Ask Dr SarangHAE

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Lee Donghae is a celebrity columnist of a love advice column, affectionately known as Dr Saranghae.

Lee Hyukjae is a lone single who has his eye on his hot boss but lacks the confidence to approach him.

Hyukjae decides to seek the help of Donghae to achieve his love goal but will he be able to get the high profile figure to help someone like him? Will Donghae be able to prove his prowess by achieving a successful case study he can brag about for years to come? Or will the two of them be stuck in a love web more complicated than they ever expected?


This story is based off a prompt off a competition which got cancelled:

“After all, what is happiness? Love, they tell me. But love doesn’t bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary, it’s a constant state of anxiety, a battlefield; it’s sleepless nights, asking ourselves all the time if we’re doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony.”


– Paulo Coelho


Poster by Art From Fantasy World!

(FantasyAngel is new but she was so sweet she did this in a few hrs after I requested; do show her your support!)


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Bree_ND #1
Chapter 2: So cute! Can't wait for more interactions between them and for them to fall for each other already!
Bree_ND #2
Is it evil that i laughed so hard at these two right at their prologue?! Hahaha i can totally imagine their "dumb and dumber" moments!
Chapter 2: Awwww this is soooo cute ♡ So looking forward to their 'project.' lolol
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 2: intersting, looking forward :)
Chapter 2: I really want to know what will happen next !! Please update soon I mean if you could ^^
Fadelah #6
Chapter 2: I really liked the chapter and I am so excited for the next one
861015 #7
Chapter 2: So interesting. Please update sooner :)
Chapter 2: I like this sassy as Wook LOL
And EunHae are so stupid with Hae being so cute and Hyuk still thinking he likes Junsu