Meeting the Huang family

Oh grow up





I pulled my suitcase along the rickety concrete. So this is China? It's so damn hot... American summers are hot but this... This is insane!

"Miss Joohyun?" Says a voice.

I look round to see a middle aged man in a suit and sunglasses.

"Oh hello... are you my dad's friend?" Gotta admit, this guy's English is good.

"No miss Joohyun, I am Mr Huang's chauffeur. Mr Huang is on the phone right now." He said, emotionless.

I nodded. Something told me that he didn't want to give out his name or start a friendly conversation. He took my bags and disappeared behind a black range rover. The back door opened, a tall man in a grey suit on the phone walks out. The chauffer scurried round and closed the door behind him.

"Okay thank you, goodbye." Said the man. He hung up and put the phone in his trouser pocket. "Joohyun?" He looks over to me.

I put on my best fake smile and walked over to him.

"Hello, I've heard a lot about you. I'm sure you'll feel right at home." He smiled.

I looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

"Ah right sorry, Korean is your preferred language right? Or English?" He says fluently.

"Either's fine." I nod and smile awkwardly. This man radiates efficency... He is 100% a businessman.

"Shall we get going then?" He smiles.

"Sorry what's your name sir?" I ask.

"Aha I apologize, my name is Huang Ziyong."

"Do you mind if I call my parents to let them know I've arrived? Uh sir?"
"By all means. We'll wait for you in the car." He smiles and walks through the open car door. The chauffeur steps into the front seat.

I reach into my bag for my phone and dial my dad's number. It's rings a few times before a concerned father speaks up.

"Joohyun?! Are you safe? How was the flight?" Says Dad.

"I'm fine. I've just met Mr Huang. He said his name is Huang Ziyong."

I hear mom asking a bunch of questions in the background.

"Is he still the same? tall? Good looking?" He asks.

"Yeah. Bet you're jealous. He looks like that super junior guy, Zhoumi." I giggle.

"Yeah I always looked odd standing next to him." He sighs.

"Ai-ya!" Shrieks mom, "Joohyun?! Honey?! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine mom." I laugh.

"Okay if anything happens, call mommy okay? I love you!"

"-okay bye!" Says Dad. They squabble a couple of seconds before hanging up abruptly.

I turned off my phone and smile to myself. I look over to the car and my happiness sinks a bit. This is gonna be .


We pull up outside a lavish house. Almost twice as big as ours at home. It's modern, spacious and there's a pool! these guys are rich...

I open the door and gawk at the sheer size of the residence. The chauffeur looks at me, and back at the opened door, surprised. He then continues to unload my suitcase and brings me my rucksack.

"Thank you." I say, taking the bags.

"After you." Says Mr Huang. I was so taken away by the house, I didn't even notice him getting out.

I take hesitant steps into the building. I take my time to admire the interior of the house. It's all so sleek and modern! What I'd give to make my house more like this place!

"Ahh welcome!" Says a lady. She comes up to me and hugs me as I was about to bow. "Joohyun! Wow you've grown up so beautifully!"

I smile. So when did i meet this woman? She's beautiful. Not even a single wrinkle on her. Not to mention her great korean skills. She's wearing a long black skirt and a silky navy blouse. Long, jet black hair and gorgeous moon-shaped eyes.

"No welcome for me?" Pouts Mr Huang.

"Awww your not new to this household are you?" She smiles and kisses his cheek.

Wow... I have no idea what they just said but it sounded cheesy. I wonder how many years these guys have been married?

"Oh, are these all of your things?" She looks around at my suitcase and rucksack.

"Ah yes." I said.

"Oh okay we'll have them right up in your room. It's been a long time since we had another girl in the house!" she smiles. There's a butler-looking guy standing next to her. "Would you be so kind as to take these to her room, Harrison?"

"Certainly." He picks up my suitcase.

"Ah this is Harrison, our butler. He's a great guy." She pats him on the shoulders.

"Oh you flatter me Mrs Huang." He smiles and continues up the wide staircase. Okay so everyone speaks Korean? Cool.

"Would you like to meet the boys?" She smiles.

"Boys? I heard that you have a daughter and a son?" I ask timidly.

"Oh our daughter Victoria is 27. She moved out last year. And our son is in the gaming room with some of his friends. Don't worry they'll leave before dinner and don't be shy! They're all nice boys." She smiles.

"I'll be in my office." Mr Huang pecks his wife's cheek and disappeared into the hallway.

I smiled back and followed her to the game room.

"Tao! Our guest is here!" She walks into the room.

"Don't worry! They don't bite." She puts her arm around my shoulder and leads me inside.

Okay what? I was expecting 8 year olds... A bunch of tall teenage boys are crowded around a pool table.

"Tao say hello to Joohyun." Says Mrs Huang.

A tall boy from the back puts down his pool stick and walks over to us. He's so damn tall... I look up to his face. This boy is a perfect 10... I swear to god... I feel my chest heating up and my knees weaken the slightest bit. That thick black hair, styled perfectly. His tanned, glowing skin, long toned thighs and those intense eyes. I can't stop looking at him.

"Hello." Says his husky voice.

"I'll leave you guys to get on. Tao be nice." Smiles Mrs Huang. She leaves the room.

"Hey there! Joohyun? Are you Korean?! Do you understand Chinese?" Asks a boy sitting on a beanbag.

"Ah a little bit... my Chinese isn't that good." I said nervously.

The boy nods. "I'm Korean too! My name is Baekhyun!"

I nod awkwardly.

"Do you? Uh do you want a coke? Or something?" Asks Tao.

I nod again.

"You don't talk much." Says Baekhyun. Tao opens a can of coke and passes it to me.

I smile and sip the coke. I look up to see Tao looking at me. He smiles awkwardly and walks back over to the pool table.


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athenas #1
Chapter 4: Please continue this! I've been waiting to see what happens next (the fic itself is actually well-paced and interesting; it feels llike a kdrama).