I ; Bikes in the Rain


Chapter 1; Bikes in the Rain


Kyungsoo gets his first bike when he first enters junior high. The wheels are a little too big, and the pedals squeak slowly with every rotation, but it's grown on him. The body is blue, there's a basket on the rear side, and he takes it for a ride every day.

If he could be honest, he wouldn’t give up the bike for anything. Even as it got old and rusty, all to the point where it wasn’t rideable anymore, he still wouldn’t trash it. This is his first bike, and if he didn’t ride it until the end of dawn, he would at least proudly hang it up on his wall. This bike carries strong memories of bruised knees, new friends, and maybe- just maybe, he thinks- it will carry along the memory of his first love.

He doesn’t really count on it, though.

He rides past town, weaving through lamp-posts and small shop wagons that overflowed with warm pastries and draping flowers until he reaches welcoming green grass and sun rays that embrace him home. More than just a house with a decent sized family, there’s snacks and pastries that are sold in the shop area on the bottom floor. It’s a popular place for children who just get out of school, so it’s luckily still up and running.

Slowing at the entrance, he eyes the small house across the street. Just a few weeks ago, there had been a sign with the words ‘FOR SALE’ printed onto the plastic. The previous owners had moved back to more of an urban area, Seoul, when the man of the house had been offered a nice paying job there. Now, Kyungsoo takes note of how the sign is defaced with thick red marker, and it now reads ‘SOLD’.

He’s a bit curious, he admits to himself, to who his new neighbors are. He tells himself to ask his mother later on about giving them some new neighbor treats, because he hears that people do that often.

After he jumps off his bike and kicks down the stand with his foot, he pushes the shop doors open to a warm breeze and the taste of fresh bread on the tip of his tongue. He lets himself wander for a minute or so until he’s out the backyard and into the garden.

“Shouldn’t you be studying?” says someone from behind him. Kyungsoo doesn’t jump in his place because the voice is anything but unfamiliar. Kyungsoo would recognize it anywhere. It’s steady and fine, but it still booms with ego and also rakes leaves.

“Shouldn't you be doing chores?" He shoots back playfully, glancing up at his almighty and great cousin, Kim Jongdae.

Or at least, that's what he calls himself. Jongdae is only little older than Kyungsoo, but he's on a break from college. It happens at least every few months, and it lasts around three weeks. It's his second week and a half, and like every time he visits, he gets as much money saved up working for the regular family business.

Even if that means doing small, petty chores.

"You're right." Jongdae nods, turning around and gripping the rake in his hands. "Stop distracting me." And with that, Kyungsoo laughs and prances over to the side house.

Kyungsoo is in his second to last year of high-school. Ever since he could remember, he's lived a relatively normal life. He's never moved once, because he believes he should take care of the family business until it's his turn to go off to college, and like Jongdae, he will return as much as possible to lend a hand every now and then.

Every time Jongdae comes home, he has to share a small studio-like house next to the main house with him. Purely because the main house is full, and will be full until the other family members move out themselves. Partly because he loves Jongdae- like a brother, of course- and even if he’s a little prideful and annoying, he enjoys his company, anyways. Without Jongdae, Kyungsoo wouldn’t be who he was now. Without Jongdae, Kyungsoo wouldn’t have his bike, and he does miss him a lot when he’s gone.

There was a time, Kyungsoo remembers, when he mistook his affection for Jongdae as real love. It was a sinful time, too, because he knew what he felt was wrong. Having such suggestive thoughts about a relative is wrong, and when he realizes his mistakes, he is ashamed but he does not talk about it. That was three years ago, and he learns that his affections were simply just a misunderstanding. He does not like Jongdae- not in that way.

Kyungsoo knows his limits, so he lets his cousin work until it’s time for dinner.




The next morning, Kyungsoo wakes up to the sound of faint buzzing. It stops for a few seconds, but then it continues, and he has to carefully get out of bed to make sure Jongdae doesn't wake up to see just what it was.

Peeking through the blinds of the front window, he squints through the morning glare and searches for the source of the noise. Setting his eyes on something across the street makes him raise an eyebrow at the sight.

The small house directly across from him apparently isn't so empty as yesterday. A big, open truck sits outside of the house, engine loud as some men heave sofas and dining tables through the front entrance. After a good minute of staring, Kyungsoo moves back to his bed and checks the time on the dresser before he decides that it’s okay to get ready for school a little earlier than usual.

