Wrong Guy ( EXO VERSION )

Dyosoo: Honestly i find prologues not interesting and very boring; even mine, but i promise you guys that as the story progresses, it'll be fun! 

BEWARE: My english will rot as i go futher, this is because i had typed this chapter in excitement! :D but not to worry! it wont be bad enough that you wont be able to understand it! 

It's a fine day at SME High School of Arts. All students remained at their respective class at lunch break. Even Jung Jira. She sat down on her chair with a manga on her hands. Flipping through pages of her favourite 'Shingeki No Kyojin' book. Reading every dialogue there is and somehow out of nowhere was a huge wail.

Jira looked over to the owner of the voice. None other than her one and only female bestfriend crying, Kim Junmyeon. She preferred to call her Suho, though Suho insists that she call her Suhyun instead since it's much more feminine. But Jira is Jira and she will remain calling her Suho.

" Jiraaaaaa channnn!! " Suho came over to her table, grabbing a chair from the nearest seat. 

" what's wrong Suho? " Jira asked, looking over Suho's crying face and her ruined make up. " Did... you fall again? "

Suho shook her head.

" Someone accidentally hit you?? " Jira asked again, this time her voice raising.

Suho shook her head once more.

" Okay... Tell me what's wrong. I wont know unless you tell me," She said, probably sounded too rude but it's life, she's in a middle of reading her favourite manga. 

" well... i actually went to see kris... " she mumbled.

" that.. Kris you've been talking about all this time? That guy you like? " i asked, putting down my manga to take more focus for Suho.

She nodded her head.

" Well.... He rejected my confession... "

" He probably has a girlfriend, " Jira said. Not giving Suho the answer she needed, " that probably meant that you need a new guy in your life. Not him. "

" Jira! She didn't tell you her chocolates got thrown  in the dustbin right infront of her right? " Baekhyun added from afar.

Jira's eyes widen as she glanced at Suho.

" THAT ER NEEDS TO BE ED UP HIS , " Jira said boldly, her face looking angrier than ever. She stood up quickly as ever.

" NOOO! " Suho shouted, holding Jira down.


" Jira chan, i know you're angry but that's okay! Dont kill him please!! " Suho pleaded.

Jira patted her head and said, " Fine, but one of these days.. if i meet that ahole! "

She nodded and smiled before hugging Jira.

" thanks Jira chan!! " Suho somehow smiled her way out and Jira nodded.


" Where on Earth has Jira chan gone off to? " Chen asked as she looked around the mall for signs of you. You were just standing beside them until there were only dotted lines of your body shape next to Suho.

" I saw her seconds ago... Heavens know where that otaku went, " Kai added.

" Don't worry guys, i bet million bucks that she's at that usual Anime bookstore just around the corner. Let's also go somewhere else first, and after that, let's visit her if we find her? okay? " Suho spoke and eveyone of them agreed to it. Thus, the group of friends walked off to the nearest arcade to have fun while waiting for Jira, who might actually take hours to search for a perfect Manga to buy.


Jira stood alone in a line of bookshelves. There were alot of men hanging out around the action corner, like her, searching for the perfect manga to buy. But instead of being in the corners with the men trying to look up for any Shingeki No Kyojin or Tokyo Ghoul or even FREE! Iwatobi swimming club books, she went over to the much more feminine side of manga: The Romance one-shot manga section.

" I've got this already... hmm.. " Jira mumbled as she hovered her finger over the manga title offered on the shelves.

Somehow she couldnt make up her mind and went to the new arrival section, and found one book that caught her eye. 

" WRONG GUY, " she read on the cover before shrugging off to the cashier to purchase the book.


Jira walked out of the store looking over at the book she just bought. Checking it's cover intently but somehow she put it back in the paper bag as she wanted to walk around the area to search for her friends. Then she somehow got loast as she was lost in her thoughts, asking herself where her friends might be until she had bumped someone along the way. Making his belongings fall down on the floor.

