My Move

Algo Mas (Something More)

Hey guys. Thanks for reading my story. It's my first time ever writing one but since I like MinWoo so much I decided to write one. As I said it's my first story so I'm sorry if it's boring, fast pace slow update or short. Everytime I write a chapter I feel it's long enough but when I post it is not :(. Once again thanks for the reading, commenting and subscribing. 


Bobby's P.O.V 


I did it. I decided to fight for Jinwoo their is no turning back now. I've always been shy about this things but now I'm following my gut. I didn't expect this to happen, specially not with Jinwoo but that 8th episode of WinnerTV changed me, how can someone look so good? I always felt he and Mino might have something going on, the way they both look at each other and now recently I have seen it even more. I had decided to step back and let this feeling pass but I just can't and Mino isn't making any type of move. I guess I was wrong about them but I m not wrong about what I feel. This is my chance I'm not letting it go.


"Hyung, can I talked to you?"

"Sure what is it?"

He answer with the cutest smile. Oh man I'm getting off track.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the theme park with me?"

"Sure that sounds like fun. I'll let everyone else know."

"No not anyone else, just you and me."

"Just us, why?"

"2 is better than 11 don't you think?"^^

"Okay then I can't say no to that cute goofy smile." ^^

"It's a date then."


"I said it's late we should be going. Guys! Lets go!"

I saw Mino looking at us and I'm pretty sure he was jealous but I don't care. We all headed out and said our goodbyes.

"Goodnight hyung."


"Okay bye" Mino responded and just close the door.


We arrived at our dorm.

"Did you do it" ask Jinhwan hyung

"Not yet but we have a date tomorrow"

"I guess that's good news for you."

"We should celebrate" B.I suggested.

"Woohoo!!!" The whole team scream while they push me around.

"I'm tired I think I'm going bed now"

"Okay Jinhwan hyung goodnight." ^^


Huh, why did he looked upset?

"Hyung we are waiting!" Everyone screamed.

"Okay I'm going"

I spend the rest of the night planning for tomorrow.



Arrrgh!!! Jinwoo told me he was going out tonight with Bobby. The kid doesn't joke around he was telling me the truth. I can't believe it, but why am I so angry? Am I jealous? I need to stop this date, but I don't even know my true feelings for Jinwoo. Is it more than pure friendship?

"Hey is something wrong you seem stressed out. Is it because I told you I was going out with Bobby, did you also wanted to go to the theme park?"

"Yes that's it."

"Well you can't Bobby wanted just me to join him, he was all strange about it."

My beautiful hyung is so innocent he doesn't know what's going on, and it seems I can't stop it.

"Unless there's another reason you don't want me to go with him, is there?"

What, why is he asking that? I'm getting so nervous now. Am I sweating.

"N no of f course there's not (great now I'm stuttering). You guys have fun."

"Oh okay then."

Ah man did I screw something up. He looked disappointed with my answer.


"Bobby is here I'll see you all later"

"Okay hyung have fun" Seungyoon responded.


"Yes hyung"

"Nothing, I'll see you later then."

They both left.

That's it! I need to figure out my feelings and what is it that I truely want cause at this rate I'll loose him if I'm to late.

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escapeartist #1
Chapter 6: The story and the ending is so cheesy!! I like it a lot!^^ Thank you for writing a minwoo story!)))
You left me thinking are all guys thinking about like/love like that... I mean this part - "all my life I've been afraid to use that word because I'm also afraid I might get hurt if it doesn't turn out well". So it's the same for guys as well?
2whitematoki #2
Chapter 5: ohhh why jinwoo?! doesnt he love mino?
Chapter 4: oh gosh, update juseyo... :D <3
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating so fast >///<
I really like this story❤
waiting for the next update~
aozora7 #5
Chapter 2: Aww looks like jinwoo also has feelings for mino. mino shouldve stopped him when hes about to go on his date with bobby.
2whitematoki #6
Chapter 2: wait.. does jinhwan have a crush on bobby? ㅋㅋㅋ

jinwoo ablivously wanted mino to say something or even stop his date with bobby but mino didnt make any move pfffttt
beautiful_monster26 #7
floweriness #8
Chapter 1: Alright, this is fully take put my attention. I really love it, Mino have a big competitor ㅋㅋㅋ author-nim fighting!! ♡
escapeartist #9
Chapter 1: You got my attention!! Hehe can't wait to read what's next!)) I guess there will be Jinwoo's pov as well!^^

I know it takes a lot of time to write a story, especially your first one, so thanks for writing a minwoo, it's interesting and your English is totally fine!^^

btw the song is nice))
Hispanic reader here :) can't wait I love that song