He takes his time brushing his teeth and prepping up for the day. He even decides to eat a little bit of breakfast, but even then, there is still an hour left until school starts. So, he sits outside of the shop on a bench and waits, backpack snug between his legs.

    Kyungsoo watches closely at the new neighbors who thank the mover guys for bringing their big furniture inside. There’s three of them: A man and a woman, and Kyungsoo squints to see if they’re married (they are,) and then there’s a boy.

This boy has Kyungsoo holding his breath. This boy has Kyungsoo clenching his fists, and this boy has Kyungsoo leaning a bit back, because there’s something about him that makes Kyungsoo moderately interested. His skin is tanned, and the bronze matches the color scheme of the pink and cream buildings of the town, and his hair is like a faded bright sun, bleached and silver and hanging just above his lashes. There’s a big contrast with his black beanie, and a few piercings line down his left ear (he can’t really see the right,) and his clothes are pretty much simple. The light large sweater hanging off his shoulders shines against the sun’s rays, but so does his hair, and Kyungsoo catches himself staring much too late, because this boy is staring back at him with contrasting dark eyes. He immediately looks somewhere else, but then he realizes that he’s changed his attention to a bush, and he just ends up looking at his hands instead.

 The family and the workers finish talking not too long after. They close the shutters of the truck, wave, and then they’re off. When Kyungsoo looks back, they’re already walking into their new home, and he’s left alone on a cold Friday at seven in the morning. It’s quiet now. No more engines, or talking, or laughing, and if anything, only a few cars pass by within the thirty minute time frame of when he’s simply waiting.

Every scenario pops up into his head. It’s like when there’s that new boy in school, and you’re thinking to yourself about what kind of person he is, and if you two will meet and maybe become friends. Kyungsoo doesn’t actually admit that he’s eager or excited, but the curiosity and questions that he’s suddenly asking himself says otherwise. He wonders if he will go to his school, and there’s a big chance since it’s the only high school within some kind of walking distance. He wonders if they will ever get to talk, and he tells himself that there’s a possibility- they’re neighbors, of course they would talk. And then it gets a little deep, and Kyungsoo is a little ashamed at the desperate thoughts of love and he realizes that he’s just a bit too hopeful. He shakes the feeling off, but he’s a little glad because his day dreaming always kills time. By the time he comes to, he’s walking over to his bike and kicking the lever up, and he rolls down the streets all the way to school.

He’s still on his mind by the time he reaches his destination.




    Rice cakes, Kyungsoo’s mother says, are the most ideal type of welcoming gift in Korea. Kyungsoo wouldn’t really know, though, because it’s rare to get new neighbors in this town, anyways. That is how he ends up at the new family’s porch steps, nice porcelain plate in hand with plastic wrap covering the top, and he’s hesitant when ringing the doorbell. Pressing it, he keeps his finger pushed in longer than he would have thought, and he quickly brings his hand back when he hears the door unlocking.

    It’s Sunday now, two days after Kyungsoo had first seen the boy with the silvery hair. He has not yet told Baekhyun of the new boy, because he figures that he’d be going to their school very soon. The door unlocks with a final click, and he somewhat expects one of the adults of the house to answer, but much to his luck, there he is again. Except this time, he doesn’t have a beanie on and he’s clothed in a normal baggy shirt and baggy plaid pajama pants.

He thinks of the time and panics a little, because maybe nine in the morning is a little too early for somebody like him judging by the way his eyes squint at the sunlight. Kyungsoo unconsciously stares and stutters on his words when he starts to talk.

“U-Um! I’m sorry, is it...Did I sleep- I mean, were you- did I…” and the blonde doesn’t smirk. If anything, he’s a little weirded out. He looks at the smaller straight in the eyes, and there’s not exactly an expression on his face and Kyungsoo is afraid that he is angry. So he holds up the plate in his shaky hands and bows a full ninety degrees, arms extending and eyes squeezed shut.

“W-Welcome!” he squeaks, heart pounding against his chest so loudly that he could hear it. The screen door creaks a little. When the plate is removed from his hands, he exhales some and straightens back up just as the screen door is closed again, and his face is as red as the fresh apples from his garden. “I’m, uh… I live across the street with my family.”

It’s painfully awkward when the blonde doesn’t reply. Instead, he slowly nods his head with a forced smirk, and it’s a bit pitiful. He’s holding the plate with both of his hands, and he appears to be waiting for something. Kyungsoo tries something else.

