chapter 11 (a letter from black rose)

Dangerous and Beauty


Chapter 11

Taecyeon tapped his own chin using his index finger, while forcing himself to think deeply over the short message sent by Black Rose. While the rest of his friends were already fallen asleep on the couch and some of them on the floor but Taecyeon can't sleep. He can't stop thinking and when he overused his brain to think, he'll have a hard time to sleep.

Slowly, he walked toward the main living room huge window and observed the night sky. It was so dark with the stars sparkling it's beautiful light. His gaze dropped on the street and he could see there weren't many cars at the time like this. Taecyeon glanced over his wall clock and it shows 3:15 a.m.

Once in a while, he glanced at his friends who were sleeping here and there, looking so tired. The coldness of the night make ChangMin shivers and tried to cling on Junsu but of course, he received a kick from the other guy. Jaebum however, couldn't stop scratching his head and shifted his position often, probably trying to make himself comfortable sleeping on the couch tiny space.

He brought his gazed back to the night sky and sighed. "Can I really trust you, Black Rose?"


Ever since they received the message video from unknown person named 'Black Rose', the police haven't received anything from White Lily or the Black Rose. They were waiting for more, hoping to get some clue because everything becoming so messy and complicated. Jinwoon death already becomes one of their biggest mistake and regret-ness. If this was a game, they already lose one round to the White Lily.

Taecyeon sighed heavily while arranging the book and a piece of paper on his table. He was at school right now but his mind was totally in disturbing-state. So many happens and he still need to keep his straight face because here, in this place, he was no longer a policeman. He was a teacher. A fake one of course but he still need to keep his straight face and remained calm. White Lily might been watching him. Taecyeon knew he was always being watched. It was never been safe and secure ever since they encountered in this stupid deathly game and to make it worse, they got no other choice but to play along or more people would die.

"Hmmm, if White Lily and T-ara was our enemy, then what about Black Rose?" he kept murmuring to himself over the same question.

All of sudden, he felt someone touching his shoulder. He turned and saw a male student standing in front of him.

"Your class should have start ten minutes ago sir."

Taecyeon read his name tag. "Jang Wooyoung, I'm sorry for being late. Thanks for remind me."


There's a two seat empty in the class today. One of it was Jinwoon and the other one was Jiyeon. Everyone inside the class went quiet and the class itself look so gloomy compared to other day. Taecyeon understand the reason for them to act that way.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happen to Jung Jinwoon," Taecyeon said in front of them. Many eyes were now concentrating on him. He noticed some of them even cried.

"Sir, is it true, there's a killer inside this school?" one of the female student asked.

Taecyeon blinked his eyes, not knowing what to do. He was one of the best cadet during his trainee years before become a police, he knew how to handle various types of dangerous situation, deathly threats and how to deal with the unexpected risk job but today, he felt that part of him was starting to lose. He was confused and don't know how to handle this bunch of teenagers especially when there's a danger alert surrounding their presence but none of them know about it. 

"I heard Jinwoon and Jiyeon has been kidnap in this school," came another voice from the behind.

"Aigoo, what to do, what if this was done by a serial killer!!!"

The specky guy suddenly raised his hand. "So many murder cases happen lately. I wonder if the police did their job."

Taecyeon smacked the white board slightly. "The police always did what they can. Trust them but first, I need you to stop making your own assumptions."

Wooyoung lifted his face and stared at Taecyeon blankly. "How big you can guarantee that we're all safe?"

His question causing the entire class to make a noise again. 


Jiyeon refused to open her eyes even though she could hear Qri was calling her name again and again. She just doesn't want to face the reality, at least not now. 

"Jiyeon-ah...don't do this," Qri tapped her arm. "Eat something and after that, you can continue sleeping."

"Just leave me alone!!!"

"Jiyeon-ah..." Jo Kwon turned to speak something. "Everyone is worry about you."

The youngest girl wiped her tears using her sleeves but she still refused to get up. Qri and JoKwon exchanged their glanced and decided to let Jiyeon have her time.


( At the police station)

Jaebum re-watch the Black Rose video message a few times before flipping the file on his desk. He then turned his gazed at Junsu who was busy tapping the computer keyboard.

"Got something?"

