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Yoongi fluff for Rachel's (@btsyngi) birthday.


Well first of all, Rachel, I wish you a happy birthday (yes again) ! I hope you have a nice day and that you feel better soon. I am so glad I know you even if hasn't been that long. You're one of the sweetest person I've ever met and I sincerely wish you all the best in life. I also wish I could send you a little gift but unfortunately, I'm broke :/. So instead, I decided to write you a Yoongi fluff even though I never did that before and the story is probably gonna make no sense and be messy af... I'm sorry for that. Also, I got this idea two days ago when I couldn't fall asleep and saw your tweets about not going to uni and yeah here we are. So, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND I LOVE YOU!! (I was supposed to give you this earlier but some things came in between and well :/)



Also I am truly sorry for my lack of vocabulary and grammar. English isn't my first language (not even my second) so, sometimes it sounds really repetitive and it's also probably full of typos :/ What I had in mind was really cute but once I started typing it, I couldn't find the right way to put my imagination into words.


(2614 words)



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