Meeting You

Beautiful Target

Beautiful Target

Oh my beautiful target,

you zoom zoom my heart like a rocket X2

I like it like it like it X3

Come into my my heart .com-

ID and password is your love

With all my heart-

I love you like a love song

- Beautiful Target - B1A4

2 Years Ago

Harry walked around the campus, tugging the ends of his sleeves self-consciously. The uniform consisted of a bright yellow blazer with black accents, a matching sweater vest underneath, all over a white long sleeved, button-up shirt and comfortable black slacks that clung to his legs stylishly. He hadn't expected any less from Seoul's Performing Arts High School, where many people emerged successful in their respective fields. Fiddling with his star patterned tie, he tried to subtly find a classmate of his that he could sneakily follow to his next period. In his defense, it was only Harry's third day at not only a new school, but also a different country. He barely resisted the urge to crumple into an embarrassing mess onto the floor, hysterically crying internally. Jerking his head left and right so fast that his vision swam dangerously for a second, panic seeped into his heart and a chilling ball of dread filled his stomach when even the students who lagged behind until just before the bell rings started to head to class.

Oh no, oh no! his heart pounded restlessly. Should I just risk it? Go to a random classroom, where a teacher will point a humiliated me to the right room under the snickers of students?

Feeling a bead of sweat roll down his cheek, Harry was about to take a step when a hand landed on his shoulder. His breath hitched in fear, heart stopping before pumping at faster than its previous pace. He couldn't hold back the small, distressed whimper, which he would later recall with much mortification, as he slowly turned around to face the owner of the appendage. Hearing the soft sound, the hand retreated quickly.


Harry tilted his head back to look at the other teen's face. Well, that wasn't saying much since he was rather short and had to crane his neck to look at the majority of the population here and back home. He stood at an unimpressive height of 162.5 (you can't forget the .5!) centimeters and estimated the student in front of him was around 170 or so, and Harry would bet his left hand that the other wasn't even finished growing yet, he realized with a sigh. But he hasn't given up hope! Harry will grow taller, and if he has to drown himself in milk, then so be it!

The taller teen had his hands held out in front of him in apology.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no," Harry exhaled deeply, trying to calm his racing heart. "Just aged ten years or so, it's fine."

The other gave an amused chuckle. Harry took this moment to observe him. There was something familiar in that awkward smile… His eyes widened in recognition.

"Chan Shik, right? We sit next to each other in math?"

He received a bright beam, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the building on the right.

"My friend's in the exchange program," Chan Sik said suddenly as they climbed up a set of stairs that Harry could vaguely remember scaling yesterday, looking at him expectantly.

It took a few seconds before an image of a handsome face and a dorky smile appeared in his head. "Sang Jin?" The two had been communicating around a month before they switched to their current places, Harry in Korea and Sang Jin in England.

Chan Sik sighed dramatically. "How could that fool cruelly leave me here while he explores the outside world?"

A loud bell rang, interrupting their conversation. He abruptly dropped to the floor and started to army crawl. When he noticed that Harry wasn't following, he motioned with his hand to get down and pointed at the windows that were connected to the classrooms, giving the class a full view of the hallway should they look to the right. Harry quickly kneeled down and stuck closely to his new…friend? Acquaintance? He didn't have much of a chance to ponder about that when the other stopped.

"Class 1-B," Chan Sik muttered lowly. Harry craned his back, catching sight of the shiny plaque that hung by the door.

"So, how do we get in?" he his lips nervously.

"Who knows?"

"What!" Chan Sik hushed him. "What do you mean?" Harry lowered his voice, whispering harshly.

The other shrugged. "I had't thought that far."

He sighed heavily through his nose. No, Harry. Murder is socially unacceptable, not to mention illegal. You will not murder the young man in front of you. You will not…

A mantra of 'You will not' played in his head as he clenched his fists tightly.

"Um, Harry?" Chan Sik asked, worried about the dark shadow that crossed over his new friend's face only to be answered with a murmured, "You will not." Not what?

Before he could question the other's sanity, however, Harry crouched up until just his hair and eyes were exposed, peering through the window cautiously. He ignored the curious pokes to his side.

By the looks of it, the teacher was still calling roll, but the timeframe to sneak in was rapidly getting smaller. There were two doors, one located in the front and at the back. The one near the front was out of the question since it was by the teacher's desk. They would have to make a distraction or something in order to get in soon. But what? Would—he stifled a gasp when he noticed a previously bored student near the back was staring straight at him. He widened his eyes just as the other raised an eyebrow at him.

"Please?" he mouthed the words, knitting his eyebrows together desperately.

The student sighed in exasperation before raising his hand.

What was he doing? Harry thought. Was the other…helping them? He honestly hadn't expected that. He just wanted him to keep their presence a secret. Harry looked on when he noticed the brunet was walking to the front of the classroom, where the teacher seemed to be searching for something. Wait! She had her back to them!

Harry grabbed his classmate's hand, opened the door silently, and pulled him in. The two stayed close to the floor as they slid into seats at the back.

The student was handed a pass, probably for the restroom, and opened the door, but not before sending a smirk to Harry.

Thank the heavens for lucky chances! he sagged into the wooden chair, distantly hear the teacher continue calling names.

"Gong Chan Sik?"

"Here," Harry heard a happy chirp from his right.

Did you know that Gongchan and E-XO's Kai and Sehun went to the same high school? But he apparently didn't know them during that time. However, Kai would have been in the same year as Gongchan since he was born in January. The Jo Twins and Minwoo of Boyfriend would have been in Year 1 when Channie was a senior. Sigh, I wish there was more interaction between the groups. - Aldira

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