Junsu shook his head. "Nope... not yet."

Changmin interrupted. "Black rose is no joke, right?"

"At least I'm not the only one who think that," Jaebum retorted. "But who the is this Black Rose. Why now? After so many people died, he finally show up?"

"This is seriously turned into something like what you see on TV," Changmin announced but Junsu was quick enough smacking his head. 

"Can't you be more serious?!"Junsu snapped. "Anyone could die after this, including us."

"I am serious."

Jaebum tapped his desk. "Guys... who's the girl who called the police?"

"What girl?" Junsu looked at him and stop hitting his keyboard all of sudden.

"The one who called us that night," Jaebum said.

Junsu finger began tapping the keyboard again.



Jaebum pressed the doorbell a few times and waited patiently for someone to respond. After a few minutes, a pretty woman opened it slowly and popped her head. Jaebum didn't say anything but quickly shoved his police badge in front of her. She looked surprised at first but later, the door was opened widely.

"Come in," Qri invited him.

"Thank you." He glanced around while walking inside the house. After sitting on the couch, Qri offered him a glass of water.

"What can I help you Mister..."

Jaebum cut her word. "Park Jaebum. Just call me Jay."

"Ohh, okay. What can I do to help you Officer Park."

Jaebum smiled. "I'm here to meet Park Jiyeon. Is she your sister?"

"More likely."


Qri smiled. "I mean, she was like my sister even we're not siblings. May I know why you want to meet her?"

Qri looked so calm on the outside but God knows how she was trembling and feel nervous on the inside because this is the first time a police come to their house. After all, they were 'T-ara'. She tried her best to sound and normal or Jaebum could sense something awkward about her and the house. Luckily only she and Jiyeon here while the rest going out doing their business and stuff.

"Your name?"

"Lee Kyuri," she replied politely.

"Where's Park Jiyeon. Can I see her?"

"She..." Qri bit her bottom lips. "She's not feeling well yet.. I'm sorry Officer but I don't think she want to see anyone right now. May I know this is regarding on what?" Qri couldn't stop clenching her fist secretly, wanted to end this quickly. How she wish either JoKwon or EunJung was here. At least, they probably can handle this better.

"Why do you look so tense?" Jaebum question made Qri heart felt like it stop from beating a few second. 

She cleared . "I did?"

He nodded his head.

"Ermm..." Qri squeezed her brain to think of something quick. "I guess... well... err... for someone as good looking as you, I didn't expect you to be a police officer." She mentally wanted to slap herself for making such a stupid statement.

Jaebum looked startled to hear that but he still remained cool, "This is our number. If she gets better, do call us. We need to ask her a few questions regarding Jung Jinwoon death."

Qri quickly nodded her head. "I will."

"Good," Jaebum got up and offered his hand for a handshake. "Your co-operation is really important. You know how crazy criminals these day. So many people died and lose their life just like that."

"Err... yeah," she don't know how else to reply him.

He excused himself and walked out from the house. The unknowing smiled appeared on his face while leaving that house.


( At college )

Soyeon forehead kept frowning and her eyes never leave the laptop screen. She was busy tapping the keyboard, completely ignore her surrounding environment. She was sitting comfortable at the back of the college gymnasium because she thought that place was a bit quiet for her to do her stuff. Unfortunately, Chansung won't make that condition last long.

"Soyeon noona, what are you doing?" he was beginning to pout when Soyeon tend to ignore his presence for more than fifteen minutes.

"Aish, don't disturb me. Go somewhere else to play."

"YAH..." Chansung couldn't believe what he just heard. "At least tell me what are you doing? Hacking some system?"

Soyeon quicken her tap because she needs to bypass the security code within ten second or else they might find out her action. Sweat beginning to filled her forehead and she frowned even more.

"AISH... AISH... why can't I break this code? Three second more...!!!!" 


Soyeon blinked her eyes and leaned her back against the wall. She failed! She couldn't believe that she failed. She was too confident that it will succeed like always. After received a call from Qri, telling that a policeman come to visit their house, she could feel something felt so wrong. Her heart kept telling her that ever since Hyomin made a stupid mistake by shooting their previous victim, the police might start to notice something. Soyeon knew that the rest of the girls find it hard to believe her but she trust her instinct. 
And her instinct kept saying that the police know something...
The only way to find out is by hacking their system.
"Omo, you're hacking police department database system." Chansung mouth hang opened. "Why did you do this? If they found out, it'll be disaster."

