The Dream - The Alices meet Eight

Alice of Human Sacrifice

Utter chaos was taking place at Rinbu's house a usual.  Noroi's vodka had gone missing so she destroyed all of Rinbu's sake in a rage and had just left to buy more of each beverage with their son Hakai in tow.  Everyone suspected that Hakai had gotten rid of it, but no one really cared to say anything.  After that, the household scene was pretty normal.  Rinbu was sprawled out on the couch watching Doctor Who, his friend Daichiro was in the kitchen making tea and commenting on how  different everything was in Venice, and their other friend (although they wouldn't admit she was) Hanako was jumping off the walls because she had eaten a bag of cookies.  Rinbu sighed.  This was going to be another irritating day.

"Hey Sensei, how's life?" A newcomer asked.  He was leaning on the doorway with a girl who looked rather boyish standing behind him.  "Where'd Noroi go, and where's that annoying brat of yours?"

Laughing, Rinbu waved the two inside.  "Hey there Kanashimi, Nikushimi," he said, not looking away from the TV for long.  "Life as usual, Noroi lost all her vodka and smashed my sake bottles, so she and Hakai went to get more alcohol..."  Glancing at Daichiro, he mouthed at the duo, "And we're thinking of making senpai drink again since he's such a lightweight!"

Walking inside and sitting on a chair, Kanashimi laughed.  "So everything's going as usual," he commented, "how fun..."  Looking at Nikushimi, he said, "Niku-cchi, why did we come here again?  We had to tell Sensei something, right?"

Sighing, she replied, "I don't know, you were the one who suggested it you idiot..."  Whacking him on the head, she walked towards the kitchen and pulled out an orange.  Peeling it, she asked Daichiro, "Daichiro-senpai, why are you here?  You never drop by anymore, always too busy hopping around time..."

"Well, Chiro-kun is just an anti-social freak!" Hanako yelled happily, seemingly unaware of how little notice everyone was taking of her presence.  She was about to add something, but right then a tear in the fabric of the universe split open and someone jumped out.  Immediately, everyone in the house grabbed their swords.  After all, they weren't normal people. They had been Soul Reapers before they had abandoned that group.  However, some habits - like carrying a sword - never went away, and those were the ones that usually came in handy when unexpected things - like a boy falling out of a tear in the universe - happened.

"Who the are you?" Rinbu drawled calmly, already drawing his sword.  "I have no problems with killing you right now, so I suggest you answer the question."

Chuckling, the boy answered, "Oh, it's this world... interesting..."  Smirking, he said, "I'm Eight, but that won't matter.  You'll all be dead soon enough."  He snapped his fingers and before they knew it, everyone in the house fell into different tears in the universe, each sealing after someone had fallen through.  Re-opening the tear Rinbu had fallen through, he muttered happily, "Well then, my new pawns... let the games begin!"  He jumped into the tear and sealed it behind him, leaving an abandoned house behind.


Well, that's it for the prolog!  So sorry it was a long chapter, but I hope it got the general idea across!

Next up: the First Alice - Rinbu.

And to clear something up: Rinbu and Noroi are married, and they have a son who is mentioned briefly.  Neither Hakai nor Noroi will be making any more major appearances unless I think it's a good addition to the plot.  Also, Kanashimi and Nikushimi are going out, hence their closeness.  Daichiro is a timetraveler, but he doesn't usually stop by to visit Rinbu and the gang.  Also, Hanako is the more childish and jumpy of the older group (RInbu's group).

Anyway, thank you for reading, please leave a comment below! ~noroixrinbu

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