School trip

Why it had to be You?

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 "Yong Rim...sweetie? Are you up?'',her Mrs.Park shouted from outside her bedroom while slightly koncking the door.A little growl was heard from inside as her daughter adjusted her position on the bed. That was when her mother finally got in angry."YAH! PARK YONG RIM? What is this? Get the hell up.You will be late.AGAIN.Isn't today the day you will go on an excursion? Do you really want to be late today?'',she reminded her.

 Yong Rim immediately shofted her body up.Without even looking her mother she turned to face the clock that was on her bedside table."...'',she said and she tossed her blanket off of her body. She completely ignored her mother's presence as she ran towards the bathroom.

 "Aish this kid.Why can't she even do anything right?'',Mrs.Park sighed and after that she exited her daughter's bedroom.

 Yong Rim quickly dressed.She put on a comfy grey sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings.Something that would not only look cute on her slender body but also something that would be very confortable.

 She then grabbed her backpack,which she had already prepared from yesterday night,and left her room immediately after.

 She ran downstairs.almost tripping in her way. Her parents who were now sitting in the living room saw her but decided that it was no use telling to be careful.That's how she was acting everyday.So it was not different today.

 Yong Rim exited her house,not forgeting to close the door behind her and took her way to school.

 There were a lot of students from her school around her.Maybe she wasn't that late after all.She followed behind them as her eyes searched to find any familiar faces inside the sea of people.

 She eventually stopped seeking and just looked ahead.

 The girls and Woohyun are probably there already.

She thought while walking alone.And for somw reason it felt different.Most days she would find Taehyung or Jimin with Hoseok on her way.They are usually going to school at the same time she goes.They always walk together and chat about different things.Like,this one time Hoseok told her a story about Jungkook who forgot that he had to study for the history test and when he went to school he finally remembered it. He got zero points on that test.

 Well, usually that’s how she would go to school. But today it seemed as if she was really late.

 She speeded her pace and the school was now almost visible. A smile formed on her lips when she saw that the students were still there and the busses were waiting outside for them.  Her friends were there as well.

 So Hyun saw her from afar and waved at her to hurry. Probably because it was time to leave for the trip.

 “Yah…Park Yong Rim. Really now? You were almost left behind. How many times do we have to tell you? Waking up early is really important you babo.”,Ji woo shouted at the small figure that was standing in front of them, gasping while grabbing her knees.

 “Mian….I….I just slept late yesterday.’’, Yong Rim informed them. “And why is that?’’. her friends asked her.

 Yong Rim finally stands straight and breaths properly. “Well….you know. Yesterday came out the last episode of my favorite drama. I couldn’t help it but watch it. And it came out quite late so….’’, she explained the situation to them earning loud sighs from them.

 “Whatever. Come on now. We have to get in the bus. Woohyun is already inside. He got here early in order to keep a seat for you too.’’, So Hyun told her.

 She nodded at them while finally making their way inside as well, following the rest of the kids.

 The girls were not lying. Woohyun was indeed inside. However, she noticed that seat next to him was not actually empty like they told her. On the other hand, there was a girl sitting there and laughing with him.

 Woah….Nam Woohyun. You sure have many fans, don’t you?

 She thought while standing there.

 “Oh…Yong Rim. Here…Palli palli.’’, suddenly he shouted while waving at the girl to come near him. With a smile she approached him and got a little surprised when she saw that the girl next to him glared at her. If looks could kill, Yong Rim would be dead by now.

 “Oppa…Who is that?’’, she heard her saying. Woohyun turned to look at her with a smile on his face. “Yong Rim is my best friend.’’, he introduced her.

 “Hello….I’m Park Yong Rim. Nice to meet you.’’, she stretched her hand at her but didn’t get a reaction. It seemed that this girl somehow hated her.

 “Oppa….I’ll be going now. See you later.’’, she told him with a fake kind expression. She got up and once again stared at Yong Rim as if she was warning her. After that she walked away slowly.

 Yong Rim finally sat next to Woohyun who was looking at her with a bright smile. “What’s up with her? Is she someone I should know? ‘’, she asked him while pointing at the girl who was now seated.

 “Oh…You mean Jun Hyosung? Well, you know that your oppa is handsome. I can’t help it that I have so many fans. However…I am not interested in her. She just likes my looks. I don’t care.’’, he coldly explained.

 He was always like that. Always making girls screaming for his attention. Always hearing whispers from them everytime he would walk inside the school. And he never actually cared. He never before had a serious relationship with someone. All the girls he’ve been with were just for fun.

 “I see.’’, Yong Rim didn’t say more. She knew that she couldn’t change his mind. For that she was sure.

