Cover Girl

Cover Girl


Something you were always guilty of. Crunchy hair, piercing eyes, uneven skin that almost made you look like a zebra. Sighing, you put down your eyeliner down and glanced at the magazine next to youu. Everything about the girl on the front seemed beautiful, at least in your eyes. Long silky hair, perfectly tanned skin, and no pimples whatsoever (unlike your face that could never get a break from zits). Averting your eyes from the colorful cover, you put a piece of flyaway hair behind your ear and looked at the mirror one last time. What could he possibly see in me? I’m not pretty, I mean look at all the idols he hangs out with. Your mind began swarming with these questions.

“Hey, you ready for our date?” Rap Monn cheerfully questioned as he barged into your room (not that you cared anyway since there wasn’t really any time where Namjoon actually knocked). Your thoughts were interrupted by the idiotic grin on his face.

“Ya, one sec,” you replied softly. Checking her phone, you looked at your reflection. 

“I don’t get it,” you said, barely registered under a whisper.


“Why you like me? I’m clearly not like all the girls you ever dated. And I’m sure as hell don’t look as pretty as them. It just-I,” you sighed. His forehead scrunched with confusion as he took her words into consideration. Never in his life had he met someone as complicated as you. Not that he was complaining, in fact he was doing the exact opposite of that. He knew how you liked to have walls up to hide her true self when she met people, and he respected that.

He chuckled softly. “I don’t get it either. I don’t get why you’re so hard on yourself. Why you think so low, when you’re really everything. How someone who makes others so happy could feel that way about herself.” Leaning forward, he caressed your cheek delicately. “How you’re so pretty that it hurts. How someone could be so beautiful but not realize it.” Interlocking his hands with yours, he played with your fingers. 

Looking down, you blushed (although there wasn’t any one time that you hadn’t in front of Rap Mon and his sappy lines). “Thank you for your poetry Mr. Feminine Writer.” You meant it to be sarcastic, but you really did feel flattered and amazed on how he can go from flirty and fun to the next Shakespeare in a snap. It was something you truly valued in him.

Enveloping you into a bear hug, he your luscious hair and still couldn’t understand how your skin could always be so warm, especially now during the wintertime. “I know you hate it when I spew out mushy line as you but I don’t think you understand how happy you make me feel. How much my life has changed after you came. You’re beautiful, and I want to always remember that.”

Your heart fluttered with butterflies. He could still make you feel this way even this far into your relationship.

“Oh, and you won’t be needing this. After all, you’re my CoverGirl,” he said while throwing the CoverGirl magazine into the trash as he then pulled you into a sweet kiss.

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Chapter 1: ADORABLE! This was truly an adorably cutesy story! Loved it!