Chapter Two

Nothing has changed

They don't talk about that night again. Nothing becomes awkward between them, in fact nothing seems to have changed, until one day, when Hakyeon is feeling rather down again and Taekwoon comes to call him for dinner.

"Noona, it's time for dinner." Taekwoon says quietly after gently closing the door behind him, so it was only him and Hakyeon in the room.

"What?" Hakyeon sputters out, looking incredulously at her friend.

"I said it's time for dinner." Taekwoon says nonchalantly.

"No" Hakyeon corrects. "Before that, what did you call me?"

"Oh, noona?" He asks casually, as if it was a totally normal thing that he did all the time.

"Yeah. W-why did you call me nu- that?" Hakyeon asks, staring at Taekwoon.

"Because today you are noona right? That's why you're sad." Hakyeon just stares as his friend walks over and takes her hand, pulling her to her feet. "Come on its time to eat." And with that she is dragged to the kitchen to eat wither the rest. slightly dazed and feeling like he wants to cry, but she thinks that these tears are tears of happiness more than anything else.

This habit goes on for a while, of Taekwoon taking quiet moments to change his hims into hers when talking to Hakyeon. Hakyeon hasn't had the guts to ask questions, and Taekwoon is always worried he'll upset him if he asks any. So they stay like this. A quiet level of understanding between them.

Hakyeon is happier these days. the weight on his chest, if ever so slightly seem less. The person in the mirror isn't as ugly either. He wonders if this is what those people on the internet spoke about. That feeling of being accepted. She wondered if maybe she should trust Taekwoon with this. If she should tell him everything.

The decision to tell him in the end was rather made for him, when one night as they were in a shared hotel room, with just the two of them, Taekwoon softly asked Hakyeon about it. He asked her how she felt and to explain, because although Taekwoon didn't mind and cared for Hakyeon dearly, he didn't fully understand what it was his friend was going through.

Hakyeon smiled and thanked Taekwoon for being understanding. He did his best to explain.

"You know how everyone is either a boy or a girl?" He asked and waited for Taekwoon's gentle nod before continuing. "Well, I don't think I'm either." She said, watching Taekwoon's face for his reaction.

Taekwoon just looked back at him calmly, waiting until she was ready to continue.

"I used to think maybe I was broken or something, because I'd wake up some days and hate everything about myself. My voice is too deep and my chest is too flat and I have all these ing body parts that just don't belong on my body." Tears started to prick at Hakyeon's eyes, which he quickly wiped away before he began again. "Some days though, I'd wake up and I'd feel fine. And the person in the mirror was a perfect refection of me. So I'd think, hey maybe I'm better, maybe I'll be okay. But the other feeling always comes back."

"It's not so much that I'm not a boy, because I don't think I'm a girl either. I think I'm somewhere in between. The internet says there's this thing called gender-fluid where a person is both, and that some days they're a girl and others they're a boy and I think that's kind of like me. Because sometimes I really wish people would just stop calling me him."

"Like you." Hakyeon smiles slightly. "You don't call me him all the time. Sometimes you call me she, and the butterflies I feel from such a simple act is unbelievable. It's like when we get recognized to foreign countries. That rush from being noticed." Hakyeon finishes, sounding a lot more confident than when she began.

"I promise I'll always notice you" Taekwoon says quietly taking hold of Hakyeon's hand. "And you never have to hide yourself around me."

Although he hasn't said much Hakyeon can feel Taekwoon's acceptance warm his core. A weight off his chest Hakyeon falls asleep feeling calm and peaceful.

When he wakes up the following morning, Taekwoon is already dressed and is throwing some clothes at him.

"Get up, we're going out." Taekwoon announces as Hakyeon tries to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Why?" He asks, today their schedules don't start until 3pm and it's only 7am now.

"Because we're going shopping of course." Taekwoon replies like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"But you hate shopping Teak."

"Then it's just as well we're not going for me then, isn't it?" Taekwoon replies shoving a now dressed Hakyeon out of the hotel door.

"Then who are we going shopping for? I don't need anything." Hakyeon says confused.

"You might not, but I know a girl who has a really pitiful wardrobe. I'm sure she'd like to buy some pretty things." Taekwoon says taking Hakyeon's hand as he leads them out of the hotel towards the center of the city they were in.

Hakyeon tries to pull her hand away, worried people will notice but Taekwoon just holds tighter and reminds him that no one knows them here.

Hours later and a couple of choice outfits later they're making their way back to the hotel when suddenly Hakyeon loses all confidence.

"Teak what if someone sees the bags? What if they notice its all girls stuff? Oh my god what if they think I'm a freak and kick me out of the band? oh my god Teak I cant we have to go put everything back."

