The Match

The Boys I Love Equally 동일한 사랑


            The stadium is filled with crowds and screams coming through all over the places, people are jumping as they hold each other’s hands and some even get drunk and lost in the euphoria of the baseball match between Doosan Bears and Hanhwa Eagles. Boys, girls, children, office worker, old people, mothers, those people are mixed up on one place in a whole and yelling hard through their thick throats supporting their favorite teams.

            Snacks are scattered on the floor, crowds are getting wet by the sweat they have from each jump they take. Though their screams won’t give a huge favor for the players but the spirit and loves can make a slight change. There is almost no line between old and young, male and female, they would all stand up and watch the baseball players’ play like it is the last match they attend.

            Baseball had always had a special place in most of Korean people’s heart. If England has football, then Korea has baseball. A business man would skip an important meeting to watch a single baseball match on TV, everybody will stop whatever they’re doing to watch a baseball match, and that is why baseball has become a thing in Korea nowadays. But the euphoria doesn’t hit Hayi at all, not a single touch, not a single feel, not a single hush.

            She is blunt when it comes to any kind of sport, neither baseball nor football. Heavy feeling filled her whole body when both of her best friends asked her to join them to watch Doosan Bears play that night. Her blank stares clearly told them she didn’t want to come and they didn’t insist her anyway, but in the end, Hayi came after all while she knows exactly she will regret her decision right on her first step inside the stadium. And she is right, she highly regrets her decision.

            Jisoo and Jennie are focused on the match as they keep talking to each other about their prediction for the final scores and in which innings the match will end. But Hayi who sits right next at them is obviously abandoned as she doesn’t understand anything about the conversation Jisoo and Jennie are having. She shivers as the crowds scream even louder, wondering when will this match end and how will she gets out of the crowds faster so she will not get lost inside the sea of drunken people.

Her round eyes gaze at the dark sky above her and her heart goes to a disappointment as she doesn’t find any stars hanging up in the wide sky. Of course there are no stars, she sighs. This is Seoul City, a metropolitan with thousands of vehicles riding down the road every day. What’s hanging up there in the sky is a hundred percent pollution caused by the cars. But it doesn’t mean there are no stars, the stars are up there waiting to be seen and Hayi gives up looking after an ache attacks the back of her neck.

The match is still on after two hours and Hayi keeps searching for something to have fun with. The louder the crowds scream, the more she misses her bedroom and cat, Jinkyung. She should’ve been at home, eat pizza and watch the whole season of Gossip Girl. Now that is a perfect idea of a Saturday night. But too bad, she is stuck in the stadium for a thing she is not even interested in.

“Oh my god! That will definitely be a homerun!” Jennie screams throughout as her finger points at the player who holds the bat.

            “No way! He ain’t that good! Remember how he messed up in the short stop? From that time I have lost my faith in him.” Jisoo seems to deny Jennie’s opinion.

            “What? How can you say that?!” Jennie gets upset. “It was just one mistake and we all know he’s the star player!”

            “Well just because he is a star player, doesn’t mean he cannot at this game”

            “That’s because he doesn’t at baseball!”

The conversation is getting spicier and Hayi decides to jump in and break both of them up before they can spill drink on each other’s face. She walks closer to them and hit Jennie and Jisoo right at both of their heads.

            “Ya! Can you stop? You guys have been arguing about…whoever that man is and I totally bet you don’t even know his name” Hayi crosses her arms as she waits for one of them to react.

Jisoo and Jennie glance at each other as their facial expression change right after Hayi crossed her arms and glares at them like an angry grandma. But they know exactly how Hayi always fails getting angry at them, whenever she gives an angry expression it will turn out funnily and the whole thrilling vibe will be messed up because she is just too baby faced to be scary. And immediately, Jisoo and Jennie burst out their laughs.

            “OK, yeah, whatever, you guys never take it seriously” Hayi mumbles as she rolls her eyes and distances herself from Jisoo and Jennie.

Hayi backs both of her best friends and stares at her phone to decrease her anger. But she doesn’t know something awaits her for the next three seconds. After checking text messages, her phone vibrated and the screen shows the number of the caller. It is not registered in Hayi’s contact list, although she is blind of whom the caller is, she picks up anyway but hesitantly. Maybe it is just one of her friends calling her to ask for a favor, but then again, the only friends who ever call her straightaway are Jisoo and Jennie. While people mostly will just text or email her. Hayi’s thumb slides the screen and lifted her phone closer to her ear.


            The caller is saying words but none of them is heard by Hayi as the crowds around her are too loud. Disappointed by her inability of receiving what the caller informs her, she keeps trying to listen more carefully but of course the tiny sound of the caller loses its chance to gain Hayi’s attention as the crowds’ screams take lead of her mind.


            “Miss Lee? Can you hear me?” the caller says.  

Hayi looks around to find a comfortable place for her to talk with the caller as the call itself seems more important than just a quick advertisement from an assurance company selling their services. But the stadium is too crowded that there is no tiny spot left for her to take privacy. Only one right place to go and it is absolutely the best place to take calls, it is none other than the restroom.

