









Baekhyun likes to think that his life is fairly normal. Normal, average, and boring. But there is only so much one can do in a tiny little town like the one he’s just about to leave.


The platform is grey and dreary. The only hint of colour being the surrounding trees and grass blowing in the wind. It looks rather pretty, but not pretty enough to make him stay. Birds chirp in the distance and soon the whooshing sound of the train drawing to a close can be heard loud and clear.


He takes one last look before stepping on to the train and out of the cold and greyness of his old home. Maybe he will miss it,maybe he just might.


Baekhyun is on his way to Star Museum High School, S.M High for short. It’s a school for the ‘talented’ and the ones that dream of making it big. He doesn’t belong there at all. Well. According to his mother, Baekhyun is the most talented boy in all the world. Sure, he can play the piano! Sure, he can sing! But that doesn’t mean that he’s interested! But no, his mother just had to discover that damned school.


By the time Baekhyun has finished muttering and grumbling to himself he has already reached the end of the line. He looks out of the window and the white, flickering street lights catch his eye. He stares up at the dark night sky and sighs before standing up and hauling his suitcase off of the luggage rack.


Now, Baekhyun knew what to expect when he finally made it to the big city. Bright lights, noise, pollution etc. But nothing could have ever prepared him for this. Nothing.


As soon as he stepped off the train and walked out of the train station he immediately found his path blocked by a group of pigeons. By pigeons he meant screaming girls..


He could see them all huddled and pushing their way to the center of said huddle. It was a massacre. Another Hunger Games. ing Battle Royale reborn. How the hell was he meant to get to the dorms now!?


 “AH! EM--please let go miss-EXCUSE M--for the love of god--YOU!” A harsh screech erupts from the center of the crowd. The crazy girls continue to scream and suddenly, an arm shoots up and points directly at Baekhyun. Baekhyun really wants to strangle this mysterious arm-person because now all the pigeons girls are flocking to him.






It’s safe to say that Baekhyun is not happy with the sudden abuse from ‘Plain oatmeal’ oppa’s fangirls. Really he ought to be safe and sound in his comfy little dorm bed but of all things to happen…


“Hey kid. I’m your….Esuhort. Get it? Cause I’m your and my name’s Su--”



Baekhyun screams.







A short chapter to begin with! See you next update!

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starshine_ #1
Chapter 1: Wow! I like this! Please update!! It has only been the first chapter and I'm already hooked to it...Please take you time though...and by 'take your time', I mean you have to hurry! Haha sorry I just love this :')
Chapter 1: Uggh! This chapter is so good but i wish there was more! Please update soon!
Chapter 1: Wonder why baekkie screamed! Is that suho making a bad joke? Plz update soon