Our Stars Collided


Star Children. The race of long-lived people who are born when two stars collide.

YooSang. A Star Child who's in a race against time to find the one destined for her.

Baekhyun. A young human caught in the portal between Earth and the Spirits.


Somewhere in space, two stars collided and from the dust, YooSang was born.

For the next century, she floated in space, a bright light in a dark galaxy.

Then the Council found her, took her to the Spirits, and gave her the form of a young human baby.

The next two stars collided, marking one year of YooSang's existence.

The next hundreds of years passed in that manner, YooSang growing slowly with each impact.

On the day of the 15th year since her birth, she met with the Spirits for a second time.

They told her of her Destined One, the one she would walk hand in hand with until the cease of their existence.

They then told her that she only had until her 18th birthday to find him.








Note: Star Children mark years by the time between star collisions- this means that years for them are not uniform and can be random. 


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