“M-my name is Kyungsoo,” he introduces himself, playing with his fingers behind his back. The boy still does not say a word after a long pause, and Kyungsoo comes to the conclusion that this boy isn’t waiting for introductions- he is waiting for him to leave.

Kyungsoo does just that, walking backwards and stepping carefully down the porch with a pained smile of embarrassment. He waves his hand in the air a little, and it doesn’t help that the other is still staring. Kyungsoo laughs a little before he finally turns around and scurries back to his own house, face so hot and flustered that his eyes coat with a shiny gleam.

That was horrible, he thinks. That was really, really horrible.




    Blonde boy with ear piercings and menacing stares is talk of the school the very following day, and it turns out that his name is Kim Jongin. Baekhyun won’t stop bickering Kyungsoo about it, either. He’s shoving him a little during lunch, and the rice falls from Kyungsoo’s chopsticks and onto the table when Baekhyun is blabbering, “Did you know?! They say he’s a heartbreaker and a bad boy- he’s apparently even part of a gang! Like, I’m sure that those rumors are true. They’ve got to be. No one here has piercings or hair like that!”

    Kyungsoo grumbles something incomprehensible, and Baekhyun tilts his head. “Huh?” he asks. “What was that?”

    “I said ‘He’s my neighbor.’ “

    Chanyeol chokes on his milk. In fact, it starts to spill out of his mouth, and he flails around for a napkin until Kyungsoo finally throws one to him. “Woah!” he exclaims. “Really?! I thought it was cool enough that he was in my class, but he’s your neighbor?! Have you met him yet?”

    The memories come back to him, and he cringes. “Kind of…” he admits. “My mom told me to give them rice cakes, but I ended up having to give them to him, so…” he stops slowly, glaring at Baekhyun pretty much looks like he’s about to erupt from either excitement or joy.

    “I can feel it already!” he squeals. His hands clench Kyungsoo’s shoulders, forcing him to look him in the eyes, even as he’s still chewing on his food. “Kyungsoo, this is your chance.” Baekhyun says seriously. He rolls his eyes when Kyungsoo hums, confused and dazed.

    “You can finally get someone in your !”


    Kyungsoo’s glad that his food got all over Baekhyun’s face, because the boy honestly deserved it. Even if he did admit that since he never had been in a relationship before made him a little eager to get into one, it still didn’t change the fact that he had said it in such a vulgar way out loud in the middle of the cafeteria. It made him want to strangle him. He seriously has to force his hands behind his back to refrain from choking his brown haired best friend until the bell rings for the next class.

    He gets over it when he leaves school somewhat later, though. Riding his bike back to his house, he notices the low hums that emit from Jongin’s garage. Peeking a little into the area, all he sees are a pair of legs coming out from underneath an old car.

It’s elevated, but only by a few inches, and it looks so worn out that Kyungsoo wonders if it even works anymore. There is some cranking and clanking, but then it stops for a minute, and all of a sudden there’s a body that slides out from underneath. There Jongin is, glaring at Kyungsoo with his cold eyes, sloppy hair and a grumpy look by the way his eyebrows curve downwards. Kyungsoo gasps so hard that his lungs even begin to ache a little, and he wobbles on his bike as he tries to rebalance himself to move. He quickly leaves, but even then, he can feel Jongin’s judging eyes piercing into his back.

    Parking his bike into it’s usual spot in a rush, he launches himself into his room with a wobbly smile and roses smeared across his cheeks.




    They don’t speak to each other at all for three months, despite being neighbors. Sometimes, they would accidentally meet eyes in the hallway during school, or even back at home, but it’s the same as always. Jongin has scary eyes, and Kyungsoo is absolutely certain that Jongin had begun to hate him ever since he introduced himself after he moved in.

    There’s a real problem rising, though: Do Kyungsoo has a big fat crush on Kim Jongin, no matter how much he tries to deny it. Because whenever Jongin isn’t looking at him, Kyungsoo becomes less scared. Instead, he’s drawn in, until Jongin catches him and stares again. In the end, Kyungsoo is left forcing his own eyes somewhere else, scrambling off and telling excuses to himself as if trying to trick his mind into thinking that he wasn’t just looking at Jongin. He was busy, and his eyes just so happened to wander elsewhere. There isn’t a single moment where he allows himself to introduce himself a second time.

