The Day I Met Her

This Morning when i woke up, i keep thinking about Yoona and how i saw her face sad. But she look like someone i know before a long time ago. I keep thinking about Yoona everyday and i cant take ut anymore. 1 day later... Someone call me but it was a block number so i answer it, "Meet me at the xxxx cafe place, it wonder it was Yoona. I was lost i try to answer back but she ended the call. When i got to the cafe place i saw Yoona sitting over at a table so i came over there. When i sat i was going to say Hey but she talk first "Why did you broke up with Sunny?" Yoona was looking down not looking up to see me. "I was thinking about someone else. Yoona look up and say "Who is it? Was it a girl you met 2 years go? "I was stock. "Yes i met her when we were under a rooftop and we known each oher forever till she move to the US and i never saw her but i will be waitng for her. "Dont wait for her she might move on already. "You dont know that!" I say loudly. "The girl you been waiting for your whole life is standing in front of you" Yoona say looking down. I was stock at first i didnt believe her but i saw her necklace it was the necklace the girl have so it was her .

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