Washing Machine

Washing Machine

I'm just typical case, how nice.

Those was word to word toughts of Kim Ryeowook, the hero of this story. Or, in this case, the damsel in dissress of our story. You see, he is that kind, cute, country lad who moved into big, big (and bad) city of Seoul. He really knows anyone from this city, okay, maybe his kind of cousin Kim Heechul, they really aren't cousins, because Kim Heechul is Ryeowook's grandmother's sister's son, so yeah, go figure that. Kim Heechul isn't the kindest person out here, and he is kind of amused our damsel's disstress, because lets say it in Kim Heechul's own words; Wookie is too naive for his own good. But, our damsel argues back, that he isn't "too naive", he is nice, there's difference! And his older "cousin" just bits back, that he would not be that nice in big city like capital of South Korea, if Ryeowook wasn't that naive. Or stupid, or mental, but those words Kim Heechul says under his breath, and his younger "cousin" Kim Ryeowook doesn't hear a thing.

But oh boy, you may wonder how our dear Ryeowook is stuck this kind of situation, where he is damsel and blah blah, and what is his blah blah blah situation, you may wonder also. So, here I come, I'm kind of allknowing narrator here, who knows the past, the future, feelings and body reactions and blah bah blah so I'm like god-like creature and blah blah blah. You may worship me, if you only want. I'm trying to get even Choi Siwon to worship me, I'm that awesome.

Okay, enough of praising me, back to the damsel Ryeowook.

Kim Ryeowook born in 1987, moved to Seoul to pursue his dream career as song comporser, so you see, he is kind of great guy, if you're interest in shy, quiet, wimpy, lanky, stick as tick guys, then Kim Ryeowook is right choice to you, oh please, don't forget, that he is , kissed only two times (his mother and window of class room), too timid to e, so yeah, great guy... When it comes to composing songs. He is also kind of stubborn, because he moved alone, and he is currently living in one room apartment, somewhere in Seoul, where rents are cheap and your neighbours are drug addicts, poor university students, or single parents, so yeah. So, he is poor university student, he got scholarship to Seoul Arts and Performing University, but living alone, even if you don't pay a single penny for your school, is still expensive. He works in night sift in local 24h gas station slash market slash fast food restaurant, because of that he could pay his rent and so on. No, he hasn't money to go clubs etc. but it's fine, he has enought money to buy instant noodles and ink pens.

He lives in top floor, and he has a washing machine in his bathroom. Because of that machine, our damsel is in disstress. The machine works very well, but Ryeowook wants it away from his aperment - it tooks too much space, using it is expensive - water, electricity and blah blah, using public machines down their cellar is free for those who is renting apartment there. The problem is addressed up there, something like ten lines from there (it's the part wimpy, lanky....), Ryeowook hasn't form or muscles or friends, to move that expensive sock eater away from his gray bathroom. Being clever as ever, Ryeowook decided to ask wheelbarrow from his nearest 24h market, there starts the problems.

His local market was rather quiet, but it was mid-day, so he has all the time to gather his courage, to go on ask about wheelbarrow from current cashier. He spend twenty something minutes to read different labels of ice creams, until he gets enough, and goes straight to cash line, attracks cashiers attention and stutters his problem, or request. Lets say, the cashier was highly amused of this suttering, cute little lad in front of him. The cashier smiled sinister smile, almost wicked grin - but of course our damsel Ryeowook didn't notice thing. No, he was melting towards the floor, because holy cow, the cashier was little bit too handsome to work in low class place like 24h market, when he could be like, model or something, idol or something. How those black strands of hair was framing his face, his eyes were almost as black as his hair, but so deep, so deep like ocean and oh, those lips was too die for - okay, you get it my ladies. Kim Ryeowook is gay with big capitals. Sorry to get your twisted, but lord knows that best guys are gays. Or ten times younger, or fifty times older than you. Or psychopaths.