            “Wait, hold on!” she commands.

Without considering how far the restroom is located from her seat in the stadium, she rushes off leaving her best friends there getting stunned by the thrilling vibe of the baseball game. Her seat is on the right wing of the stadium while the restroom is located in the entrance path. Of course the walk itself will cost sweat, time, and energy, but Hayi doesn’t think about what she has to lose and goes to the restroom without even looking back.

            She only thinks about how she can’t make the caller waits for long and finally decides to hang up. It can’t happen, and that is why Hayi is running now. Going through the sea of crowds who are cheering now because the Doosan Bears’ player hits a homerun, Jennie was right and Jisoo is probably pouting off now in her seat watching Jennie telling her right on the face ‘I told you so!’ which both of Jisoo and Hayi dislike the most out of all Jennie’s bad habits.

            Well, who likes to see a person who is always right tells you the ‘I told you so’ phrase? It is like, Jennie has done it thousands of times because she is always right and if she does it often, of course it is getting slight annoying. But even though, Jisoo and Hayi never take it seriously as they believe there will be time when they have the chance to say that phrase to Jennie.

            The restroom’s sign board is hanging by the emptiness of the entrance path of the stadium. Aside of Hayi’s lack on seeing from the distance, she recognizes perfectly the restroom sign board and immediately runs to it. The woman and man’s restroom door are standing side to side and Hayi succeeds to enter the right restroom. The woman restroom is empty, there is nobody there except Hayi and she knows it is the perfect moment to talk with the caller as she finally earns her space and privacy, away from the wild crowds. She manages to take her normal breathe and lifts her phone closer to her ear as she talks again.

            “Yes, I can hear you” she gasps.

            “Perfect. So Miss Lee, my name is Yoo Inna, head of the editor division from Vogue Korea Magazine”

Hayi gulps as her eyes are wide open. Her heart can’t stop beating fast as soon as she found who the caller is, the head of editor division of the Vogue Korea magazine. Then quickly her mind plays on her thoughts of what has become the motivation of the head of editor to call her at 8 PM on a Saturday night. She continues listening.

`           “I believe last week you sent as an application for the position of Art Director and Graphic Designer through post, is that right?”

She quickly nods even though she knows the caller can’t see it anyway.

            “Yes. Yes, that is right. I sent it a week ago, they said there will be answers for the next three days but I haven’t got any so I think the application was rejected, b-but…”

            “Well, if I have to be honest, your application was rejected by many of our staffs from both of editors and designers because of your age and lack of experience, but we reconsidered it and the final decision has made.”

Hayi can almost feel every of her heart beat as she waits for the next thing to come. The thing she has been waiting and expecting the most. And she hopes it will be exactly what she expects it to be.

“I am happy to say that you are accepted as an intern for Graphic Designing at Vogue Korea Magazine”

Her eyes gaze goes blank, her jaw almost drops and her excitement jumps high as soon as she heard the intern word. Internship sounds harder than being an actual worker. She doesn’t know whether she is happy or not, Vogue is a big deal and she knows as a high school student it is ninety-nine percent impossible to get accepted to work at this magazine. The last thing she needs to do is to be happy and grateful because it is freaking Vogue Korea. It is not an everyday chance to be part of a high selling international magazine as a high school teenager.

            “Hello? Miss Lee? Are you there?”

            “Y-yes, yes I am here”

            “We will give you further notice in the next three days. So, congratulations, and have a good evening” The caller hangs up.

Confusion and shock, both of those feelings attack Hayi simultaneously and completely change her mood in a good way. Internship is an excellent achievement for a high school student, especially at Vogue magazine.

She should be happier than anybody else now and as soon as she realizes what kind of good has come to her that night at the stadium restroom, she jumps around in excitement. No words come out from , just a smile and excitement. Her mind keeps rewinding to the day she got a crazy idea to apply for this job to Vogue, she at first only sent the application for fun without a slight expectation to actually get accepted. But what happened now is a fairytale and it is her quest to bring it on.

What will her friends say about this? She thinks of it more than anything, because it will be a huge thing for them. But maybe she won’t tell her friends about this matter for good. Maybe she will leave them clueless of her current excitement, but won’t that be mean? After fixing up her hair and clothes she walks out of the restroom.

Feeling confuse and excited at the same time gives a strange mood. Hayi pulls the heavy door and walks out of the restroom as her phone accidentally drops from her hand. After successfully closing the door back, she bends down as her long brown hair covers up her face and sight. But she finally succeeds to take her phone and immediately stands straight and turns around to walk back to inside. But, that is when a bigger surprise happens. Hayi turns around and bumps into a tall man.

“Sorry!” she says

“Damn! You made me drop my cigarette!” the man says.

Looking at the man’s reaction to their bumping accident, she goes flat and glares deeply at the man who is bending down and takes his cigarette and lighter back. He wears a black hoodie with a white t-shirt inside and dark colored jeans. He completely looks like someone with a temper problem.

“Geez, I say I’m sorry” she mumbles.