Soyeon sighed. "You don't understand me."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I told you already, you won't understand me."

"Noona, is there something wrong?"

"............" Soyeon didn't answer him. "Can you please stop asking?"

Chansung nodded slowly. "If that's what you want, I will follow your order but in case you want to open the system that using ten second self-lock security, you have to make a duplicate keyword to delay the timer."

Soyeon face suddenly brightened up and she turned at Chansung. "You know how to do it?"

"Noona, even though I'm younger than you but let me tell you this, I had a bad record from my high school for hacking a principal personal computer. Well, the police and military system might be harder to go through compared to ordinary people but I can try."

"Chansung-ah, stop making a stupid joke."

He quickly grabbed the laptop from her. "You might think I'm not the hottest person in this campus, or not as good looking as other guy but please don't see me as a loser. There's a reason why I'm taking network and database as my major. Aigoo, I can't stop mumbling!"

Chansung began to tapping the keyboard and get all serious expression written all over his face. He was busy dealing with it until he managed to pass the 'gate'. 


"Yesssssss!!!!" he chirped happily. "Done!"

Soyeon stared at the laptop screen in amazement. How could he do that easily?

"Omo... omo...thank you Chansung-ah..." With a quick move, she leaned toward him and kissed his cheek twice before brushed his hair. "I love you..."

Chansung froze like a stone upon her sudden reaction and unable to do or say anything. She was busy saving some stuff and closed her laptop before get up and ready to leave but she suddenly paused on her track and turned behind to see a Chansung condition were still remained unchanged and chuckled slightly.

"You know what, about the thing that you say just now. You are indeed handsome and hot...and GENIUS. Thank you so much." With that, she hurriedly walked away.

After a few second, Chansung finally able to move and touched his cheek. "I... I love you too noona."


Junsu eyes glued to his screen. He observed it as if it was very interesting things to watch. Being known as IT maniac among his colleague, Junsu and his weird addiction toward hi-tech gadget wasn't something unusual to heard or to see but today, he was watching at his screen with so much amusement.

"Do you watch until you drool like that?" Changmin knock his head lightly.

Junsu looked at him sternly. "I'm not as ert as you."

"Yeah right," the other guy scoffed. "If it's not , what is it?"

Junsu smirked. "Someone was trying to hack our system."

"Hackers?" Changmin eyebrow rose up. "And if that so, why do you have to smile like that? It's creepy."

"The site that this person tried to view was even more creepy," Junsu turned his laptop so that Changmin could see what's appearing on the screen. The only respond the other could give was widened his eyes.

"T-ara record. Oh geez, don't tell me this is White Lily?"

Junsu turned the laptop at him again before continued. "If this is White Lily, we should be able to find out since the beginning. Remember how smart he is until he didn't forget to make his finger print disappeared?"

"So… you're trying to say that…"

He cut him off. "Between Black Rose or T-ara. Either one of them was trying to hack our system, gather all the secret information from our database."

"Your high-tech talking going to make my head explode. Since they're trying to get into our system, DO SOMETHING!!!"

Hearing that, Junsu laughed. "Yah, I'm not stupid. I purposely made the bypass system easily so that I could trap them. I know they are brilliant but even genius make mistakes."


That night, Soyeon was busy pressing her keyboard laptop until she didn't realized Boram was already sitting in front of her.

"How was Jiyeon? You know, I'm afraid to go inside her room because I don't want to see her crying and sobbing like that, It's sad," the older girl murmured.

"……………" Soyeon frowned as she stared at her laptop screen. There's a tiny little beep sound coming and she almost dropped her laptop off her lap.

"What?" Boram looked at her, confused.

"Omo, since when you're here?" Soyeon blinked her eyes.

"Excuse me?" Boram touched the other girl forehead. "I've been here for more than five minutes already. What are you doing anyway?"

"Unnie, I gotta tell you about this but, I'm not sure if the others should know. I'm… scared."

Boram has gotten even more confused. "What are you trying to say?"

