Chapter 2-Stuck with the ice

Expect the Unexpected

I am going to use OC's POV starting now. I will just indicate if another person's POV will be used. And text from the book the OC is reading will be in Italics. Thanks! :D

               But like any other fairytale, everything started in peace. Peace between two different beings. Vampires and witches once interact with each other. Bathe in freedom, everything was just right. Until the vampires started to lose their tribe little by little and...

I could feel cold eyes looking at my direction. I glanced to my left, then my right, but no one was there. I'm the only one in the classroom, by the way.

               And so, the vampires secretly turned humans into one of their own. Showing their fangs at their victims, biting them, and their blood. Afterwards, they can either decide to release their venom or not. 

... Something's going on here. I could feel it. I just decided to shrug it off and continue reading until...

"I told you to stop reading it." my eyes widens at the voice. It was Kibum infront of me, staring at me with cold eyes. Wait, how did he get here anyway? This kid is really weird seriously. He just went back to his seat and stare at the window. Gaah, everything is so awkward.  Think ___, think.

"Uhmmm, so how are you, Kibum-ah?" I asked a lame question.

"Fine, I guess" Kibum mumbled as he kept staring at the window.

"Spacing out?" I asked. No reply.. Aish, this guy really. He has a heart cold as ice. Pssh, whatever. 



WHAT!? It's like 7:00 AM. School starts at 8:00 AM, right? 

"Announcement, as of 6:30 AM, the higher coucil announced that classes are suspended due to a non-working holiday. Please, exit the school by 6:50 AM or you will be locked in. Thank you" 

"The hell, what's with the sudden announcement?" I groaned. The announcement just ruined my imagination land. "6:50 AM ? CRAP!"

I hurriedly took my things and ran for the gate. As much as my legs would want to run faster, my overloaded bag slows me down. "Please, please, please, be open!" I reached for the gate with eyes full of hope as the guard there. Slowly he closes the gates. Noo, my chance. "Sir, don't--"then the guard locked the gates. "--close the gates." I fell down on my knees.

Oh  great, how am I suppose to go home now? Break the window? 

I could feel a familiar presence beside me. "So I guess we're stuck at school now, huh, Kibum?" I gave him a reassured smile to ease the awkwardness. He just stared at me and walk back to the school building and sat at the nearby bench. I followed him. 

Kibum and I just sat there. A big distance between us.I tried to contact my friends and Aunt--I meant Mommy Dara for help but there's no signal. I gave up eventually. "No signal, really?" I sighed. I took a glance at Kibum staring at the sky. Man, he thinks so much.

"So... Ki-- " my stomach rumbled. That was so embarrassing. If I could, I would punch my stomach right now. 

"Hehehehe" I glanced at him trying to hold his laughter. Afterwards, he handed me a sandwhich. "Uhmmm thanks!" I looked down, trying to hide my blush from him. 

He patted my head and went back on being his regular self. I didn't expect him to react this way. I thought he's cold... too cold.


Lame chapter. 
After 1387234204928498 years, I've already updated it. I'm so sorry. I've been very busy and forgot the storyline. ;__; I hope I'll organize my thoughts by now. Sorry for the wrong grammars though. I'm just a human being. Anyways, hope you enjoy! :D

Will appreciate comments, subscriptions, critics, and such. :D



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vicky_musiclover_cas #1
please update! :)
I want the OC on 'b', the Korean name. Anyway, update soon :D
AyraLovesKibum #3
A? Hehe :)