Cleaning Duties

The Youth Manual
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Second Story of The Youth Manual is now up! Sorry for the delay! >


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Chapter 3: i can't take this adorable boy anymore
Chapter 2: This boy is really cute!
Chapter 1: Recently i have been into TFboys and so happy when i read this story. Thank you!
lolzwah #4
Chapter 1: hi author!
chapter 1 : The description of the scenes and the plot were really good! However, it's better to have the story abit longer! It seems as if the story had a beginning but without an ending. The WHOLE story is worth to be developed into a brand new story instead of a one shot. I hope you can consider my suggestion and make your story even better!
moondancerkk #5
Chapter 3: waaaaaa... its such a good story but... you always seem to leave us hanging...
Gemini-June16 #6
Chapter 2: "Because i'm cute and handsome" ...... also i'm charming!"

Emegesh.. Wang Yuan is heartheart

I've done reading Chapter 1 and 2.. I just want to say that the author really knows the characteristics of the TFBOYS members! ^_^
Gemini-June16 #7
Chapter 1: It is so sweet. I keep on smiling because of Qianxi's character.
this is completely random but I found it funny (maybe just me and my oddball sense of humour eek) but the girl on the HisSmile cover is actually a popular Chinese manhua artist aged 30!! (the awkward irony how she's coincidentally paired with a minor in the graphics aha) She looks so so young though; true definition of aging youthfully haha anyways, that aside.. The fic was such an enjoyable read! 請寫多多TFBOYS的小説!加油呀!