For Me To Know, For You To Find Out

For Me To Know, For You To Find Out

For Me To Know, For You To Find Out.

"The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - They must be felt within the heart"


He was the leading light athlete, the utmost in his class, voted best looking in the school; the guy all the girls swooned over. He never classed himself as these labels; he classed himself as normal, as an equal. But if anyone knew his shameful secret, he would not in the slightest be classed as even anything close to normal. His name was Choi Minho and he had a secret, a secret he swore never to make public.


Minho was walking towards his math class, not paying any awareness to his surroundings. He didn’t fret about bumping into other people because when he walked down that hallway, one and all moved out of the way to the border of the hall. He watched his feet as he walked until he ran into something solid. He went tumbling to the floor, books flying across the ground and everyone stopped in their tracks, they gasped.

“Hey, watch where you’re going in future,” Minho spat. He crawled onto his knees and picked up his school books from the floor, accidently grabbing the diminutive boy’s hand as they went for the same book. The light brown haired boy shot his head up and looked at Minho, his eyes shone like diamonds and his lips were plump with sinful enticement. Minho froze before both of them stood up at the same time.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you,” Minho apologized, giving the petite boy his books back.

“That’s expected,” Taemin sighed. Clutching his book’s tighter.

“I’ve never seen you around school before,” Minho stated, folding his arms across his chest; giving the boy a supposedly warm smile.

“Maybe you were looking but you weren’t really seeing. It’s the same with all people like you.” The boy sneered then pushed past Minho to walk to his class. Minho turned around to watch the beautiful boy walk away.

“Hey, what’s your name!?” Minho shouted down the hall.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out!” The boy replied without turning around to face him. Minho smirked to himself then walked off to his class, fiddling with his fingers, remembering his yielding touch. But what did he mean by “People like him”?


At lunch time, Minho saw the boy again. Sitting on the bleachers by the football field on his own. Drinking a carton of banana milk contently. He strolled over and took a seat next to him.

“Hey,” Minho smiled.

“Oh…Hi. What do you want?” The cute boy scorned. Turning his attention to the football field. He wasn’t bothered why Minho was here in the first place to be honest.

“Your name’s Taemin, isn’t it?” Minho asked.

“Yeh, what does it matter to you?” The boy scorned again.

“My friend Jonghyun told me and I think you’re interesting. You didn’t move away like the other kids in the hall way, you weren’t first to apologize and I enjoy not being treated like the school’s celebrity from time to time,” Minho smiled, putting his hand on Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin shrugged it off.

“Is that so? Okay whatever. So what did you really want?” Taemin smirked. Sipping on his banana milk.

“Actually, I wanted to ask you if you would like to get some coffee after school?” Minho smiled and took his hand off Taemin’s shoulder, leaning back against the bleacher seat behind them.

“I’m not allowed to drink coffee,” Taemin stated as blankly as if he was telling Minho it was a thirty percent chance of rain today.

“Okay, I will get coffee and you can have banana milk. Sound good?” Minho laughed.

“Sure. Meet you at the coffee house after school,” Ending with that, Taemin got up from the bleacher, swung his bag on his back and walked away. Minho still holding the grin he had when he first saw Taemin that lunch time.


Minho stood outside the coffee house and tapped his foot on the concrete floor to the music playing on his I-pod. He looked up the road and saw the other school students filing out of the school gates, with Taemin sprinting in front of them. He grabbed Minho’s hand and yanked him into the coffee house roughly.

“Whoa! Taemin, what’s with the dragging?” Minho asked.

“I…was…being chased by some guys,” Taemin panted as he was still clung onto Minho’s arm tightly.

“Taemin, I won’t let them touch you. If you’re with me they won’t come near you. I promise,” Minho smiled then looked down at Taemin’s hand. Taemin realised he was still clinging onto Minho like a life line; he blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head, releasing his grip on Minho’s arm. Minho grabbed the small boy’s hand and interlocked their fingers, Taemin taken back by the gesture and yet he didn’t move his hand away. Minho pulled him into one of the booths in the corner and they sat facing each other.

“So tell me Taemin. Why were you being chased?” Minho said with obvious concern lingering in his voice.

“Well…Uhh…I would rather not say,” Taemin looked down at the table and frowned.

“Taemin, you may think I’m a snob, you may think I’m an attention seeker, you may think I don’t care about anyone else but myself. Go ahead, assume all of those things but I am not the sort of person who would turn away from someone who needs help. I understand what it’s like to run because you’re afraid and you need to know that. You can tell me anything and I won’t tell a soul, I promise you Taemin,” Minho reassured the small boy and took his hand again from across the table.

“I’m bullied in school…because…I’m dyslexic,” Taemin stuttered with shame.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I will tutor you,” Minho demanded. It wasn’t a request, it was a demand. A demand to spend more time with Taemin.

“Really? You would do that for me…Uhh thanks,” Taemin smiled.

Minho laughed slightly then called over the waitress. He ordered a cappuccino for himself and one medium banana milk for Taemin. The younger boy fiddled with Minho’s fingers, eyes twinkling and a smile creeping upon his face gracefully.

“You’re so cute,” Minho laughed nervously, causing Taemin’s face to turn a pretty shade of light faded pink as he sipped on the banana milk through a straw.

“I don’t get compliments often,” Taemin looked down at the floor and smiled.

