Around the Corner



  I walked in the building that the concert was at. I had been in America for one week already and I still couldn't get over the fact of how rude that bastard had been. Who did he think he was? The king?! PLEASE!!!


  But bearing with him was so totally worth it, more after seeing that look on his face.


  One week earlier...


  The airport was packed, maybe it was because the schools had closed for a while, or maybe it was because the news of two possible bands had spread around and the girls wanted to catch a glimpse of them. I didn't know and I didn't care.


  My friend told me that there was a rumor spreading that there was going to be another band at the airport the same day we were going. I honestly didn't mind until he told me that it was a flower boy band. You know one of those gay- bands that are happy all the time. (YAWN!) He warned me that if I crashed into one of them to NOT start a fight because ,although they were always happy, their fans were FEISTY. 


  Me and my band mates walked up to the counter and gave the flight attendant our tickets. We put our suitcase on the suitcase belt and walked through the metal detector one after the other. When we reached the first-class section of the airplane I saw a brown head that used to be blond and groaned. My band mates heard me and turned to look at me.


  "What's wrong?" Aaron asked me. 


 I nodded my head in the direction of the seat that Baekho was seated in and they instantly followed with the groaning. Ever since middle school me and Baekho had hated each other. When I became friends with my band mates, they found a hate in Baekho and his group too. When we came up with the idea to create a band so did Baekho and his group of friends. Although we hated each other we managed to stay out of each others ways, but when we had finally started doing concerts it was inevitable to crash into each other at least once every six months. 


  My train of thought fell off a cliff when I heard Aaron groan again. I turned to look at him and saw that the rest of Baekho's group was also there, and were scattered all over the place. I heard yet another groan, this time from Min Hyuk. I turned towards him.


  "What's wrong?" I said.


  "My seat is next to that bastard," he whined, pointing somewhere.


  I turned my head to see he was talking about Myungsoo, the one that Min Hyuk hated the most from Baekho's group of friends. One by one Aaron and the rest of my group started groaning as they too remembered where they were supposed to sit. They all ended up next to someone they hated. It took me a second and a half to realize that my designated seat was next to Baekho.


  'Ugh, shoot me now, pleeaassee, someone just shoot me now.' I thought as I walked towards my seat. 

  I plopped myself down next to Baekho, feeling like stabbing him in the eye with the marker I had in my pocket. He turned around and smiled genuinely, that is until he recognized me and started glaring. Instead of glaring I smiled at him.


  "Annyonghaseyo. My name is Kim Jong Hyun, but my friends call me J.R. Who are you?" I asked

This only made him glare harder. I kept smiling until I couldn't hold it any longer and I glared right back at him.

  "Kim Jong Hyun? I think I've heard that name before. Oh! Right, I used to know this one gay dude his name was Jong Hyun. Oh, and what a coincidence his friends called him J.R. too." 

  I glared at him even more.

  "And guess what! I think he liked me, he would always get really close to me, but then would act like he hated me. I also think he wanted to be like me because when I said I was gonna make a band, he made one too." He chuckled lightly, "And, his band is one of those that make you want to barf, you know, those bands that just bring out your inner psychopath and makes you want to stab someone in the eye. Oh! That's right, they're called Rock bands."

  I finally broke when he insulted my band.

  "Listen to me you little bastard. I'm not gay, I'm bi. And as much as you want it to happen, I will never like you. Not as a friend, and definitely NOT as a boyfriend. I never wanted to be like you, I would prefer to kill myself instead, and if I remember right, I was the one that said I was going to make a band first. I bet it didn't even cross that empty skull of yours to make one until I said I was going to. And listening to your band sing makes me want to stab MYSELF in the eye!" I yelled, gaining the attention from the other passengers. I huffed in anger and put on my headphones. 

  A couple hours later I turned to look at Baekho and smiled. Not an oh-I-want-to-be-your-friend smile, more like an I'm-about-to-something-so-mean-but-so-funny smile.

  My smile spread even wider when I remembered the marker in my pocket was a Sharpie. I let out an evil laugh as I took out the marker.

  'I love you,' I thought happily.

 I drew him a mustache and freckles, but didn't stop there, I also drew him eyebrows that were going downwards, a beard, and I wrote on his forhead 'I'm gay and I know it.'

A squeal that resembled a girl's escaped my lips when I thought about his reaction when he woke up. 

  "So mature," Aaron whispered from behind me as I took a picture of Baekho.

  I just stuck my tongue out at him and let out another evil laugh. A loud voice startled me and I realized that the flight attendant was waking people up.

  When she reached us, she tried to contain her laughter when she saw Baekho.

  "Can you wake him up? We're about to land." She said and walked away.

 Five minutes later a message came through, that we had landed.

  I got up and stood behind Aaron after I poked Baekho repeatedly.

  I was already off the plane when I heard shrieks and shouts come from the inside of it.

  "KIM! JONG! HYUN!" Was the last thing I heard before I walked into the airport, with tears of laughter running down my cheeks.

One week later...

  Two hours and a half later I walked out of the building with my guitar on my back, the warm New York breeze made my hair fly back and I smiled, remembering once 


again how Baekho had screamed and yelled at the airport. As I rounded the corner I hit something hard, knocking the wind out of me. Before I pulled away, I caught a whiff of peach. When I looked down I saw a girl that was at least six inches shorter than me. She had blond hair and grey eyes, that looked like a dolls. When I looked closer I saw that she was crying, and I wondered if I had hit her that hard.

  "I'm sorry," I said.

  She looked up as if she was realizing me for the first time. She shook her head and smiled sweetly.

  "It's my fault, I wasn't watching." She said and started walking away.

  I was struck dumbfounded by her beauty, was she Korean? Or American? As I walked back to the hotel I was staying at a thought crossed my mind.

  What a flat chested girl.

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Chapter 2: You go sis! Keep writing.
Chapter 2: Haha,JR is such a troll :D And the last words "what a flat chested girl" make me laugh and roll on my bed xD Anyway,I really like this story even if it have 2 chapter ;)
Chapter 1: I like it :) Why didn't I found it earlier? Anyway hope you'll update soon because I want to know what happened :D

Hwaiting! ~