" OHMYGOD! " She freaked out as she quickly picked up belongings; especially his wallet which some dollars and coins fell on the floor. " I'm really really sorry! "

As she stashed his money and coins into his wallet, she saw his student ID, Xi Luhan. He was actually from the same school as she does.

" I'm really sorry but here you go Luhan ah! " She said quickly as she handed him back his stuff.

But he looked confused.

" Eh? " is what he says.

" Erm- I saw your student ID, Not a stalker or anything!! but I'm really really sorry! I have to go! " She rapped as she kept nodding her head at him.


I looked at the time as i hung my head low. And it showed me 3.27pm.

" OMO! Sorry Luhan ah! I have to go!! " I said as I ran to find my friends.

Anoynomous's POV:

I was getting impatient as I stood waiting for my friend but it got a whole lot more annoying when someone bumped into me. I thought that kid had no eyes but somehow as i turned to that annoying kid, i got pissed off.

It was a girl.

Is she trying to touch me indirectly or something? i am popular but that 's just trying too hard to make me like her. Not going to fall for you, okay woman??

I looked down at her uniform and she was actually from the same school as I am. Somehow she picked up all the belongings i had dropped on the floor earlier when she bumped into me. I didn't bother picking it up as i try to look at her clearly, but somehow she picked it up to quickly and stashing the money into that wallet and i guessed she wanted to steal money?

I continued to observe her.

Somehow she shove the wallet at my chest and exhasperated some words, " I'm really sorry but here you go Luhan nim! "


" Eh? " I asked.

She drew circles with her left foot and fidgeted her pointing fingers.

" Erm- I saw you student ID, Not a stalker or anything!! but I'm really really sorry! I have to go! " she apologised to me and bowed her head to me. 

I sighed and she spoke up.

" OMO! Sorry Luhan ah! I have to go!! " she rushed her words and ran.


She thought I'm LUHAN?! 

I couldn't believe it, i almost laughed. So she doesn't know I'm the school's heartthrob Kris Wu?

" HEYYY KRIS! Sorry for making you hold my wallet man!! " Luhan thanked me as he grabbed his wallet back from me. He had just finished helping out some workers inside but i felt too lazy to help so he just told me to hold on to his belongings.

I sighed again and chuckled as i looked at the direction she ran off to.

" No problem man~ " I grinned.

" Wah wah wah~ did something happen? " Luhan asked before sipping his coke.

I nodded.



" YOU WANT ME TO GO THE THE MALL AGAIN?! " I yelled, enough for the whole class to listen. I couldn't believe what i had heard. Those guys ditched me yesterday and i had to go home all alone! And they didn't even texted me about it!

" SHhHHHHH!!!  look, we're sorry for yesterday!! So pleaseeee~ can you accompany me to the mall? You see I've got a meeting with some students from the that co-ed school nearby, so they wanted me to bring at least 3 girls and 4 boys~ please hellpppppp!! " Kai begged.

I sighed. 

" Aigooo!! FINE THEN!! " I said as i pouted.

" THANK YOUU!!!!! " Kai said as he hugged me. I felt weak, everytime people wanted my help, i give it to them, not listening to what my heart wants.


" So, we're meeting them in the kareoke room? " I asked Kai suspiciously. And he nodded.

I rolled my eyes and followed him.

As I entered, I saw many HOT GUYS and Y GIRLS in the room, scattered and having fun.

Dushhhhhhhhh ( i dunno how to explain the sound of blood coming out of the nose.)

I think my nose bled.

" Uh, Kai, i think i have to go!! " I asked for permission from Kai, because if i had stayed too long, i might stain my school uniform.

He saw some blood running out of my nose and nodded.


Kris Wu:

It's the next day after yesterday and here i am, being dragged away to the mall again with Luhan. I swear to God that kid seriously have issues with helping out people in this community when they needed help. And now his friend needed help with a triple blind date and i have to follow this lil jesus. i hate this.