  Suddenly you could hear the girls screaming. She turned to look ahead and just like she thought. Bangtan Boys arrived.

 First was Jimin who was smiling at the girls with a bright smile. You could barely notice his eyes. Behind him there was Taehyung and Jungkook who were playfully hitting each other. “I warned you before, I’m warning you again. Don’t you dare touch my cheese balls.’’, Jungkook shouted at his hyung who was imitating the way he was talking. They looked like they were kids. And that was something that the girls loved.

 After them there was Hoseok who was waving at his fans and shouting at them loudly “I’m your HOPE. I’m J-hope.’’, earning soft laughs from them. Following behind him Seokjin and Namjoon were talking loud enough for everyone to hear. “Kim Namjoon. I told you a thousand times before. You are a moving destruction. How the hell did you manage to break the knife? Like seriously now? Thank god no one was near to get hurt.’’, the older scolded him. “I swear it wasn’t me. V used it before me and when I finally decided to use it too it was already broken.’’

 God they were so noisy.  The only person that was silent was Yoongi. He was behind them walking without talking.

 “Oh…Suga is so cool.’’, one girl said and the others agreed with her while nodding their heads.

 After a while all of them finally got a seat. The only person sitting alone was Yoongi. However, it didn’t seem as if it bothered him. He had his earphones on and ignored everything and everyone.

 “Kids.  Please sit down. The bus will now start moving. Please don’t do anything dangerous so that we will arrive safely.’’, the teacher suddenly said. “Neh…’’, all of them responded in boredom.

 “Let’s have a great time, shall we?’’, he added and that was when the bus started moving.

 “Yah…Yong Rim? Wake me up when we arrive, okay?’’, Woohyun told her while leaning on her shoulder. “Arasso…. Sleep well little baby.’’, she playful said and his soft hair.


   Woohyun’s eyes slowly opened as the voices of the other students annoyed him. Everyone was not seated but they were running instead. Jeez… it was so noisy. He looked up to see if Yong Rim was thinking the same but inside of talking to her he just stopped and stared.

 A smile appeared on his face when he saw his little friend having her eyes tightly closed and not feeling bothered by the loud sounds around her.

 “Ah… I told you to wake me when we arrived. And now look at you. You are sleeping instead of doing the job I gave you. ‘’, he whispered softly not wanting to wake his angel up.

 “Is she sleeping? Ah….of course she is.’’, a voice was suddenly heard, making him to turn at the direction it was comes.  So Hyun was leaning on her seat while standing half straight. Her eyes were observing the sleeping figure of her best friend as she let out a sigh with a smile.

 “How did you know that she would sleep?’’, Woohyun asked her. “Well, she slept late yesterday. And now she is tired. Ah… this rascal.’’, she explained. “I see.’’.

 Suddenly the bus stopped. Everyone turned to look ahead where the teacher was now standing looking at them. “We are here.’’, he informed them. “Kids….take any personal belongings you may have and exit the bus. We will meet again at this exact place in the evening. You shall all be here by then. And have fun without doing anything dangerous.’’, he continued.

 The doors opened and the students went outside immediately.

 “Yah…Park Yong Rim….Wake up. We are here.’’, Woohyun shook her shoulder softly as her eyes stared opening. “Mmh…what…where are we? Are we already here?’’, she said while looking around with her half awaken voice.

 “Ah…what am I going to do with you?’’, he said and laughed at her cuteness.


   “Ah….so refreshing.”,Jimin said while throwing his hands in the air and breathed in. Suddenly someone hit his head making him return back in reality. “Yah…babo. We are talking here.’’, Namjoon said.

 “Ouch….Hyung. That really hurt.’’, he complain and his his right hand he rubbed the back of his neck where he got hit.

 “Rap Mon-hyung is right Jimin. We are all discussing here about where we will go first and you are the only one who is not listening.’’, Hoseok added.

 “Arasso arasso. I’m sorry. What were you saying?’’, Jimin decided to enter the conversation as well.

 “Okay so… I think that maybe we should go first to eat something so that we won’t walk with an empty stomach, and then we can go somewhere.’’, Seokjin suggested.

“Oh come on now hyung. Just because you want to eat it doesn’t mean we want that too. Your mind is always there. Jeez.’’, Jungkook told him and the others agreed as well. “Okay okay. Don’t kill me. You all now my love for food. I just wanted to see any of you little peasants is hungry. Okay then. I won’t ever talk again.’’, the older pretended to be hurt like he always does in these situations.

 However, there was one person that wasn’t paying attention to what his friends were saying. "Suga-hyung. What do you think? Is there anything we can do here?’’, Taehyung asked him but got no answer. “Hyung?’’, he once again said but Yoongi was staring at the same direction.