    Then again, three months have passed, and they’re bound to talk sooner or later, even if the circumstances aren’t very nice.

    It’s a rainy day after school when Kyungsoo finds out that Jongdae had gotten into a car accident, and it’s bad. He’s completely devastated, and he’s practically yelling at his parents on the phone to let him go with them to Seoul to see him, but no matter what, they deny. They confess that they’re already in the car, driving away from town as they speak, and that little bit has Kyungsoo shouting regrettable words into his cell before he shoves it in his bag and takes off.

He pays no attention to how much the rain is blinding him, or maybe it’s his tears, but it still doesn’t change anything. His head hurts too much to pay attention to what’s in front of him, and his hands are shaking so badly that his handlebars veer violently in opposite directions. His pedaling becomes useless when there’s a clang and a snap in the air, and he doesn’t realize what it was until he’s skidding on his bike and the whole thing topples over. Kyungsoo is flung forward, body flopping and skidding on the cement until theres a final painful stop. He doesn’t stop crying.

“Are you ok?” somebody asks, but Kyungsoo can barely hear it. He sniffles a bit, though only more sobs come out, so he doesn’t resist when the stranger picks him up with both arms and carries him away. He strains his eyes to see just who is taking him, but it’s only a blur.

The figure says something again, but it’s incomprehensible compared to the loud rain that pounds the ground and their drenched bodies. It’s even more blurry than before, and before he knows it, he can see nothing at all.




    Kyungsoo wakes up in a room full of white, black and blue with a violent shiver. The bed is a good size, and a desk takes up much of the corner space, yet that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t know where he is. He panics a little, sitting up with a jolt, but he lets out a cry when his spine burns from the motion and different parts of his body begin to sting. He looks at his arms that are decorated in bandages, and it travels up to his hands where smaller bandaids scatter across his knuckles and stiff joints. There’s even a makeshift splint that connects two of his fingers, made of thin wood and white gauze and tape. Blood seeps through some of the bandaids, and he wonders what had happened to him. It really hits him when he sees a familiar pair of eyes on him from next to the bed.

    Jumping a little, Kyungsoo gasps when he finds Jongin staring at him, again, and it’s just as scary. Kyungsoo scrambles on the bed, about to jump off and run out the door, but he’s surprised when a rough yet gentle hand tugs him back down.

    “You’re hurt,” Jongin says. His voice is melodic and deep, and Kyungsoo is amazed, and dazed, and a little bit of everything. “Don’t move around too much, and...don’t freak out.”

    Then, Kyungsoo realizes that he’s only in his underwear, and he pulls the covers right back up.

    “W-W-Wh…!” he stammers, blushing fiercely as his lower lip trembles in embarrassment. “Where’s my clothes?!”

    Jongin raises an eyebrow, hair dripping from water. Kyungsoo concludes that he just took a shower. “A little ripped up. They were wet, so I had to take them off, and then I cleaned your wounds…” he frowns at his own words, and Kyungsoo still doesn’t calm down.

    “B-But, I’m- You-” he starts, and then he abruptly sneezes and calms. He lays back down into the pillow, closing his eyes a little before looking back at Jongin who continues to eye him. Kyungsoo looks back at the wall.

    “I’m sorry,” he starts, “For making you go through all that just for me…” It’s a little broken and sad, because he remembers Jongdae and what really happened. He clenches his jaw, doing whatever it took to keep the tears from spilling out again. Jongin shakes his head.

    “What was that, anyways? You fell pretty bad out there. You’re lucky I was around.”

    Kyungsoo looks back to him, and he’s astonished to find that his eyes are unexpectedly soft. His chest does a little something where it heaves and it warms, and his stomach begins to tickle. Even so, he explains vaguely.

    “My cousin got into an accident,” he says, voice low so that it wouldn’t crack. “My parents already left and refused to take me to see him. I guess I just got really scared, because I don’t know how I’m supposed to mind the shop alone, and…” he pauses. “Where’s my bike?”

    Jongin hums, leaning back in his swivel chair and swirling his wrist around to crack it. “Your bike is kinda old… It’s rusty, and the chain ended up breaking. The handlebars are a little bent, and you’re going to need to replace the front tire, but you can leave all that to me.” He stretches his lips to the right and shrugs. Kyungsoo blushes a little, muttering a small ‘thank you’.

    They sit in silence for a good minute, and Kyungsoo thinks about the chances of being here, in Jongin’s room, who he was so sure hated him, and it’s all so confusing.