"Hey, look at me." Taekwoon says as he puts his hands on her shoulders. "It'll be okay. If anyone asks we can say I bought them for my sisters. No one will think you're a freak and just see them try and kick you out. They'd have to go through me."

Hakyeon sniffled before smiling slightly. "But you're about as scary as a kitten."

"I'd be scary if anyone ever tired to hurt you. Now come on, lets get upstairs." Hakyeon tries to tell himself his heart doesn't flutter at Taekwoon's words.

True to his words no one did bother Hakyeon about the clothes and Taekwoon helps him find a safe place in the dorm to keep them so the other members wont find them. Even if they did Taekwoon will just claim they're his. A birthday present for a sister or something.

Hakyeon worries that she is relying on Taekwoon too much but then Taekwoon will smile at her or hold her hand and she wont be able to remember why she was worrying in the first place.

He now knows that this feeling is definitely acceptance. As she looks in the mirror and sees her Adams apple she doesn't cry anymore. And even when she does Taekwoon will sit with her, her hair until the tears stop.

Hakyeon is happier these days. Everyone seems to notice and comment to him. He just smiles back, saying "Oh, really?"

"Maybe you should tell the others." Taekwoon says one evening to Hakyeon. As soon as she hears the words she stills not moving an inch for a long while.

"You don't have to." Taekwoon hastens to add. "And I wont tell them. I promise." He pauses trying to find the right words. "I just thought maybe if they knew you'd at least be able to be comfortable in the dorm."

Hakyeon doesn't reply. Choosing to simply go to his bed and sleep.

Tell the members? She couldn't risk it. There's no way a whole dorm full of men will be as accepting as Taekwoon. Just no way.

Since that night Hakyeon has been avoiding him. After the first few days she wasn't even sure why anymore. It wasn't like he was mad at Taekwoon, he was mainly afraid. He missed his friend but didn't know what to say.

Finally however, after a week of trying to talk herself out of it, Hakyeon finally knew what she would do.

That evening when they were all home, fed and washed she called a family meeting. Everyone was confused at the strangely serious face on their leader and at once Taekwoon understood. He chose to sat next to Hakyeon, ready to offer support if it should be needed.

"You all must be confused as to why I called you here right?" He started, sounding shaky. "See the thing is I have something to tell you guys, and I'm not sure how to say it so I'm jut going to sort of throw it out there and see how it goes."

Taking a deep breath, Hakyeon then began the lengthy process of explaining to her friends the same thing she had told Taekwoon several months ago. To their credit they sat silently while listening to Hakyeon as she stuttered through her speech. At one point Taekwoon had taken his hand and given it a squeeze for encouragement, but no one said a word until Hakyeon was finished.

In the end Hyuk was the first one to say anything. Or rather, do anything. He picked himself up from where he was sitting and threw his arms around Hakyeon.

"You've been feeling like this, this whole time and we didn't even notice? I'm so sorry hyu- noona" Hyuk sobbed into Hakyeon's shoulder.

When Hakyeon looked around everyone else was just nodding to what Hyuk had said as if echoing his sentiment.

"You guys aren't mad?" Hakyeon asks quietly.

"Mad? Of course not. We all love you Hakyeon, nothing changes that." Wonshik says while the other all chime in with "Yeah" or "You're the best"

Quietly Hongbin whispers something to Wonshik who smiles before relaying his question to the room. "Do you think we could all sleep in the same room tonight? like when we were younger?"

And they do just that. Falling asleep in some strange sort of VIXX pile up, with everyone fighting to hug their beloved leader.

From then on, while at the dorm Hakyeon is able to be herself, or himself, depending on how things are. No one treats her any differently and if anything everyone seems closer now. Hakyeon has never felt so loved or at peace with himself. It was a truely happy feeling.

"I never thanked you for helping me." Hakyeon says as they were once again in a hotel room somewhere, doing something. Hakyeon had lost track.

"You don't need to." Taekwoon smiles.

They were laying next to each other on Hakyeon's bed reading some trashy magazine.

"But if it weren't for you I'd still be that sad and pathetic girl hiding in the bathroom alone." Hakyeon says letting his hands, holing the magazine drop to his stomach.

"No, you wouldn't. You're stronger than that. I didn't do anything really. You chose to tell me, and you chose to tell the others. I didn't do it for you. You'd have been fine." Taekwoon says gently playing with

Hakyeon's fingers.

"But you never even treated me differently." Hakyeon argues.

"Because nothing had changed." Taekwoon replies.

"But you found out I was a girl as well as a guy." Hakyeon says pulling his hand from Taekwoon's.

"You hadn't changed though. You were still you. If anything you were more you." Taekwoon replied rolling on his side to face Hakyeon.