"The police… they knew about us!"

"WHAT?!!" Boram shouted but Soyeon was quick enough to put her laptop aside and cover the older girl mouth.

"Shhh… listen… don't shout like that," Soyeon whispered.

"Hey, we should tell them but before that, are you sure?" 

Soyeon nodded and showed her laptop. "This is what I get from their system. Only this because the more I tried, I failed. But it's already enough to let me know that they knew about us."

Boram gulped nervously. "So…does that mean…" before she could continue, there's been a sudden blackout. The electricity encountered some sort of problem and all of them stuck in the middle of the darkness.

"GIRLS… !!" they heard JoKwon voice calling up for them.

Boram took the initiative to respond. "We're here… we're okay."

They could hear Chul Yong voice talking about the main switch board and Hyomin non-stop cursing and Eunjung shrieking voice. They could also hear Jiyeon was calling their name.

"Qri unnie, Eunjung unnie, Boram unnie, Soyeon unnie, Hyomin unnie…" from her voice, Soyeon and Boram could tell that she almost crying. Jiyeon was afraid of the dark place. It wasn't something new when she cried in situation like this.

"It's okay Jiyeon, I'm coming. Hey, where's the torch light?!" Eunjung said loudly.

After a few minute chaos, the problem finally settled. They were all breathing calmly. Soyeon and Boram quickly walked out from their room and joined them in the living room. Even Jiyeon was there, leaning her head at Jokwon shoulder.

None of them saying anything until Jokwon suddenly burst out laughing. "Yah, it was only a blackout thingee, why would we all be this panic. Hahaha…"

"I'm not…" Hyomin denied. "But all of you—YES."

"Denial," Chul Yong mumbled and received one sharp annoying glare from her.

"Yeah," Eunjung agreed. "I agree with Jokwon 'ah-ju-ssi'."

Soyeon exchanged her gazed with Boram, still hesitating whether she should tell them now or later especially with Jiyeon being here. Again, T-ara girls along Jokwon and Chul Yong drowned in silence until Qri stood up.

"Let me open the door, we should let fresh air enter this house," she hurriedly open the main door but then, instead of walking back to the living room, she just stood there, frozen.

"Qri unnie, what's up?" Eunjung asked.

"Guys… we got a message…" Qri said nervously as she walked in with something inside her hand.

They were now looking at each other face with so many thought on their mind. WHITE LILY.

Jokwon took the paper card from her and read it aloud.


From : Black Rose




Author's note~


im back again!! 

 school cosplay and H.S dance end well yesterday, i was so tired that i didnt make it to update, so i do it now..


thanks to all my new subscribers and comments!! love u guys~


by the way.... have you heared the news about jiyeon? she is taking the lead role in Dream High 2!! 

i was so excited, i've been wishing for it ever since i heared about the news about having the 2nd part of that drama and its came true!! readers, are you excited to see our jiyeonnie in another drama again? i wonder who's gonna be her partner..hmmm




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Kpop_fan21 #1
Chapter 20: woah this story is daebak!!! update!!! Boram please dont die (T^T)
cutieabby #2
Chapter 20: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee more more episode author-nim !!
Chapter 20: Boram is really dead??? T.T Poor her,
*cry hard*
BTW this is the most awesome story I ever read...
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 20: welcome back,authornim!! it was so long that i thought u already left the story but im so GLAD ur back!!
poor boram, *sob sob* it was so sad what happened to her, and i hope nothing happens to others..
btw i had to reread the story coz i forgot who was white lily & black rose.hehe but it was worth it, finally remembered jinwoon died & there i was thinking where he disappeared to..xD

update soon..hwaiting!!!
1122 streak #5
Wow i like the story... Maybe you could continue this ff so that it would be a waste of t ara s2ry just like you said new reader here.. I love taecjung moments... Hehe
yeonniestan94 #6
hello authornim.. pls update soon
i love this story so muchh esp taecjung moments..hwaiting!!
Chapter 19: cool!! >.< Nice update ^o^
exobacon #8
Chapter 19: Finally update !!!!!!!.………………:)
love it hope you update soon!!!#
Chapter 19: I like the update~~~ update soon!! ^^ ><
DWOLF23 #10
Chapter 18: update soon