- "I'm so sorry, but we don't have them, they are suppliers' property." Ryeowook was ready to die; oh my, this boy's voice was rich like velvet, smooth like milk shake and warm and rich like the finest amaretto. Ryeowook, being music nerd, was ready to die, that voice belonged to god and oh my, he has to hear more!
- "Oh... uhm... Do you know.. would I get them from.. bigger markets?" Now was time to cashier's death. You may know, that in games, books and movies, there's that big, bad guy, the enemy, the  baddest of the bad, but he has one weakness; that weakness it fatal and will destroy the plans of that big bad guy. The weakness is always somethig small, cute, innocent.. You get it point, which brings some fluffly fluff smuy smush tickilish feelings to this bad guy. So yeah, that happened to that cashier. Because I'm god-like creature, I would name that cashie slash bad guy like well I don't know, maybe he could be Kangin, sounds bad enough? But in name "Kangin", isn't any sinistry or malice, "Kangin" sounds more like raw power, rage and mad bulls. So, our cashier's name will be Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuyun, it holds enough malice and pure geniouness. (You migh thank me later.)
- "Well.. as I said, those are usually suppliers' property, so ..No can do." Ryeowoook was more than disappointed, how the hell he is going to get that stupid machine out of his apartment now?
- "But.." our damsel lifts his eyes sparkling with hope to meet with our carhier's calculative eyes, being idiot which Ryeowook is (naive!!!) tought that guy in front of him was planning some solution for him. But, as we know, the name "Cho Kyuhyun" holds so much brains, so much wittiness and evilness, that our bad guy clad in red t-shirt and black jeans, was already planned everything out, and was just checking out our damsel in front of his own eyes. And hell yes Kyuhyun likes what he sees! He was so ready to run his fingertips along those soft eyebrowns and those sharp cheekbones, to kiss those small, now pouting lips and smother those tiny hands between his own, larger ones.
- "My sift ends at three, so what if I come and move that machine for you?"
- "Could you do it.. it's.. pretty heavy?"
- "I've worked for moving firm, so not big deal." The voice, deep and dark as ocean, answered back with confidence.  Ryeowook could not believe his luck, so he promised to meet with cashier at three, outside of the market.

Ryeowook has whole two hours to get anxious over that helpful guy, because even our Wookie could be pretty naive, he wasn't child anymore. His pretty little head was filled with toughts like "what the I'm going to do? What if he me?" or "how I can pay for him, I'm not willing to with him.. oh my.." or "what the , stranger is coming to my house, if he kills me, should I inform Heechul?" To spend those killing two hours, he cleaned his small aparmtent, paid extra time to get his toilet to shine and smell like roses, because no, he isn't trying to impress that stranger, but he has some OCD-ish problems.

Lets leave Ryeowook to clean his apartment with his toothbrush, and lets pay some attention to Cho Kyuhyun. His body. Yes, you read right, Cho Kyuhyun's body. Ryeowook should notice, that our cashier, Kyuhyun, has not got a built to lift even his own off computer, he is also kind of lanky, no muscles, and definetely hansn't worked a day for moving firm. So, Ryeowook gets a surprise when he meets with cashier later.

Lets cut it short, and because I'm god-like creature (I swear, soon Choi Siwon is worshipping me, just wait me!), I'll make some hoccuspoccusbimbelidon magic here, and it's show time!

Filled with stress and anxious, Ryeowook is waiting outside of said market. He is feeling like complete idiot, and is pretty sure that guy was just joking and now, he is waiting for nothing. To look more or less suspicious while standing there like total moron, he starts to message bomb his dear friend from his home town, called as Donghae. Those messages goes somehow like this "omg I'm waiting that guy here he so isn't going to show up" " i'm total idiot donghae what the i'm doing w my life???!!" "Fishyyy why you don't anwer omg omg omg I'm goi" "FUC FISHY HE Iz here????!!"
- "Sup, did you wait a long?" Rich like most finest velvet voice is heard. By now, Ryewook's cheeks were red as tomatoes and he stutters something back, while eyeing two person standing awkwardly behind our cashier. Who smiles almost innocently back - almost because his eyes are twinkling with poorly hidden amusement.
- "Ah, I've to ask my friends to help me, because you see, I broke my  back week ago, and I totally forget that I could not lift a thing. That shorty is Jonghyun, moron say hi to my favorite customer" - Jonghyun waves both of his hands, and somehow Ryeowook could recall, that said man usually works in morning sift at that market, and has used to buy gas from that station, where Ryeowook works. - "And that grumpy oldie is Kangin." Kangin shortly nods, and Ryeowook recalls, that Kangin works usually in night sift.
- "Oh.. If that's alright to your friends to help me.. so should we go?"
- "Yes, they're more than happy to help you."  You could heard how those two were rolling their eyes, but still they started their short journey to help damsel in disstress.

