Another Year

Another Year

~Another Year~

It was just the end of the year and Jaebum was not ready at all to start a new year without somebody by his side. Being alone for New Year`s Eve sounds a bit boring for a young man as he was. A twenty-three years-old boy, in his last year of university, who happen to be single another consecutive year, since he was eighteen, so that’s why he was planning that night for so long. That night had to be perfect. No, it ought to be as it was planned, nothing should be out of balance. Because that night he was going to be man enough, he will keep his fears locked inside of his inner self, and he’ll tell the person he has loved for so long, how important he was for him.

His heart could barely resist every time he turned his gaze to him. The way the younger boy sang that beautiful melodies, the way he seemed so into the music he played while sitting in front of the piano. Every little detail, every single thing was causing in JB’s head troubles in his heart.

Some of his trustful friends arrived earlier to help him to set up the party. Decoration and food were already on the table; also some of the drinks were on it. When people started appearing in the main door with more things to drink and eat, Jaebum realized the amount of people he had invited to his party.

He had invited many of his old high school mates, some of his close neighbors and also part of his family. “Without a doubt…” JB heard from his back, he turned to look at his friend JinYoung, or Jr as he preferred to be called, who came in closer putting his left arm around his shoulders squeezing them “…this party is going to be unforgettable”. Jaebum just smiled at his best friend words, knowing for sure, and hoping, that if everything went well, he might be telling the boy he likes the way he has made him feel throughout all of these years.

The party was in its most powerful point. Everyone was dancing, drinking or just having fun. People kept appearing at his door, but JB was not worried about the amount of people that were coming into his apartment though. What was worrying him the most was, that YoungJae still did not appear.

He was preparing some drinks for his friends when he arrived…"YoungJae-ah"…JB whispered while he was trying to control himself. What it seemed seconds in real life, turned suddenly into a millennium in his head. Every second lasted an hour, an hour in which the only thing he has been watching was him, YoungJae, the boy who he was in love with. His beautiful white skin, his golden, soft and bright hair falling, almost gracefully over his eyes and ears, his pretty crimson mouth, so kissable, and of course, his amazing dark brown eyes. He was indeed beautiful, and Jaebum felt again how his body was trembling at just the idea of touching him. His hands sweating already, just by imagine the smoothness of the younger’s skin. This sensation overwhelmed him.

“It’s time. It’s now or never” he thought, leaving the cup he was holding on to start walking on YoungJae`s direction. However, when he was about to reach him, his siblings appeared out of nowhere. Mark and Jackson were glued at his brother side protecting him from any danger. From any human being who might want to hurt their little brother’s heart. Jaebum was stepping back when Jr, who was seeing the whole scene, came in rescue to help his best friend. Understanding what was the situation, he walked passed JB position standing by Mark and Jackson’s side while pulling them out of their brother`s side. With a simple glance to his friend, JB understood that this was his chance to talk to the guy who has stolen his heart. Now that he was alone because his siblings were talking with JinYoung and some other friends, once again, he had the chance to approach his side.

He was walking again into YoungJae`s way. JB felt his nervousness shake his body at every step he was giving, but he couldn’t back his plan out. However, somehow, he started thinking that it was not that easy for him to express his feelings to the boy because of the years of friendship and good times shared, so he was afraid that maybe things might change after his proposal. He stopped walking then.

When YoungJae noticed him, he smiled kindly at him. Jaebum, at that instant, knew he couldn't do it. He’ll never be ready to confess his feelings due to the consequences his proposal might have. JB felt too much pressure on him to handle, so he ran out of there, leaving the younger boy all alone and completely confused.

YoungJae followed him to the roof of the building. Jaebum reach it without any problems, and then he sat down and laid his back onto the floor. At the moment he felt his body relaxed, suddenly it grew up tensed because of YoungJae appearance. The blond boy came afterwards doing the same.

They were lying in the same position, side by side while minutes were passing by. All of a sudden, Jaebum felt YoungJae’s soft and warm hand holding his own. He looked at him. He was smiling; looking more beautiful than he already is, then he came slowly and shy under JB's right arm. They kept that position looking at the stars and after a moment of hesitation, Jaebum was brave enough to take YoungJae’s chin, raising it until they were looking at each other's eyes, and then, the younger boy cut the distance between them, kissing the other boy tender and warmly on the lips. Their mouths were moving almost choreographically on the other. It was perfect, more than what JB and YoungJae’s were expecting their first kiss to be. Jaebum was embracing YoungJae’s waist softly, caring, and loving. "I can't believe this" YoungJae spoke first once they were getting slowly apart. His head was into JB's chest, feeling the beat of his lover’s heart rising within seconds. "I love you, since the day we met; I couldn’t believe my heart and eyes when I first saw you. It was like everything what I dreamt of was becoming true just by laying my eyes on you. I was so scared of telling you the truth of my feelings, because I didn’t know how could you react to me saying how important you were to me, and how much my heart craved for your love, how much my tears were waiting for you to clean them up, or how much my skin craved, wished your touch. So, now that I’m completely sure how you do feel for me, I wanted to say thank you, for letting me love you and be the one you choose to love in return. Thank you Im Jaebum hyun" YoungJae finished saying leaving JB a bit surprised. However he smiled at the end, replying a simple “I love you too, Choi YoungJae” then he leave a soft forehead kiss while hugging the younger boy once again.

They spoke about everything that night. About their future, about their love, about the possible consequences, but nothing else mattered if they had each other forever.

 It was almost midnight suddenly they heard people counting from ten to one, and finally, when they got to one, fireworks appeared in the sky, putting some light to that dark night.


~The End~

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Chapter 1: Yes I'm still here:D I know reading this took me forever, but I got a bit busy. Hi, Felopoh. I hope you are doing well. Firstly o really enjoyed the bit where Mark and Jackson popped up to protect Youngjae just as JB was about to go and confess. That was really funny. I love 2jae's moment on the rooftop lying side by side way Hong the stars and holding hands. That so perfect and sweet. Youngjae loved JB too all along- how adorable. I also think these two are just meant to be. Nervous, shy JB is my weakness, so I love his character here.
I'm so happy that you shared this story with us. It's just the perfect sugary amount of 2jae fluff I love???❤️
Takecare ❤️ ❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Awww! This story was so cute! I couldn’t stop smiling toward the end. :) The storyline was really refreshing and sweet, and I could feel JB’s nervousness. Ah, this was really well written for your first story in English. There were only a few grammatical errors here and there, but it was still really understandable and the story went along really smoothly. I really liked it. I can’t wait to read your other story! :)
Chapter 1: That was beautiful...for your first time writing in English you did a wonderful job.
CalamitousKing #4
Chapter 1: AJSKSJD so cute ugh
Chapter 1: Awwwww cute cute cute
Chapter 1: Well, this story was a really nice first attempt at writing English. I know how hard that can be, but I want to encourage you, because you've written very sensibly and wonderfully so I hope you will keep writing. Esa historia esta muy buena.
Gazelleism #7
Chapter 1: Awww, that's so cute! Please keep writing, you are doing well~. I really like this story!
*whispers* I also think that 2jae are made to each other ;)
Katey90 #8
Chapter 1: 2jae is my fav otp of all time <333 This is just so beautiful ^^ Hwaiting