2ond mets

broken wheel

"Sto lat! Sto lat!
Niech zyje, zyje nam. 
Sto lat! Sto lat!
Niech zyje, zyje nam"





mik were on his way 2 colege wen (ON HIS DEATHDAY) 15hjuely. wen he hear a raspy snong voic singin: Sto lat! Sto lat! Niech zyje

mik turnd around 360 digree wit his bik.e, den he saw a boutifol face, pouty orange raspy kips, smal blooue eyes , shor drake hair, an big wit liqiouds runin down her pentis,

- KONDAR?= whast u doin her?

-hehe hey Im sang a deathday song fr0m poloisland :P hapy deathday <3

- um im gona get 2 clas, mike sais twith a comfuse face

- oh ookey said kondars

- yeha he methamets sack :P (LOLOL)

kondar thot for teh monent..

*ah oppa make a move alrdy ahahah A kto z nami nie wypije... hehe im a best A on meth*

-mik?? sais kondar

mik turns aron n se kondar wit a smerk on his hips

- do you wana skip clas N go wit me? im can techa u methametic i am teh best at et got A all year in Poliseland cracow.

mik flushed a krimson red colour on asscheeks,

- yeah


wer we goin? sais mik

--. oh jus nowhere realy. sais kondar wit a smile

jus folow me i will driv u with my bicily bougt in poland

miks face liat up wen he founs out also konda r rodes teh bike

- COME ON HOWDEY COMBEY jump on mah baake ;-) hol ur arm aron my waste

mik was lookn comfuse. kondar did nat heb waist? es too big

mik said- mhmhpph... kondar i can not reahc m own han can im hold somewer else

kondar as the cool B) kid hes is he said

- grab my booty;)


Then al the both herd was  a














feel fre not 2 lik subcrisbe n coment IM SAID donat do it ok?

folow me on instagram: js.min N taemin.is.my.ana













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