“What’s not to compliment, in my opinion you’re the best looking guy I’ve seen at the school so far,” Minho scratched the back of his neck and laughed lightly.

“Actually, since you told me you’re secret. I will tell you mine but you promise not to tell anyone, my reputation depends on it. I am trusting you.”

“I promise, I won’t tell,” Taemin crossed his heart with his finger and giggled.

“I’m gay,” Minho said bluntly. Taemin didn’t react, he just smiled.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Taemin laughed, imitating what Minho said earlier.

“You accept me?” Minho asked, looking a little shocked.

“Of course I do. You’re not dire or any different just because you are gay. It makes you more of a friend to me to know that you trust me with such a secret. Actually, it makes you different and to me, different is better than following the crowd,” The younger boy leant over the table and brushed Minho’s fringe from his eyes then pulled back slowly, a red haze creeping across Minho’s face in happiness.

Minho had learnt a good deal about the mysterious boy that he met in the hallway. He learnt his name, he was dyslexic, bullied and he looked best when he smiled. His eyes continuously glistened like his whole life was written in them, his cheeks turned red every time he made contact with Minho. But what Minho liked best was that Taemin didn’t follow the crowd.


Minho could honestly say he didn’t enjoy the attention his peers gave him, people thought he adored it but really he resented it. He couldn’t help that he was smart, he couldn’t help that he was gifted at sports, he couldn’t help the fact he was good looking. To him he was just Minho. Minho who had fallen harder than he should of, even though he had only just met the young boy. Taemin.


Taemin couldn’t quite grasp how he felt about Minho. He had noticed him a lot around school but never had the guts to talk to him because Minho was the school celebrity and no one associated with the school celebrity unless approached by the celebrity himself. Taemin was quiet, he was timid with an attitude when he needed it and if he hadn’t used that attitude, he thought Minho would have never spoken to him. With Minho in his life he wasn’t so shy.


“Minho, I don’t understand it. This work is too difficult,” Taemin whined, fidgeting violently on the sofa while throwing the books on the coffee table.

“I’m such a failure at everything Minho. Why can’t I be like you?” Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho’s waist and snuggled his head into Minho’s chest.

“Trust me Taemin, being me, really isn’t that amazing,” Minho stated, running his hands through Taemin’s soft hair and then down to rest on his upper back.

“Of course it is. You can solve about twenty math equations within a minuet and I can’t even solve one in an hour, I’m just stupid,” A single tear travelled down Taemin’s cheek and it burned like acid, burned like fire, burned like hatred of himself. Minho pulled Taemin away from him slightly and wiped his tears away with his jumper sleeve.

“No, Taemin. Don’t cry, you’re not stupid. You’re different, you’re special. So what if you can’t solve math equations, there are many more things in this world you are capable of doing. They are just hidden talents you have to find. I like you a lot because regardless of your Dyslexia, you’re a fighter and even if you run when you are afraid, you keep going back and that’s better than being able to solve some stupid math equations,” Minho gave Taemin a charming smile and kissed him on the cheek then pulled away slowly, seeing the slight shock on Taemin’s face. Taemin stared at Minho for a second then closed his eyes and pouted his lips. Minho leant forward and enclosed his lips over Taemin’s, a velvety smooth presence lingering as the flawless curve of Taemin’s lips fit perfectly with his own. They moved in sync, noses brushing slightly and Minho’s tongue grazing across Taemin’s as he asked for entrance into the younger’s mouth. He entwined his tongue with Taemin’s, an unimpeachable battle with their mouths before they both pulled away and Eskimo kissed lightly with their noses. They breathed in each others scent; everything was so breathtaking, so perfect, and so impeccable. Minho took Taemin into his embrace again, resting his chin on Taemin’s head as his arms loosely hung around Taemin’s body like curtains.

“Minho, do you love me?” Taemin asked in a whisper.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out,” Minho replied then kissed the boy’s forehead tenderly and smiled.


Taemin didn’t need to be intelligent or the same as everyone else. He was special and Minho wouldn’t have it any other way.



Yeh so i analyzed this quote and this is how i came up with it:

The best - Minho being top of the school.

Most beautiful - Taemin and his looks.

Cannot be seen - Minho used to look at Taemin but never really noticed him.

Or even touched - the unsure feeling Taemin gets when he touches Minho.

They must be felt with the heart - Taemin and Minho open up their hearts to each other = LOVE

I hope you guys like it :D im going insane with entrys looooooool XD

I love you all :D

No silent readers >:D Constructive criticism is good :) No bashing, or i kill u D:

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Chapter 1: Purely Adorable 🤗💖💕
SohAnna #2
Chapter 1: Do i like this story???
Thats for me to know and for you to find out...
But heres a clue its starts with Y and ends with S...
Nice analyzation ;D
I liked this a lot too. <3
heme-sanloveminho #4
It was so cute ^.^
Aww so cute
OnlyHope #6
It was the cliche story of Minho being popular and Taemin being cute and shy and not-popular...but it wasn't. It was however, awesome :D thank you!!!
I know what is it to cry in front of a horrible maths exercice...T.T <br />
it's a nice fanfic! ^^ I liked it !
SHINee4ever5 #8
It's. Awesome and adorable <3 love love love <3
its is soooo awesome<33333