

"I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"It's okay, oppa. I think I have a schedule that day anyway." Krystal faked a smile.

"The captain is looking for me. I got to go now."

"Okay. Take care. Don't strain yourself."

"Sure. You too. Eat well though I'm not here to force you to eat more okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight, oppa." Krystal said unwillingly, not wanting to end the conversation.

"Goodnight, my lovely princess." Myungsoo blew a kiss and ended the call.

"What happened? Why do you look so upset?" Victoria asked.

"Myungsoo oppa's captain wouldn't let him take a day off next Monday." Krystal answered.

"Next Monday? Isn't that day you two's first anniversary?" Luna asked.

"I guess I'll wait for next year's anniversary." Krystal said with a bitter smile, not wanting to make her unnies worry. To avoid this topic, she went back to her room while her unnies looked at her back worryingly.

"Wake up! We are going to be late!" Victoria yelled at the sleeping baby who was still mumbling "five minutes more".

"It's 5 in the morning! Why do I have to wake up that early?" Krystal asked, still deprived of sleep.

"We have a sudden schedule today. Not just you, but all five of us need to perform at 8. If you wouldn't wake up now you will have no time to do your make up and I'm a hundred percent sure that you will regret it." Victoria said in a stern voice.

"Okay. I got it." Krystal mumbled and slowly got out of her bed. She looked at her calendar and unintentionally sighed.

"Our first anniversary is supposed to be sweet. Why do I still have a job to do when I'm actually supposed to be staying with you? How I wish I can spend this special day with you. I miss you, Myungsoo oppa. How are you doing in the army?"

Deciding to forget about this, Krystal shook her head and got out of her room. Stylists and make up artists already arrived their dorm, so she greeted them politely and sat down, waiting for her make up artist to beautify her perfect face, just like any other busy days.

About an hour later, the f(x) members were finally settled on their make up and outfits. To Krystal's surprise, all her members were very excited. Amber was even jumping and dancing at the same time. Of course f(x) was a hard working group, but usually members would grumble a bit when they have to wake up early, especially when they just finished their tight promotion schedule.

As they got in the van, Sulli threw a blanket over Krystal's lap and said, "Soojung ah, get some sleep. Your dark circles are getting more and more serious."

"Really? I think I look fine today." Krystal said, checking herself with a mirror.

"Trust me, getting some sleep won't hurt." Then Krystal was blindfolded and soon drifted to sleep.

"Soojung ah, wake up. We arrived." Luna said.

Krystal opened her eyes instantly, yet puzzled with the dark sight, forgot that she was still wearing her eyepatch.

"You are still wearing your eyepatch, stupid Soojung ah." Sulli chuckled. Then she helped Krystal with her eyepatch. However, when Krystal's eyes were finally exposed to the light, Sulli screamed, "Oh no! The eyepatch had ruined your make up!" And she quickly put it back on Krystal's eyes. "Let's just fix your make up after we get indoors. Come on, let's go." So the still-blindfolded Krystal was pulled out of their van with the members' help and they rushed indoors.

They got into a room with only simple chairs and nothing else. When Krystal pulled off her eyepatch and finally escaped from the dark vision, she became extremely curious about where they were. Yet she didn't took another minute to examine this place but took out her mirror and stared at her perfectly fine reflection.

"I can't see anything ruined." Krystal questioned suspiciously.

"Of course there is." Sulli said firmly. "See? Your eyelashes are not done perfectly. As a professional performer of course we need to get everything fabulous."

"Okay." Krystal responded, clearly defeated by Sulli. "Please fix my make up, unnie." She said to the make up artist.

While Krystal was busy fixing her hair and make up, the others gathered in the corner excitedly.

"My acting skills are extraordinary," said Sulli proudly and others nodded.

"Okay. Our first step has succeeded." Amber said. "The only thing we need to do is to hope that things will turn out right and bring our maknae a happy anniversary. Fighting!" And the four quietly high fived among themselves, leaving the innocent Krystal dumbfounded.

Just as Krystal had finished perfecting her look, Luna clapped her hands and said, "We are going to perform very soon. Let's practise once more."

