Part IV

Late Nights at the Airport

After both of them showered, Jimin dragged Jungkook out to a restaurant a couple blocks from the hotel. They ordered a small pizza to share and aimlessly chatted about their lives back in Korea.

Jungkook found out that Jimin owned a dance studio and taught children how to dance. He said he enjoyed sharing his passion for music with the little ones and liked the way their faces lit up when they finally mastered a move. He also lived with his best friend, Yoongi, in a small apartment right in the heart of Busan.

Jimin learned that Jungkook lived alone in a giant condo in Gangnam. He was a bit disappointed the other lived so far away from Busan, but was happy that he was even in the same country.

Jimin felt a bit bad for Jungkook. The other had told him that he moved to Seoul to go to school for business and spent all his time studying. When Jungkook had gotten his job as an assistant for a big hotel CEO, he had all but thrown out his social life. Now he spent all his time studying and working. Jungkook took pride in his work ethic and held that above everything else. Sometimes even above eating. Which is why Jimin has self-proclaimed himself as “Jungkook’s official food intake monitor.”

They sit at the same table for almost two hours, both of them excitedly listening to what the other had to say.  They each became more and more comfortable with the other, unknowingly following destiny’s plans accordingly.

Jimin had dragged Jungkook through numerous shops including numerous clothing outlets, where he forced the other to try on multiple outfits because he knew he would look cute. They had visited a candy store where Jungkook caved and bought them both a bag of various chocolates and cookies.

It’s another couple of hours later that they find themselves sitting on a bench in a park.

“Jungkook?” Jimin starts.


“Are we gonna see each other when we return to Korea?”

Jungkook looks down at his hands in silence for a bit. They live on practically opposite sides of the country and with Jungkook’s work and all; he doubts he would have much time off. But, if Jungkook was being honest with himself, being with Jimin had made him more…relaxed. More outgoing. He could feel a difference in the way he himself acted. In just the couple of days Jungkook had known Jimin; he would forget about work and focus just on the other man.

Jungkook wanted nothing more than to spend more and more time with Jimin, he just wasn’t sure how he would manage that.

“I don’t know,” he decides to reply.

“You do want to though, right?” Jimin asks, desperation clear in his voice.

Jungkook looks up at Jimin. “Of course I do, Jimin.”

Relief is clear on Jimin’s face, “Good. I thought this would be one of those foreign romance things. Like the ones where you find a lover just for the time you are in the country and then leave, never to talk to them again.”

Jungkook laughs. “Well, I’ve already told you where I lived so I can’t exactly escape now.”

Jimin playfully punches Jungkook’s arm and wines.

Jungkook laughs and gets up. “C’mon, let’s go find something to do.”

They walk around a bit until they find a bulletin board next to a bus station advertising an amusement park.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Let’s go there! Jungkook! Let’s go there!” Jimin squeals, grabbing Jungkook’s arm and jumping up and down.  

Jungkook doesn’t really want to go. He finds amusement parks extremely annoying.  There are kids running around with minimal supervision. The smell of greasy carnival food makes his stomach churn. He would never, ever set foot in one of the bathrooms. And the one thing he hated the most was waiting in line. You had to wait in line for everything.

There were lines at every single greasy food stand, there were lines to use the sorry excuses they called bathrooms, and there were hour long lines to ride a ride that lasted about sixty seconds, caused nausea, and blew around perfectly sculpted hair.

Of course, Jimin had convinced Jungkook to go and the two were on the bus headed straight to the park of fun.

Jungkook knew he had given in quite easily, but he knew it was because Jimin was the one asking to go.


“Let’s ride that one! And then that one! Wait no! That one first!” Jimin enthusiastically shouts as he hooks his arm through Jungkook’s and drags him through the park.

Jungkook really wanted to be happy, he wanted to enjoy his time with Jimin, but as soon as he step foot into that damn park, his expression had been set to annoyed.

It wasn’t until they were in line for their first ride that Jimin noticed how off the other looked.

“Aww, is baby Kookie feeling down?” He says, pinching the younger’s cheeks.

Jungkook yanks Jimin’s wrists down and pouts. “I just don’t like amusement parks.”

“Well then why did you agree to come?”

Jungkook flushes red and looks down mumbling something under his breath.

Jimin lifts Jungkook’s chin with his finger. “What was that, baby?”

“Iwantedtospendtimewithyou,” Jungkook whispers, not meeting the other’s eyes.

Jimin gleams. “You wanted to spend time with me!?”

Jungkook pouts and walks ahead to stand with his back toward Jimin, hoping that the other would get the idea to drop the subject.

Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook’s torso and puts his chin on the other’s shoulder. “Do you really not like amusement parks? I mean amusement is in the name! What’s not to like?”

Jungkook really doesn’t want to bum Jimin out so he just sighs and shakes his head. “I’ll be fine. You wanted to come didn’t you? Have your fun.”

“I can’t have fun while little Kookie is being a cranky toddler.”

“I am not a toddler,” Jungkook scoffs turning around to face Jimin.

“You’re sure acting like one right now,” Jimin smirks.

Jungkook can’t believe what he’s hearing. He so wants to go off on Jimin but the other turns him around and pushes him up the line.

Jungkook’s anger is quickly replaced by anxiety. He’s actually never been on a roller coaster before and now that he can see the front of the line, he’s not sure he can do this. His hands start to sweat and all he can think about are the things that could go wrong. What if the ride breaks while he’s on it? What if the seat belt doesn’t lock and he flies off?