 Taehyung looked at the thing that made him so silent, only to get surprised when he saw three girls talking.

 “You saw that girl today. She is supposed to be my oppa’s best friend. How the hell this Park Yong Rim is my future husband’s best friend? I’m sure she only wants to seduce him and make my Woohyun hers.’’

 Jun Hyosung said to her other two friends. The Bangtan Boys knew her very well. She was just a spoilt brat. Just because she was rich she thought that she could have anything and anyone. Including every hot guy that existed at her school. She once before tried to seduce Jungkook but thank god he wasn’t so stupid.

 However, it wasn’t so easy to get rid of her. She was indeed annoying. And now it seemed that she found her next victim. Nam Woohyun. And all of them knew that Jun Hyosung is able to do anything in order to get what she wants. That means that any obstacle she would find on her way was something that she would make disappear.

  That means that Park Yong Rim was probably in danger now.

“How about….we follow them? Nam Woohyun, Park Yong Rim and her two puppies that she calls best friends? In this way. We will find the chance to get rid of her when Woohyun is not there.’’, one of the girls suggested.

 “Ah…you are a genius. That’s what we will do.’’, Hyosung agreed.

 Yoongi and Taehyung turned to look at each other at the same time. They both nodded their heads and just with their eyes they could understand what they meant. Then they turned to face the others who were already looking at them.

 “We know guys. ‘’, Jimin said and the others agreed with him.

 At that very moment Woohyun and Yong Rim exited the bus and approached the two girls that were waiting for them outside.

 “Let’s go.’’, Namjoon gave them the sing and then all of them made their way towards the four kids.

 “Hey Yong Rim.’’, Taehyung suddenly said making her look at him. “Oh…Hi Taehyung. What’s up? Why are you guys still here?’’, she asked all of them surprised by the fact that they had not left yet.

 “Well…we were wondering. Uhm….would it be a problem if we come with you guys? You see. We have no idea what to do and we think that you might have thought of something.’’, Jungkook asked them.

 “Well, we actually want to go to this lake that’s nearby. You can come, I guess.’’, Ji woo informed them.

   “Really? Well that seems cool. What are we waiting for then? Let’s go.’’, Hoseok shouted in excitement and then walked away even though he had no idea where he should go.

 However, the others followed behind him without wanting to ruin his happiness. He was the life of the party after all.

 What not all of them knew was that there were three more people following them as well. Only seven of them already could tell. Yoongi turned to face Taehyung.

 “Let’s stay as close as we can to Yong Rim. You remember what Hyosung and her crew did to that poor girl that asked our maknae for something about the homework last time, don’t you?’’, he told him and he nodded.

 They were the only ones that could protect her now. However, one of them would be able to save her in case something happened. And Taehyung knew that it was Yoongi’s turn.








giphy.gif I'm back~

How was this chapter? Pretty boring huh?
Well,wait until I update the next one.And I promise you....there are a lot to come.

tumblr_n11rw2WCLH1sifeaxo1_500.gif If you know what I mean.

Ow and....look who appeared.Jun Hyosung.

tumblr_mw7ijan23Z1s7u3yio1_500.gif Isn't she cute? Aw....I love her.

Well,in this story she is going to be a .I know i know.I'm sorry.I love her too,but...for some reason she was the only one I could think of. 

giphy.gif Don't judge me, okay?

 Anyway...that's for today.See ya next time guys.Please subscribe,upvote and leave me some of your comments.Lub U.

tumblr_n8t6n5qBUQ1t4u75fo1_500.gif BYE~

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namjoon97 #1
Chapter 26: You know what? I wait for a month for you to update this story.. but suddenly you said you want to quit.. you know, I'm so sad... Because for me this story amazing.. I just want to know what will happen to suga.. but I guess.. I will never know the ending.. and what happen to suga and yong rim.. hermmm.. but it's okay.. good luck in your school. And thank you for the story..
Poisonberry7 #2
Chapter 26: It's ok! Good luck in school and thanks for the story.
Poisonberry7 #3
Chapter 24: Poor Yong Rim.
Chapter 23: This is nice, author-nim. Courious with the next chapter. Take your time and keep up the good work!! Fighting!! (^•^)9
Poisonberry7 #5
Chapter 23: Update soon!!! And you're not a loser.
namjoon97 #6
Chapter 22: Hahahaha update soon please ~~ ^^
Poisonberry7 #7
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update!!!!
Poisonberry7 #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Chapter 13: Dude do you know how my heart just fluttered when i saw written "ANNYEONG! HOW ARE YOU xxmi-suk ? "
<3 teahyung <3
Poisonberry7 #10
Chapter 13: 안녕 친구! I'm doing awesome and this story is very interesting!