The Next Morning

Dance Partners
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I decided to color code conversations for you guys to make it easier to read. Let me know if you prefer it in color or just black and  white ^.^ I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's got a comedic touch to it just as the first chapter did It's also pretty short but as the story goes on it will get longer each chapter. Please look forward to the drama be coming in later chapters. (Yay for foreshadowing!)







"Korea. I'm going to Korea." 

"What am I gonna do about the language barrier and what about money once i'm actually there and-"

"Emi. Calm down. Everything will be fine. Now stop worrying and get ready so you can go buy yourself a decent suitcase."

"Yeah, okay. I really need to work on being so paranoid."

"I'll be back later mom." 



Today's gonna . I have to tell my best friend i'm leaving for who knows how long. Might as well get it over with.

I should stop at baily's house first. I'd rater tell her now and not at the last minute.

Baily has been my best friend ever sense we we're both tiny fetus'. We met in my first dance class. Ballet class to be exact. Over the years she's become like the sister I never had, we even talked about moving in together once we we're eighteen, but it didn't happen since you know money. Ugh, this

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 2: Love the story please update soon.
leomylove #2
Chapter 2: ooooh did you say fluff? i cant wait for more! this is so funny i love it :)
Chapter 1: I'm loving this fic so far jinx!!!! ^_^ I can't wait to see how emi's story will turn out!! :D