So the five girls began singing and dancing to the "Red Light" music. Since they had just finished their promotion, they are already familiarized with all their steps and everything went well.

"Girls, it's time!" Their manager yelled.

"Come on. Let's rock the stage! 1,2,3." Victoria shouted. They gather together and cheered for themselves, "f(x)!"

When Krystal reached the stage and realized where they were, she was so shocked and moved that her mind went completely blank. There they were, on the very stage of the military camp, in front of hundreds of soldiers. She knew instantly that her dear members had created this opportunity for her to see Myungsoo whom she missed so much. She was so grateful that she wanted to rush to her unnies and hug them tightly. Yet, she was a pro, so she calmed herself down and started performing.

The performance was a blast and every soldier was jumping or dancing or shouting when f(x) was singing. The soldiers had been going through a lot of hard work and tiredness filled them. Yet when they saw a girl group which was performing so fantastically just to cheer for them, energy immediately replaced their tiredness. And this especially worked for Myungsoo. Seeing a girl group performing was of course a blessing to soldiers like him, but seeing f(x), especially his lovely girlfriend Krystal, made him lost of words. He even slapped himself and thought that he had missed Krystal so much that he was daydreaming. While he was still speechless and fascinated, f(x) had already finished their song.

"Annyeonghaseyo, we are f(x)." The leader, Victoria greeted first. "I am f(x)'s leader, Victoria. Nice to meet you all." Followed by Amber, Luna and Sulli.

When it came to Krystal's turn, she could not help but stuttered. "An...annyeonghaseyo. I am f(x)'s makenae, Krystal." And she blushed because of her seldom nervousness and embarrassment while her members giggled and the audience cheered loudly for her cuteness.

After that, the members started saying something to root for the soldiers, but not Krystal. She was busy searching for Myungsoo among hundreds of soldiers. As if there was a spotlight on him, or it's simply because his handsome face was too outstanding, she found him almost immediately. She was relieved when she saw his glowing cheeks and nice-built body. They kept their eye contact and they both smiled. They have not seen each other for a long while, and they could truly feel the old saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder". Myungsoo could not hold his happy tears anymore, so he kept wiping his face while locking his gaze on his girl, not wanting to lose even a second. While they were still going on with their silent conversation, the other four girls kept talking to the soldiers to avoid from disturbing Krystal and Myungsoo's reunion.

Soon the event was about to end. Victoria said," We are about to leave. Before we go back, our maknae Krystal would like to sing one more song." The unknowing Krystal immediately turned her head to Victoria in shock. Luna winked at her and said, "So let's welcome our maknae and her beautiful song, 'Because of me'!"

The background music slowly filled the stage. Without any preparation beforehand, Krystal sang nervously but emotionally.

"Because you're here, my world is filled with happiness.

 Don't ever forget, wherever you are.

 Please remember my love.


 I love you, I love you.

 Because of you, I'm like this.

 Because of you I cry these tears.

 Although I may never see you again,

 I'll be alright.

 Because I love you..."

Throughout the whole song, Myungsoo and Krystal kept looking into each others' eyes and her tears finally dropped because the lyrics perfectly matched her feelings. The members and soldiers were moved and they hummed along...

The show ended perfectly and f(x) got on their van to go back to their dorm. "Thank you, my unnies. You did so much for me. You are the best members in the entire universe." Krystal said sincerely.

"This is what friends should do. We support each other, right?" Amber said and the four nodded in agreement.

"You don't need to thank us, Soojung ah." Luna patted her. "Performing is not that hard after all. But what about you? We wanted to make you at least see Myungsoo for a while on your first anniversary, but we are worried that you might miss him even more since you can only see him for a short hour and not able to have some private time."

"Don't worry, unnie. Seeing him standing healthily in front of me is already a great blessing to me. I'm sorry for being upset for the past few days and made you worried. From now on, I'll look forward to our next reunion instead of grumbling about his absence. I know we will be together very soon. I just know it." Krystal smiled confidently to herself. 


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jheunyeon #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: this story's really good ^^
fafajung #2
Chapter 1: Nice story
esther512 #3
Chapter 1: awww hope they can see each other soon