Park (Part 5)

Summary:Aiba goes to the park with Kazu for a simple walk, and ends up meeting someone.

Aiba stared at Kazu wide-eyed, unable to come up with a solution. The past two days, he’s had help from Sho, and his sister-in-law (even from the mother of two children next door) with changing Kazu’s diapers. For some reason, all of them were busy today, leaving him no choice but to do it himself. Besides, he’s Kazu’s father now and that meant Kazu’s his responsibility.

“Here goes nothing...”

It wasn’t that bad, except for the smell and the fact that he couldn’t get Kazu’s liquid feces off his mind. Otherwise, he felt good about it. He always thought that, like in the movies, Kazu would pee on his face, or worse, poop at the wrong moment. To his relief, Kazu behaved. So as long as he does, he wouldn’t have a problem with changing him. Once he had put a change of diapers on Kazu, he smiled proudly; he felt a bit more of like a father.

“So, Kazu. What shall we do today?”

Kazu just stared at him as if, to Kazu, he was an alien.

“Wanna go to the park?”

Of course, who would expect a two week and a half old baby to speak? Probably Aiba would. Whatever Kazu’s answer may be, he decided for a walk in the park. Besides, he and Kazu could use some sunshine and fresh air.

He ended up in front of the children’s playground after two slow laps around the whole park. Honestly, he hasn’t walked around like this in a long time, and hasn’t been to the park for almost a decade. He felt that in the past, he had no use to go to the park since he wasn’t the type that exercised during free time. Plus, work his work hours kept extending that the only park he’s close to is the one they had in rooftop for the patients (it was more of like a garden, though). Sometimes, he would spend his lunch over there, looking out onto the city. Or sometimes, he would take a break. letting the breeze brush past him, when he had the chance.

With Kazu, he actually had time and a reason to be at the park -- an actual park. He watched the kids run around freely, the trees dance when the winds blew, and many people doing their own things like walking, or running for how many miles. For once, he felt at peace just letting the scenery flood into his mind. He didn’t have to think about work, or take care of the other babies in his ward, or worry about sleep and time. He felt as if he never had that life despite the fact that only two days had passed.

There was the sound of crying that broke him from his state of peace. He looked around, wondering which parent had ignored their child for a moment. There was no one but him that had a baby in the park, so it must be Kazu. However, when he looked over the stroller, Kazu was asleep. Since when...?

All of a sudden, the crying had died down and something that sounded like a soft whisper came after. Where-- He had forgotten to look around, how ignorant of him. He had forgotten that he was sitting behind another bench. He turned his body around and saw a man holding a baby in his arms. The man was rather dark skinned as if he spent the whole year under the sun.

“I’m sorry,” The man quickly apologized as Aiba continued to stare. “He must have startled you.”

“Not at all. I just thought the crying was from my son.”

“Did I alarm him, too?”

Aiba glanced over the stroller and saw that Kazu was still asleep. “He’s still asleep.”

The man sighed in relief. “That’s good to hear... So how old is your son, if you don’t mind me asking.”

He didn’t since the man looked kind. “Two weeks and a half. How old is yours?”

“A year, actually,” The man mumbled as if he was embarrassed about his answer. “About the same year his mother left... Ah, I’m sorry. I said something unnecessary.”

He was a bit startled at how the man was easy to give off a piece of information to someone like him. But he didn’t mind, he could keep everything unnecessary being said to himself.

“I’m Ohno Satoshi, by the way, and he’s Ohno Jun,” The man introduced himself and the baby in his arm. “Are you a single father too?”

Aiba nodded his head. “Yes, I am. I’m Aiba Masaki, and this is Aiba Kazunari. He’s adopted.”

Somehow, Aiba felt that he and that Ohno guy would be good friends. He was glad that he went to the park.
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