Hayi is about to leaves the man when she suddenly freaks out after seeing the man’s shirt is on fire after he finally stands up from bending down. Panic and confuse of what to do, Hayi’s hand covers up and her eyes widen. The man doesn’t seem to realize that he is actually on fire, but Hayi is too afraid to tell him since she knows it is all her fault and she doesn’t want him to get angry at her.

            The man casually walking away as Hayi finally tells him to stop.

            “Stop!” she yells.

The man immediately stops and looks back at her in confusion as he gives her the look of what-do-you-want. The idiot Hayi doesn’t say anything and instead, her finger keeps pointing at the man’s shirt with her face in a shock look.

            “Y-y-y-your s-s-shirt!” she says.

He seems to refuse on doing what Hayi told him to do, which is looking at his burning shirt, so Hayi keeps on pointing at his shirt with a panic face and the man now understands exactly that something is wrong and it is not good.

            Hayi is getting hopeless for the man as he is so stubborn that his stubbornness makes himself clueless to the kind of danger which is happening to him. The clueless man finally looks down to his shirt and turns to a big panic as soon as he also finally finds that his shirt is on fire.

            “Damn!” he yells. “No no no no no! What have you done to me?!”

The man keeps patting his burning shirt with his bare hands and hopes the fire will calm down, but it doesn’t, no matter how hard he tries until his hands get burnt up too. Panic has made both of them blunt; don’t know what to do with that kind of situation, and ending up running around in confusion. He finally takes off his hoodie and pats his shirt with it, but he stops right away because he is afraid if he does so, his hoodie will also burning.

            “Damn! I AM BURNING!” he screams.

            “Take off your shirt!” Hayi commands him.

He widens his eyes as he looks at Hayi in shock.

            “What?! You ert! I will not take off my shirt in public! Are you kidding me?!” he panics

            “Well unless you want to burn your whole body up. What’s wrong with you anyway?! Be a man! Take off your shirt!” Hayi then walks around the path and finds a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall as the man keeps patting the fire on his stomach with his bare hands.

            “No, I won’t! There must be a way and it is definitely NOT taking off my shirt in public! Yo-“

Suddenly his whole body is covered up by foams as Hayi sprays out the fire extinguisher. She sprays it too much since she is not certain on how to use it, the only thing matters to her is that the fire needs to be finished, and she finished it manly.

            The man stands still until Hayi finally stops spraying the fire extinguisher.

            “Oops” Hayi says

He slowly wipes the foam out of his face and glares at Hayi deeply. The man sure wants to punch Hayi in the face as soon as he sees her but no matter what Hayi is a girl and the only thing he can do is to swallows his anger and that leaves him glaring at the scared little girl.

            “What on earth happens here?!” a voice comes from the end of the entrance path.

One of the security man walks toward them and slowly stops after seeing the man’s condition under the foams. As Hayi is in an unfortunate situation to, she is still holding the fire extinguisher when the security man arrives.

            “Why is this girl holding a fire extinguisher? And you, boy, did you swim in a foam pool or something? Look at what you have done to the path?!” the security man says.

The man wipes out all of the foam and walks to the security man in anger.

            “Sir! Let me tell you, this girl” he points his finger at Hayi “She burns me, and she wildly sprays the entire foam to my whole body, causing my hair to gets wet and my phone is broken!”

            “Is that true, lady?!”

Hayi immediately drops the fire extinguisher and looks at the man in panic.

            “No! Of course it is not true! He is making up stories! I didn’t burn him, he accidentally burns himself with his lighter and I spray the fire extinguisher to save him because he didn’t want to take off his shirt!” Hayi defends herself

            “Oh, look! She even wanted to me! Sir, I’m telling you, this girl is ill and-“

The security man blows his whistle to stop the man and Hayi from telling more. He looks angrier than before, or maybe he is only angry because he doesn’t understand the problem that happens to Hayi and the man in front of her. The security man takes out a notebook and a pen as he asks both of thier names.

            "You, boy! What's your name?"

            "What? Why are you asking my name?!" the man freaks out

            "Just say it!"

            "Okay! Okay! My name is Kim Hanbin"

The security man then writes his name on the notebook.

            "And the lady's name is?"

            "Uh-oh Lee Hayi"

He writes Hayi's name and then put back his notebook to his pocket.

           “OK, you two come with me. I think only the police station can solve this sick matter!”




Hello everyone! Hope you like the first chapter!


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HeoMinHee #1
Come on update!! I want to read more please!!
furiousgerbil #2
Chapter 1: I am cackling like mad right now. That's soooooooooo hilarious, I teared. xD
BenYaSit #3
Chapter 1: ^___^ wowww love this Tiger couple, HanHi , so adorable argument when they first time meet . Waiting for next and love your Fic . Fighting Fighting !!
choaheo #4
Leehi with YG boys? Can't wait><
hayi chan!!!!!!!!!
georginakellyy #6
puhleeaaaseeeee update asap!❤️literally cant wait omg
fannypackage #7
omg all of yg? 1tym included?? i miss 1tym a lot ;(((