He started to breathe heavy and when he feels Jimin’s hand on his back pushing him a couple inches to the front. He freaks out and turns around to face Jimin.

“J-Jimin,” he wheezes, gripping the other’s shirt.

Jimin is instantly worried; Jungkook is quite literally a nervous wreck. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“I d-don’t think I can do this,” Jungkook gets out between his deep breaths.

“Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?”


Jimin grabs Jungkook’s hands and laces their fingers. “Okay, deep breathes. In and out.”

Jungkook follows the elder’s instructions and although his breathing evens out, his heart is still racing.

“I know what’s going through your mind. You’re thinking of all the worst possible scenarios, aren’t you?”

“B-but what if they really happen?”

Jimin smiles softly, “They won’t happen. I’ve been on plenty of roller coasters and absolutely nothing has gone wrong.”

Jungkook squeezes Jimin’s hands. “But what if it happens now?”

Jimin presses their foreheads together, “Its gonna be okay, Jungkook, really. You can always hold my hand if you’re scared. I’ll be sitting right next to you. I’ll make the attendant to triple check your seat belt, okay?”

Jungkook’s heart has slowed down to normal and he shakes his head. “O-okay.”

The time had come and the two were seated somewhere in the middle because Jungkook refused to sit in the front.

Jungkook’s breathing was erratic again so Jimin grabbed his hand and squeezed. Jungkook at least looked a bit less nervous.

The attendant came around and as promised, Jimin asked them to absolutely make sure the belts were tight.

As soon as the ride started to move, Jungkook’s eyes screwed shut and his grip on Jimin’s hand tightened.

Jimin laughed, “We haven’t even started climbing to the top yet, Kookie.”

Jungkook’s response was to squeeze Jimin’s hand harder.

Jimin tells Jungkook that they are starting to make their way to the top and Jungkook wines, telling him to shut up.

They finally reach the crest of the coaster and Jungkook can feel how different the air is. He knows he’s terribly high up but doesn’t dare open his eyes.

“Here we go,” Jimin says right before they drop.

Jungkook’s eyes fly open and he’s immediately screaming. His stomach dropped lower than he had ever felt before and he wanted to throw up. Before he could think on that too long, he had jerked to the right and then to the left. He knew he was going to die on this ride. Out of nowhere he was upside down. And he was already saying goodbye to his parents. He didn’t stop screaming the whole ride, but somewhere in there, those screams had turned from terror to excitement.

Jungkook had felt how refreshing the wind felt rushing through his hair. He liked the way the world looked speeding past him in all different directions. He came to like the feeling of his stomach dropping and by the end of the ride, he wanted more.

Jungkook is no longer annoyed with the fact that he was at the amusement park. He became the one dragging the other around, pointing at this ride and that ride.

All Jimin could do was smile and go along for the ride. He kind of took pride in being the one to get Jungkook through his first roller coaster ride. It made him wonder if he would be a part of any more of Jungkook’s firsts.

They spent the rest of the day at the park, stopping only a short moment for food because Jungkook didn’t want to waste the time he could be spending on a ride.


Jimin ended up carrying a very tired Jungkook out of the park and onto the bus. He let the other use his shoulder as a pillow, which was quickly becoming a habit Jungkook’s.

Jimin carried Jungkook up to the hotel room and carefully tucked him into bed after removing the younger’s shoes and jeans.

He was going to leave the Jungkook to sleep comfortably alone in bed, but Jungkook had grabbed his wrist before he could leave.

“Stay,” the younger whispers.

Jimin agrees and takes off his own shoes and pants. He crawls under the blanket and almost immediately Jungkook is curling into his side.

Jimin wraps his arms around the other and just before sleep overtakes him, he hears Jungkook say something.


“Yes, baby?”

“Thanks for taking me to the amusement park.”

Jimin kisses Jungkook’s head. “You’re welcome, baby.”


A/N: This took me a bit longer than expected to update but here it is!!! I actually really like this chapter! Its so cute! I want to thank BubbleLightBaek for the whole amusement park idea. Although its not exactly the way you worded it I still appreciate the inspiration!

I'm not exactly sure where this story is going or how much longer I'm going to keep writing for this. But for however much longer, I hope to see more and more sweet  comments~ 

Thank you so so much to all those who have subscribed/upvoted/commented. You have no idea how much confidence that gives me in my writing!

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Chapter 4: wow this is really so cute and sweet and <333 jikook is just the besttttt.
Chapter 4: awww soo cute
emmataeyang #3
Chapter 4: Awwwwww sooooo cute^^i really love this story^^
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 4: ahh, so cute.. i would be like kook if i should go to an amusement park though, i'm quite afraid of height-,- anyway, good chapter!! it is really good and see fluff is totally my style.. haha good.. can't wait for next updates!! you've write a , fluff.. how about an angst? i would like to see the jealous of either jimin or kook because there's a threewheel on their love story.. ung, it's okay if you don't want to, it's your own choice to write anything!!:) fighting for everything!!
Chapter 4: cute chapter
it's now how once in a while jungkook can be honestly scared about something in a story
BubbleLightBaek #6
Chapter 4: omg!! i cant believe you even considered the whole amusement park idea lol this is just so cute!!! i love this & tbh its just perfect! my exploding feels for cute jikook tho lmao xD
Chapter 4: awwwwhwhwhwh~!!!!!!!!!!! why are they so cute~!!!
Simplestsk #8
Chapter 4: Aww, very cute. Hoping for many more firsts together
Chapter 3: aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! yayayayayayy!!! what you write for my heart being like this?!! mygod!!!! update sooner !!!!!!!