Lets  say, those two get rid of that washing machine without single drop of sweat, and Ryeowook was delighted, and now was time to reward them!
- "I'm really sorry, really sorry, I don't have that much money, but I hope that's enough!" He tries to give some bills, but Kyuhyun swatted his hand away, not even in that nonchalant way.
- "Oh, forget money" - Ryeowook visibly paled- ? foursome? OHMYHEECHUL - "not every thing in the world should be counted in money, it was nice to help you." You could see how those two friends of Kyuhyun, were rolling again their eyes, Kangin even snickered bit, so you could bet that Ryeowook was damn ready to faint.
- "Instead, could we meet some time again?"
- "What.. of course, on that market again! Seeya!" Kyuhyun being dumpfounded out of the game, was escorted away by his snickering friends while Ryeowook bid his goodbyes happy, dimpled smile decorating his lips.

Two days later Heechul was visiting on Ryeowook, sipping his tea and eating lunch made by master chef Ryeowook. It was relaxed, nice meeting, until Ryeowook told his story with washing machine, and let me tell you, Heechul is rather violent person, but he has the softest spot for his baby-Wookie, but, after he heard the story of washing machine and certain cashier, he lets his right hand land to Ryeowook's head three times, while crying out loud, how the you're that dump Kim Ryeowook! He was flirting with you! He wants to go date with you, you moron! Now you bony stupid lil' go back to the market and ask that guy for a date you bloody bastard!

Four days later, Ryeowook gathered his courage second time, and decided, that he goes to buy milk, and ask that cashier out. He was feeling rather good, until, he met face to face with that said cashier, and he could feel how the healthy glow of his cheeks turned into burning red and he was ready to run away, but! Instead he decided to confront that tall guy next to him. He was ready to ask that big, big question, but instead, he found himself asking "where's your eggs?*". The moment was mortifying, when addressed cashier turned to be someone else (Ryeowook swore his bad eye sight, but somehow, he was pretty happy that guy wasn't his cashier..). So, emotionally wrecked damsel bought eggs and milk and disappeared as soon as possible from local market.

Six days later, Ryeowook tried again, but said cashier wasn't working on that sift.

Week later, we could find that little wimpy lad stuttering in front of said cashier.

- "I'm sorry for the last time I panicked because you were so nice and I didn't know what to do so when you asked about meeting again I didn't now what you meant but you see my friend Heechul beated me up couple of times and told that I was stupid becaue you were flirting with me but then I didn't believe him so I know that you didn't mean it in that way so I'm so sorry for being so dump so. Would you come out with me, for coffee or something, no homo of course!" Kyuhyun wasn't hearless, of course, after being escorted away from aparmtent, his friends were amost peed into their pants while laughing like mad dogs because Cho Kyuhyun got turned down! And Kyuhyun was played it down that he wasn't even really interested in that guy, what the hell you guys are laughing more! Of course you aren't madly in love with him, Jonghyun was howled in between his laughing, "but you have been swooning over him since August when he first time appeared in your cash line" Kangin continued while wiping his eyes. "Of course great Cho Kyuhyun isn't interested in said customer, when he bribes his collagues with food into his poorly planned plan to win that cuties heart." He was somehow decided that he will make voodoo-doll and torture his frinds with it, and maybe said customer gets his own serve too, but now, when that little cutie was standing here, being overally the world's most precious thing, he find himself asnwering that name is Cho Kyuhyun, and it might be yes homo after one latte.
- "Ryeowook, at three, the same place as last time?"
- "Without those two morons, my pleasure."


// So, that's based on my own life.. I get one cashier boy to move my washing machine away.. my friends and relatives were thinking that guy was flirting with me, but! That story is really more romantic than my own story. Now that said guy doesn't even notice me anymore, so..I've to get that (story and my experience) off my chest.

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Chapter 1: You are one funny and amazing author. I love your sense of humor. However, the mention of Jonghyun here kinda made me sad a little though I don't know who is the Jonghyun you are referring to here. Is it Lee Jonghyun or Kim Jonghyun since both are close to Kyu. But I assume it's KJH so I'm so sad. He will be missed. It's the first time I came across a fic with his name on it so it made me sad. But I guess it's better that he is in this fic since it is much better to remember him happy and smiling.
Chapter 1: Why did I found this just now?
This is so funny and fluffy!! >.<
Good job author-ssi
p/s : Kyukyu always got smitten over uri wookie~
Chapter 1: I absolutely adore this story!!!
Humor and fluff, a winning combo :D