    Jongin stares at Kyungsoo when he pushes the blanket down a little to take a better look at himself. He hesitantly looks at Jongin before he pulls his legs upwards and out from under the blanket, joints aching and skin warm where bandages blanket over his white skin. The small scrapes don’t have bandaids covering them, but he guesses that Jongin must have wiped them down in rubbing alcohol because that’s all he smells. He then traces his index finger along the rough white and rusty patches.

    “It probably would have been better to take you to a hospital,” Jongin says suddenly, his eyes on Kyungsoo’s legs. “But I can’t drive, and I think it’s unnecessary to call an ambulance from falling off your bike…You know?”

    Kyungsoo blushes again, but nods nonetheless. “I think...It’s better this way.” He brings his legs back in when he starts to feel a chill. “How did you bring me here?” he asks as he gets back under the blanket, refraining from hissing from the stinging.

    Jongin’s posture changes slightly, and now he rests his chin on his knee. “I carried you.” He answers. “When I made sure that you were all cleaned up, I went back out to get your bike. You were asleep for about...two hours?”

    It’s uncomfortable again when Kyungsoo nods slowly. He doesn’t say it, but he feels super weird. There were times where he thought of what it would be like to go into Jongin’s house, how his room was set up, if he were a neat person or not, (he is, apparently) but he definitely did not think of this. He did not think about what would happen if he were to get hurt, only to be picked up by this boy who he thought would only ever be known as his “new neighbor who hated his guts and prefered not to speak”. He also does not expect to have no clothes on, and he’s holding in a cough when he shivers again. As if on cue, Jongin gets up out of his chair and treads to his closet.

    “Here,” he says, holding out a bundle of navy blue. “This is all I can find that might be warm enough for you.”

    Kyungsoo stares before he takes it within his own hands. He sits up, unfolds it, and begins to put it on.

    “Hey, so… Kyungsoo...” Jongin speaks up, twisting in his chair and averting his eyes as Kyungsoo slips the hoodie on. “I know this is kind of weird, and you’re a bit beat up and upset and whatnot, but I was just wondering if you wanted...to...hang out, maybe…sometime…?” he asks, and the last word is somewhat higher in pitch than the others. It’s spoken with a glint of hope, and it makes Kyungsoo gawk from his spot on the bed. He grams at the hems of the sweater and clenches.

    “I...” he chokes, his entire face flushed with a nervous and wobbly smile pulling his lips. “I...Don’t you hate me?”

    Jongin makes a face. “What? No, where did you hear that?” he asks. Kyungsoo frowns.

    “I don’t know, I just thought that you never really liked me because all you do is stare at me like you want to kill me, or whatever…” he mumbles, suddenly hot from embarrassment. Jongin thinks for a moment before he sits up straight again.

    “Oh!” he says, laughing awkwardly. “That...Yeah, I tend to stare when I think… Like, remember when you gave me those rice cakes?”

    Kyungsoo nods. He remembers it too well.

    “Well, I was about to introduce myself after you did, but I couldn’t really think of how to say it, so…” and it’s quiet again.

    Kyungsoo’s completely baffled. This entire moment is so unreal. Yet, here he was, in the bed of his super intimidating and attractive neighbor who apparently has a crush on him, too. Or at least, is beginning to show some interest. This is not at all how he expected them to officially meet. He didn’t expect a conversation between them to last longer than ten seconds. He didn’t even expect for Jongin to remember his name, and the second it rolls off his tongue, the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

    “Are you...asking me out?” Kyungsoo asks with a shaky, and Jongin shrugs, unsure of whether to say yes or no. When Kyungsoo looks at him longer, he opts with admittedly nodding his head with a small smile on his lips.

“I’ve liked you for a while. I’ve found you interesting ever since you gave me the rice cakes, actually, but I’m not very good at these things.” Jongin reveals, and Kyungsoo’s trying to bottle up the warm happiness that fills up his chest. “We’re neighbors...and we don’t really know each other...so why not?”

He settles with a yes and a shaky smile, and Kyungsoo witnesses Jongin’s perfect grin for the first time.




    The first date is in Jongin’s garage, and it isn’t much of a date, but it’s better than nothing. Kyungsoo’s parents are still out of town, and Jongin insists that he come over so he can give his bike back.

