Please, Don't Go

i decided to continue this fic. But, i don't how long it will be...

Oh.. i need to tell you that this fic is based on what happened to SHINee in social media and it takes place in Japan. But, i rearranged the chronology so i would make sense (a bit) ....


*p.s: Sorry for gramatical errors ^^v


It was already more than a month since the first time Jonghyun begged me not to leave. It was not that I spent this whole month in peace since the younger kept trying to change my mind every time he had opportunity.

He would sit next to me in the car on our way to the concert venue. He would corner me in the dining room after having dinner, trapping me between the sink and his body, too close to mingle our breath. Sometimes, I thought to give in when he talked too close until I could feel his breath. His soft voice, his breath fogged my mind that I wasn’t able to think clearly. That time on Saturday night was not an exception.

“Do you remember, you are the one who always bring medicines for us wherever we go? If you leave, who will take care of us?” Jonghyun surprised me when he gave me backhug out of nowhere.

I was standing near the window in my room, looking at the crescent moon. I was sinking in my thought when I felt a pair of arms circled me around my upper body Before I could turn to see the owner of the arms, the said man already revealed his identity. Jonghyun.

“You are the one who always face the company to voice our wills every time we are too afraid to do it. If you leave, who will defend us from the company?”

I just close my eyes hearing his clear voice, trying to concentrate while Jonghyun placing his chin on the crooked of my neck, His breath on my cheek.

“Who will I talk to when I want to discuss my songs? You are the only one I talk to after I wrote my lyrics or when I had something on my mind.”

I put my hand on his which still wrapped me. I didn’t realize how tense he was until I touched him. “Jjong…” I said softly.

“Don’t call me that way if you will only leave me, hyung.” He tightened his hug. “Don’t sweeten me if it’s just a false hope.”

His voice trembled. Did he cry? Just as I thought that, I felt a warm liquid on my shoulder. I clenched my free hand the moment I knew he was crying in silence.

“What should I do to make you change your mind?” He buried his face on my neck. “Tell me. I will do everything you say. I will be a good dongsaeng, I will be more quiet so you can talk more in our interview. I …”

I turned my body to face Jonghyun. He seemed surprise with my sudden action. His eyes widened. I looked right in to his eyes. Sadness and desperation swam in his teary eyes.

I cupped his gaunt face with my hand, caressing his cheekbones, sweeping his tears away. He leaned on my touch. His eyes closed. It was silent for a moment.

“Stop it, Jonghyunnie…” I said gently. He opened his closed eyes. “I won’t change my mind.”

Seem like my words gave him a bomb. He freed me from his hug and took a step back. He stared at me wide eyes, disbelievewith what I just said.

I took a deep breath before striding away, leaving him in my room.



I didn’t know that the other members were in the living room the whole time I talked with Jonghyun. I wondered if they heard what Jonghyun said.

“Hyung,” I heard Taemin’s voice. “Are you crying? What’s wrong?”

Crying? Since when did I cry?. I didn’t realize that I shed tears that time.

“Old man, what happen? Does that Dino head disturb you?” It was Key’s turn to ask.

I reassured them with my smile. “It’s okay. Nothing. I’m not crying. My eyes are just too tired since I read a book too long just now.”


“I’ll just take a walk to get some fresh air,” I said before continuing my way out of the dorm.



I didn’t have much time to take a walk and thinking though. Just half and an hour later, I went back to the dorm after receiving a message from manager hyung. He said he would come by to our dorm to tell us something.

In the dorm, I tried my best to ignore Jonghyun who kept staring at me. I was busying myself playing video game with Minho, didn’t want to talk to Jonghyun about the previous topic.

Around 9 p.m. manager hyung arrived and gathered us in living room. I took sit far from Jonghyun.

“Boys, tomorrow at 10 a.m. company want to meet you all,” he informed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked sharply.

“It’s about your concert schedule next year.”

“Will we have an early Japan Arena Tour next year?” Taemin questioned innocently.

“I can’t tell you, Tae.”

“It’s about next year’s schedule? Jinki hyung has to come too, right?”

I closed my eyes when heard Jonghyun’s question. Was he trying to tie me to the next year’s schedule so that I wouldn’t leave SHINee?

“What did you say, Jjong? Of course he has to com. He is the leader after all.”



The next morning, we already sat in the meeting room at company since 9.30 a.m. This time, I didn’t have chance to sit far from Jonghyun since the CEO of our company in Japan always wanted me to sit next to him.

“Good morning, guys. It’s nice to see you after long time,” said the CEO when he walked in to the meeting room. He flashed us wide smile to us before talking.

“I hope your manager already told you all that today I will tell you about your next year’s schedule in Japan.” He paused for a while. “SHINee already has been more than 3 years having activities in Japan since debut. Regarding to that and the enthusiasm from SHINee World in Japan, after talking to other parties, we decided to hold your concert next year, for the first time, in Tokyo Dome.”

I felt like the world and time stopped right when the CEO said the last two words. My mind was blank. What was it? SHINee would hold our first solo concert in Tokyo Dome? I couldn’t believe what I heard.

While I was still deep in my thought, I felt my body being pulled. Once I regained my consciousness, I was already in the group hug. I looked at the other members. Key already cried hard, Taemin smiled to cover his teary eyes, Minho’s eyes were already red, while Jonghyun was staring at me, holding his tears.



On our way back to the dorm, I couldn’t stop thinking. What was it? We would have our first solo concert in Tokyo Dome next year. That was our goal since our debut in Japan. But… I couldn’t stop this sad feeling. I wouldn’t take part in that concert since I already asked SM to terminate my contract in the end of this year, right after we finished Japan Arena Tour.

I conflicted with my own thought. What should I do? Tokyo Dome was one of my dream too. Now, when this opportunity has come, should I let it go? Did fate try to play with me? Did Gods try to tell me to stay? Or, did Gods tell me that I had to give up of my goal?

So many questions in my mind. I kept looking through the window on our way back. I didn’t join other members who were excited talking about this dream-comes-true. I was lost in my mind until I felt a hand covering my hand on my lap.


That voice, which I tried to ignore since last night, came back and talked to me again, once again trying to change my mind, just making me more confused.




So.. how's it? I wish don't dissapoint you >.<

Warmly welcome your critics and comments ^^


Btw, congrats to Jonghyun for his victories ...

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Chapter 4: Awwwww... SHINee will alwats be five
Chapter 4: You update!!!! Thank you ~~~
Please, don't let knew go...please make them success to persuade knew to stay
Update soon~~~
Chapter 3: Omg! Please don't go
please....please ..... jinki, don't go
you better stay please

update soon
Chapter 2: Come on Jinki~ Its Tokyo Dome that you'll be going to XD and how can u make Jonghyun cry? Ur making ur puppy cry :O He's way too irresistible so y make it harder for d two of you?

Hehehe! Thanks for the update~ Looking forward for more to come ;)
Chapter 1: You cannot stop here author-nim XD this story is asking for a continuation! Jinki u can never be replaced~
Chapter 1: Aww jinki you are sooooo dŕamned.. you can't be replaced and you know that..

And hey.. write more stories.. it will defibitely boost your confidence and your skills ^^
minhosims #8
Chapter 1: You're getting better, compared to your previous update. Seems like you prefer writing them as shinee.
Chapter 1: Don't stop there. Just continue, i will be waiting for the updated