinwoon died & there i was thinking where he disappeared to..xD

update soon..hwaiting!!!
1123 streak #5
Wow i like the story... Maybe you could continue this ff so that it would be a waste of t ara s2ry just like you said new reader here.. I love taecjung moments... Hehe
yeonniestan94 #6
hello authornim.. pls update soon
i love this story so muchh esp taecjung moments..hwaiting!!
Chapter 19: cool!! >.< Nice update ^o^
exobacon #8
Chapter 19: Finally update !!!!!!!.………………:)
love it hope you update soon!!!#
Chapter 19: I like the update~~~ update soon!! ^^ ><
DWOLF23 #10
Chapter 18: update soon