Milky Galaxy.
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LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK aboutus. jUST NEWLY OPEN THIS RP THOUGH. NOT-REALLY-NEW BUT- YEAH. THIS RP IS FULL WITH ALIEN BUT LIMITED TO ONLY 50 ALIEN'S ONLY! this is a themed rp. There will be 2 dorm which Dorm A and Dorm B.   rules. 1. Must ACTIVE! but since its a school day, admin bagi kelonggaran sikit. right, we are freaking damn nice- except for Kim Taehyung. /flips bulu ketiak. 2. Talking about another agency? is nonono. But in dm, yes sure. 3. & Yuri are not allowed. But if you want to be a ghei for sementara just for fun its ok. bUT DONT TO MUCH (pass: tanda ialah kekasih gelap saya- lol jk. find the real pass pls). 4. ARE FREAKING DAMN NOT ALLOWED. kalau otak kau kotor bak taik, dlm dm je. kat tl ramai innocent. 5. Hiatus is 3 weeks. Semi Hiatus is 1 week. 6. Hiatus, Relay, Married, Break, Leave? TELL THE ADMIN. [ mention or dm base/admins ]. 7. This is a cLOSED RP. nak follow fanbase acc? Sure but only 1 until 3 acc only. 8. Jangan tukar charac banyak sangat mcm korang tukar baju korang. Ingat admin ni rajin sangat ke nak update aff&weebly ni? 9. Username korang boleh buat mcm mana ikut suka hati korang. BUT, wajid ada 'MG' . Example : Taehyung_mg/MG or taehyungmg. (pass: aku suka kentut) 10. double acc is not allowed or even triple acc- kalau kiterang dapat tahu, say bye bye to this rp. 11. 5 kali leave, no comeback. unless kalau admin bagi.  howtojoin. 1.  Kasi faham sama yitu rules. 2. Sudah faham check yitu
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