"It's so weird though. You must have hated it." Hakyeon mumbles.

"I doubt I could ever hate anything that was a part of you." Taekwoon mumbles in reply as he pushes some of Hakyeon's hair from her eyes.

"Why are you saying such cheesy things?" Hakyeon grumbles pushing the hand away.

"Because I love you" Taekwoon says like its the most obvious thing in the world.

And maybe it is.

"But I'm a freak." Hakyeon replies. Panic building up in his chest. A sudden flurry of past insecurities barraging him at full force.

"Hakyeon" Taekwoon says gently, calmly, full of understanding and patience. "You're not a freak, you are a human being. And you're also rather beautiful. It's okay to let yourself be loved."

Hakyeon is sobbing now. She isn't even sure why anymore. Maybe from all the million fears she has welling up inside her, or maybe its from the sweet words Taekwoon is saying as he holds her close.

She doesn't know.

They don't say anything for a long time. Even long after Hakyeon has stopped crying and all the anxieties in his chest have settled down, they stay cuddled together on Hakyeon's bed just listening to the sound of each others breathing.

"I love you" Hakyeon says. His voice strong and unwavering.

Taekwoon holds her tighter for a moment, clutching her close as a bright smile takes over his face.

He kisses Hakyeon's lips in a gentle peck. It was quick and tiny but the butterflies in Hakyeon's stomach are overwhelming and multiplying by the second.

Giggling Hakyeon leans to give Taekwoon a similar peck on the lips.

They end up going back and forth with these small playful pecks until they fall back onto the bed.

Laying down, they slowly burrow under the covers and fall sleep hands and feet entwined, lips still connected in a sweet kiss.


Hakyeon still has bad days. Days when she cant stand to look in mirrors, and hates the sound of her own voice. She still struggles and has days she'd really rather just sleep through. But her members love her, and will sit with her telling her how pretty she looks and how much they love her. They'll hold her hand and paint her nails. They are her family.

And then late at night, when she used to lay awake for hours with her mind eating away at her. Taekwoon, her loving boyfriend will hold her close and whisper cheesy things into her ears that make her cringe until she cant take it anymore and bursts out laughing.

Yeah, Hakyeon may not love himself all the time, but he has plenty of people to do that for him when he can't. So maybe it's not all bad after all.

Because he is loved, she is accepted and they have a wonderful support group to laugh with and get through the rough times.

So whenever Hakyeon feels down she is always thankful for becoming part of VIXX and reviving endless love from so many people. Her members and wonderful starlight.

Finally Hakyeon feels free to be who she is. Knowing he is loved and safe.   



Noona is what Korean guys call older girls*

I swap Hakyeon's pronouns around a lot I hope it isnt too confusing, but I figured since Hakyeon isnt just one gender he shouldn't just have one set of pronouns. **


A/N ~~ Ayoo. Right so yeah, i wrote a thing. I hope its okay. if anything is confusing or bad or anything let me know okay? I wont bite. I hope you enjoyed <3 Let me know <3


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DesdemonaDeLaMort #1
Chapter 2: This was such a wonderful story <3
I love these kinds of stories that bring up real issues like this. They are always more interesting to me since I am involved in a group that deals with helping people through similar situations and gaining acceptance. They always bring tears to me eyes....
I thought that you did a great job with writing this and it was so easy to understand.
I loved the ending <3 I am glad that everyone was there for Hakyeon in the end. So accepting and cute~~~~
Thanks so much for writing ^-^
mistressofsecrecy1 #2
Chapter 2: wow this was great! I was a bit hesitant but after reading this Ialso understand a bit more and really this was greatand awe neo :D so cute! and that moment when Hyukkie hugged him (Her? :P ) crying :')

Thank you for this! ^_^
Chapter 2: This was perfect! Such a beautiful story and the way you write was as good as the rest! Thanks for bringing us this good stories! I love how eveybody accepted Hakyeon and love him, my heart can contain all the feels ;A;
This was so beautiful; seriously! You did a great job :3
and I really like that you switched between 'she' und 'he'.
really love that story ♥
vixxlovingidiot #5
Chapter 2: This was good!! Good job!
Chapter 2: this was
it hit right in the kokoro tbh (╥ v ╥)
this was so beautiful like fhgdjsghkjrhfndc
no seriously this is beautiful
the member's acceptance to hakyeon's gender no matter what it is and the way of your writing, darling, this is more than okay~
this is so adorable to the point of squealing while reading
and really hits the heart as well (ˆ▿ˆ")
this is beautiful.....
good job-eu author-nim~ this was clearly beautiful(^◡^)
(i repeated the word beautiful like 754387583475983764 million times(or 5 :p)