I looked at the fake smiling Luhan who was busy talking to one of the girls. I was sure he didn't like them because they were too magnetic and materialistic. Luxurious clothings, high heels fur jackets. So not our style of girls. One of them tried to flirt with me but i had been avoiding it.

" I need the toilet outside, " I whispered to Luhan.

He nodded and i left the restaurant for some air.


I had just finished using the public toilet and walked to the nearest garden pool inside the Mall. Ones with flowers and benches next to it. Somehow i sat, looking around for something i could lay my eyes on. For example, a man scratching his and stuff. But to my pleasure, i saw a much more familiar figure coming out of the female toilet.

I squinted my eyes so i could confirm her familiarity.


She's that girl from yesterday!!

I automatically walked to her and somehow she looked up to see me as well.

" Oh, it's you... Luhan.. right? " She smiled and asked me.

" oh.. oh.. um... yes. i am Luhan, " I replied, smiling and she nodded. 

" I didn't get you name yet.. " i mumbled and she heard me.

" I'm Jung JiRa, " she spoke, not looking at me but actually looking at the garden.

then, I saw some blood stains on her unifrom.

" OH MY GOD, YOU GOT BLOOD ON YOUR UNFORM!! DID YOU USE YOUR TAMPOON?! " I freaked out. this is because it reminded me of my sister who usually got blood stains over her clothes whenever she's on her period.

" NO! NO! I'M NOT ON PERIOD!! I WAS JUST HAVING NOSE BLEED!! " She freaked out  as she blushed.

" Let's go! " I said as i pulled her to the nearest cloth store.

" WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? " she screamed.


Luhan truned out to bring me out to shop for clothes to make up for the shirt that i got my blood stain on. He was also very gentlemanly, paying for my clothes even though i insisted to pay for my own. To even have an arm wrestling match to see who pays for it.

Now, We sat on the park's bench eating ice cream from baskin Robbins. My favourite after manga.

" What's your number? " He asked suddenly.

" why'd you wanna know? " i askedm my chocolate fudge ice cream casually.

" well, i would like to talk to you more often, " he said.

" We can just talk at school, " i said.

" I cant, im always busy to meet, but i could text you, " he said.

i shrugged and gave him my number while he took my number, and took pictures for our contact photo.


" OW! SHOOT! Look at the time! I bet my friend's waiting for me!! " He popped as he looked at his watch.

" What time is it? " i asked.

" 4.56pm " he said.

" OMO! I HAVE TO GO TOO!! " I screamed.

" Bye!! " We said to each other in unison.


As i entered the kareoke place, it was empty. MAN! what to do??
Kai will be upset tomorrow!!

And then my phone rang.

Nyan nyan nyan ( NYAN CAT SONG )

It was a message and i read it.

From: Luhan
To: Jira

Can we meet after school? I'll wait for you!!

i smiled and replied

From: Jira
To: Luhan


It has been a great day for me today~

I went home and slept for tomorrow.

Okay, that was great but my english had totally rotted away. /laughs/ 

I felt kinda lazy to type alot by the end of the chapter so i had just used Cheeseyeol's original lines and just changed the names for it.

I know, im horrible, you say it! 

And news out there for Living with 12 Demons' fans, me and Cheeseyeol, we are going to drop you guys a new chapter! :D

HOORAY! but i'm kinda working out an idea for badass cinderella... boing. Don't worry i havent quit my fanfic writing yet.

but on the other side, im quite surprised, it was few hours since i made this fic and in total i had already gained 6 subbies? AWESOME GUYS! 

Be good to youselves and other people out there!

please subscribe if you want updates for this fic, thank you! :D

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Oh My God! It's been awhile since i last came here ! Im quite happy that Dyosoo is working hard to her own version of the story! but i'll help her out! :D


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Chapter 1: LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER! i hope you update more please author nimmmm T-T
subscribed! please update!! seems interesting!!