Prologue: Preview

Goody Two-Shoes







Luhan wants to be daddy’s little princess! Hehehe..


Of course, Lu- I mean princess. Daddy loves my princess.


As much as you love Mama?


As much as I love your Mama, but-

 maybe daddy loves you a little more.


Luhan was 6 years old.

Father, what is that on the top shelf?


That, my son, is water for adults.


Water for adults? I’m already grown up! Give me some of that too!


His father chuckled, I will, when you’re more “grown up” than you are now.


Sheesh! Fine then, it’s a promise! The little boy raised his pinky finger.


His father interlocked their pinky fingers together and smiled, It’s a promise.


Sehun was 6 years old.


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theCraft #1