
Our Stars

Seulbi POV


I always wondered what's so special about a kiss. In the dramas that Inyoung loves to watch, the female and male lead always kiss. And when they do, they make it seem like time stops just for them. Inyoung would go crazy, and I would turn the TV off to spite her. After all, what's so special about two pairs of lips touching? It's like holding hands, but with lips. I never understood why everyone treasured their first kiss so much.

I understand now.

Chanyeol's lips are soft and warm. Plus they taste like fresh baked chocolate cookies. Is that possible? He didn't eat any chocolate today. For what seems like forever, Chanyeol's arms trap me inside a warm, comfortable cage while his lips continue to touch mine. Tick. Tick. Tick. Everything around me all dissolve into a huge blur as the clock slows down. But all I can focus on is the pair of warm lips belonging to the awkward, dorky guy pressed against me. Thump. Thump. Thump thump. I feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter as my heart threatens to jump out of my chest again. 

But the embarrassing thing is, both of our eyes are open as wide as they can go. So not only do I have to suffer the humiliation of my first kiss being stolen by this idiot, I embarrass myself again by getting lost in his deep, chocolate eyes. How can a person's eyes have so much depth and life to them? I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into two oceans of dark chocolate.

Finally, I wake up from the spell and push Chanyeol off of me with all the strength I can muster up. Chanyeol stumbles over his long legs and fall onto the floor of the airplane with a flop. Quickly, I look away and clear my throat. He gets up and brushes himself off a bit.

"Hey. You okay?" Baekhyun puts his arm around Chanyeol's shoulders. "How'd you fall?" Chanyeol doesn't say anything. He stands there in a daze, staring at me until I feel holes burning into the back of my head. Not being able to stand it anymore, I whip my head around and snap at him.

"Yah, pabo! Didn't you hear Baekhyun talking to you?" He blinks his eyes a few times and wakes up. 

", yeah I, I fell." He mutters, rubbing the nape of his neck. Baekhyun narrows his eyes at the both of us, staring us down. 

"Did something happen between the two of you...?" He asks. 

"Nothing. Let's just go, Baek." Chanyeol mumbles, pulling Baekhyun away by his collar. As soon as he sits down in the farthest seat from me possible, I let out a small puff of air I didn't realize I was holding. Slowly, I touch my lips softly with the tips of my fingers. The chocolate taste still lingers there, teasing me. Making me remember. Frantically, I press my hands to my heart. As if I can making it beat slower. The pilot voice comes on on the intercom, wishing us a comfortable flight and to wear our seatbelts. I should be focusing on the view as the plane takes off, especially since this is my first overseas trip. But all my brain does is replay the kiss over and over again. It's all his fault.

"U-unni..." I turn around. HwaYoung avoids my eyes and shifts uncomfortably.

"HwaYoung-ah! What's wrong?" 

"Oppa told me to come sit with you for the flight...You don't have to if you don't want to. I can sit by myself..." Love blossoms for the scared little girl in my heart and a smile forms on my lips. Patting the seat next to me, I beckoned her to come over. She smiles happily and hops onto the seat next to me.



"Do you like Chanyeol oppa?" I nearly fall out of my seat. Blushing, I quickly look around to see if anyone heard her, but everyone was in their own little worlds. "Well, do you?" She ask, her large eyes reaching deep into my soul. Quickly, I take a deep breath and regain my composure.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because Oppa said that when girls and guys fight, it's most likely because they like each other. You and Chanyeol oppa are always fighting. And my Oppa is never wrong." She reasons.

"Well...I don't like him. Not a single bit."

"No! You like him." She insists. "My Oppa is never wrong! Just watch. I'll prove it to you." I laugh awkwardly, hoping that she'll drop the subject. Suddenly, I notice that HwaYoung is really pale and has a light sheen of sweat on her forehead.

"HwaYoung-ah, are you okay? You don't look very well." Concerned, I press my hand to her her forehead. No fever, is it a cold? 

"It's nothing. I get sick very easily. Especially on planes." She says carelessly. But I can tell that she's very tired and uncomfortable. This won't do. I press the button next to the window to call for a flight attendant. Minutes later, a smiling lady comes over, asking if anything is wrong.

"Sorry to disturb you, but may we have some warm water with honey and lemon slices? This little girl is sick and that should help her feel better." I explain, apologizing for the inconvenience over and over again. When she comes back with the water, I order HwaYoung to drink all of the concoction. Then I tell her to settle back into the chair and pull my light blue sweater over her, tucking it in. 

"Thanks Unni. I feel a lot better now. What's in that drink you gave me?"

"Honey and lemon. When I was younger, my sister used to get sick a lot too. But we didn't have any money for medicine. So I would just make her that drink. Then she would get better faster and play with me again." I explain. 

"That's nice. I wish...I had an sister..." HwaYoung mumbles as she drifts to dreamland. I smile and pull her hair away from her face. Such an angel. When I look up, I feel someone looking at me. I lock eyes with the familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes. Chanyeol... He's staring at me with confusion in his eyes. I frown and look away. What's wrong with him? 

Whatever. It was just a kiss. Just a kiss...

Chanyeol POV



"When I say the words honey lemon...what do you think of?" I say softly. Baekhyun sighs and puts his phone down. 

" I think of...SeYi noona. I still remember how she used to make us that honey lemon drink whenever we got sick before.... before what happened. She used to always smell like honey and lemons."

"Are honey and lemons a really popular drink?" Baekhyun frowns and ponders before answering me.

"I don't think so. I only remember SeYi noona making it for us. Why?"

"Nothing. Just...nostalgia, I guess." I look out of the window and examine the view of the sparkling waters of the ocean. A question plagues my brain and refuses to leave no matter how much I beg it to.

Why does Seulbi remind me so much of my dead sister?


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junebune #1
Too cute!!
Chapter 13: Dead sister?! JINJJA??? Daebak!!!~~~ Author-nim, Update Soon!!!
Fatima90 #3
Chapter 12: please update soon
it's getting so exciting !! :)
Exo880408 #4
Chapter 12: OMG! O.O
One update that is enough to blow me away hahahaha
Thank you for the update and keep it up, auhornim! ^^
Chapter 12: WAH!!!!!!!!!!!! They kissed each other!!!!!!!! Author nim, update soon!!!
Chapter 11: WAH~~~ Do Kyungsoo is in the house! Author-nim, update soon!!~~
Fatima90 #7
Chapter 11: please post chapter 12 as soon as possible :)
Your story is great :)
Chapter 10: Man his father is really rude. Update Soon!
Exo880408 #9
Chapter 10: O.O i didn't expect his father to be that rude! Can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 9: No! Kyungsoo dont!!! Author-nim, update soon!!!