
Her Blue Eyes

When she was sure she was able to stand, Seungwan slowly made her way towards the bathroom.  She turned the tap on, grabbed a few sheets of toilet paper from one of the stalls and wet it, dabbing her face gently.  When she finished, she looked at  her reflection through her swollen, bruising eyes.

"Why the did I have to be born with these eyes!" She cried, hitting the mirror weakly.  

The water was still running when Seungwan left the school. 

"Seungwan? Is that you?"  Her mother's voice was the first thing she heard when she entered her house.  She heard footsteps coming her way, two gasps and one sigh.

"Sweet pea, what happened?" Seungwan's father wrapped his arms around her as he asked the question.

"I got beat up."

"Can-can you see?" Her mother asked hesitantly,


"I think you should stay home tomorrow." Her father suggested,

"Me too."  

And she made her way to her room without another word.

After a couple of weeks, Seungwan's eyes were finally healed, just as winter break started.

"Seungwan, can you go out and get some cough medcine for me?  Your father says his throat is burning like hell."  Her mother asked as she was washing the dishes.  She told her mother she would.  After a short trip to the clinic by her house, she began to make her way home.  As she was walking, she passed by a group of four older kids and accidentaly bumped into one of them.

"Hey!  Watch where you're- hey, it's blue eyes."  The girl she bumped into said, everyone surrounded her.

"I see your eyes have healed and are back to normal.  Well, almost normal." A boy said and snapped his fingers ad with that, a well built boy appeared out of no where, grabbed a fistful of Seungwan's hair and dragged her into a nearby alleyway.  He slammed her against one of the walls while one of the girls pinned the left side of her body against it while the boy did the same on her right.

"I heard that you hate your eyes, so I think I should do you a favour by taking them out for you."  The girl that she had bumped into said as she pulled a pocket knife out of her purse.  

Seungwan's eyes widened in fear.

"No.  Please!  NO! This can't be real!"

She wanted to scream but she suddenly turned mute.

"I'll make it slow and painful."  The girl smirked as the knife came closer to Seungwan's right eye.  She was in tears now, terrified.  She knew there was no posibble way of getting out of this.  The pocket knife was less than a centimeter away when something hit the girls hand, causing her to drop it.

"!" the girl cursed and turned to see who threw the object when she was hit in the middle of her forehead by a rock.  "God!  !" the girl swore, the boy who was holding onto Seungwan got hit in the eye and screamed in pain.

"Let's get out of here!" one of them said and they all ran off, leaving Seungwan lying on the cold cement.  She heard footsteps coming towards her, she shut her eyes tightly, praying that this was all a dream.

"Hey, are you.. alright?" She heard a soothing voice ask her.  Seungwan looked up to see a girl with a face that resembled a teddy bear looking down at her with a face full of worry and a hand to help her up.

"Not really." Seungwan mumbled as she took the bear faced girl's hand.  Behind the girl were two boys and another girl, Seungwan froze in fear.  The bear faced girl noticed and looked behind her.

"It's okay, that's my younger sister Yerim and that's my cousin Jongin and his boyfriend, Sehun."  She reassurred Seungwan, "oh, and I'm Seulgi." she said smiling.  Seungwan was still a bit frightened.

"um, would you like us to walk you home?" Seulgi asked, Seungwan nodded very hesitantly.  After a short quiet walk, they had reached Seungwan's house.

"T-Thank you, so m-much." Seungwan still had tears in her eyes as she and Seulgi stepped on her front porch.

"You were in trouble.  We weren't going to stand there and watch those monsters gauge those beautiful eyes out." Seulgi said as she wiped Seungwan's tears away with her thumb.

"I n-need to g-go now." She said as she put her hand on the doorknob.

"Wait," Seulgi stopped her, "can.. can I get your name, please?" Seungwan paused for a moment.

"Seungwan." and she headed inside her house.

a/n: I've had writers block for a really long time and I'm sorry.

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iluvpepito #1
update soon author, this story is good!
JoyBiasWrecker #3
Chapter 2: Wow, Having Blue Eyes are Rare, and They are also Beautiful, Wth is wrong with these Kids
Update Soon!~
smileyidiot #4
Hope you update soon author-nim, i really missed this story ^^
wow those kids are brutal.... I really like this story.. come back author D:
eeetech #6
Chapter 2: omg i thought this died! glad to see it is not the case, hope your writer's block is lifting away from your ideas &you can continhe this interesting plot :)
comeasyouare1 #7
Chapter 2: I loved this story!
Chapter 2: update the soonest :)
yeolow #9
Chapter 2: update soon :) me like
RVFXCookieDough #10
Chapter 1: Please update!