    Instead, Kyungsoo watches him fix it up and replace the front tire. He puts in a new chain and gear, and he polishes and paints it back up, even if it isn’t needed. This time, he makes sure to add a break handle onto the handlebars, just in case Kyungsoo decided to go skidding through the rain downhill practically blind again. Kyungsoo punches him in the shoulder when he jokes the reason, a bit bashful.

    “Seriously, though.” Jongin laughs, tightening the break and securing it. “You should be a little safer. You could have gotten broken bones.”

    Kyungsoo snorts. “But I already did,” he says, holding up his splinted fingers. Jongin snorts and shakes his head, turning the wheels.

It was nice to know that they were clicking so easily. Kyungsoo is usually very unskillful at bonding, but Jongin seems to have him overflowing with words every time he speaks. He’s grateful.

“...I still can’t thank you enough.” He mutters, leaning forward a little on the desk and smiling cheerfully as Jongin tests out the breaks. He spins the wheels again and slowly squeezes the handle, and they stop with ease.

    “You don’t need to thank me.” he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. He then takes off his leather gloves and sets them on the table, scooting his chair closer to Kyungsoo’s knees.

    The garage has a different car in it this time, and Kyungsoo’s pretty sure he knows the answer, but he asks, anyways. “What do you normally do here?” he asks. Jongin glances at the car.

    “My dad’s a mechanic, so I learned how to do auto-repair and mechanic stuff like that when I was young. Sometimes, we get at-home requests, but he usually just has me do those kinds of things since they’re pretty simple.” he nods over to the slate grey kia optima that took up most of the space in the room, a different car than last time. “I just finished that yesterday.”

    Jongin looks pretty proud of himself, and Kyungsoo is slightly impressed. He nods, pressing his lips together. “Do you want to be an engineer in the future?” he asks. “Or, work with cars, or something?”

    The other puts his elbow on the table and rests his head against his palm, looking up at Kyungsoo in thought. “No… Not really. I mean, it’s fun, but I guess I was kind of forced into doing this, you know?” Kyungsoo makes an ‘o’ with his lips.

    “Then, what do you want to be?” he says, a little softer this time, and Jongin remembers that this is supposed to be a date from the way Kyungsoo seems kinda flirty. He clears his throat a little and squirms.

    “I want to dance.” Is his answer, and this surprises Kyungsoo. Jongin continues his answer and reasons it. He explains how ever since he was young, he’d loved dancing, even if it were more of a personal hobby than anything. It turns out that he’s pretty good, though he makes sure to show a little modesty, and he took ballet classes until the year just before he started high school. When he has time, he confesses, he will try to dance, even if it’s just for a little bit. Kyungsoo tries to imagine this, and it’s fascinating, but he decides that it’s probably better to see it in person.

    “Why did you stop?” Kyungsoo asks, shifting in his spot when Jongin leans against his hand on the table. Jongin presses his lips together as he thinks.

    “School got hard,” he says, and it’s pretty straightforward. “I can’t take classes because my dad expects me to work on cars all the time.”

    Kyungsoo nods slowly. “One day, you should show me. Maybe even teach me.” he says teasingly, and Jongin laughs before he agrees wholeheartedly, even if the last part were a joke.

    The sun starts to set, and Kyungsoo decides that it’s time to start heading back for dinner. He hops off the table and dusts off his pants, standing in front of Jongin with his eyes focused on his chest. He looks up. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school?”

    “Yeah, definitely,” Jongin replies. “We can start hanging out there, too, if it isn’t too much…”

    Kyungsoo clicks his tongue. “I don’t know… I’m scared that I’ll get tired of you.” He says, though it’s meant as a joke, and Jongin see’s it that way, too when he chuckles. He waves a final time, and Jongin only stares until he’s gone.

    Kyungsoo entirely forgets to bring his bike back home.

i put this off for so long sorry

this is it the story is finished maybe ill add a chapter soon but woah im not focused on this at all sorry

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creepingyou #1
Chapter 1: This so cute, it makes me feel all giddy and fluffy, I love this <3
baoziben #2
Chapter 1: Lol, he forgot the bike. Seriously xD
I really hope this updates someday ;_;
It's so good
mollyaussie #4
Chapter 1: Awww
Chapter 1: That was so damn cute oh my god
Bubbleteaxme #6
Chapter 1: More please
Iheartyou5 #7
this made me smile :) I love your writing! <3
magicbananas #8
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed this! \(^0^)/
mechanic au huh, what about the other one? huh? punk. luv u..