Part I

Late Nights at the Airport

Jungkook runs down the terminal to try and reach the gate in time. His flight is scheduled to take off at 7:20 pm and its 7:12 pm. If he doesn’t catch this flight, his boss is going to kill him.

He has to go to Germany to supervise some company thing for his boss and obviously if he didn’t board the plane on time, he was going to miss the meeting.

Jungkook is sprinting toward Gate 4 and he accidently rams right into someone. He doesn’t have any time to help the other with their things so he just grabs his own bag, yells back a quick apology, and resumes running.

Out of breath, Jungkook finally reaches the gate. He tries to tell the attendant at the desk that he really needs to get on the plane but is plunged into silence when he hears what they say.

“I’m sorry, sir, but this flight has been delayed due to inclement weather.”

“Are you ing kidding me?”

“No. I’m not. Now I’d really appreciate it if you’d take your anger somewhere else,” the attendant says, ready to call security.

Jungkook’s shoulders slump and he sighs. “Okay, thank you.” And he turns around to go find a chair to sit in.

Its a few hours later that Jungkook gets hungry. He gets up to try and find a vending machine to get him some chips and a soda. He walks a bit before he sees a sign that says there are some around the corner.

Jungkook rounds the corner only to trip over some guy’s legs. “What the hell?”

“Hey! I’m trying to sleep here!” the man yells.

“Well why the would you sleep here where people can trip over you?!” Jungkook shoots back.

“Because it was a quiet over here!”

Jungkook rolls his eyes and pushes money into the machine.

The man stands up and scans Jungkook.

“What are you looking at?” Jungkook sneers.

“Hmm…I’m pretty sure you were the one who ran into me earlier.”

Jungkook glares at him. “My bad.”

The man laughs. “Well, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”

“I was running late for my flight but all that rushing was for nothing.  Its ing delayed.”  Jungkook sighs.

“Mine was too. I heard there’s a bad storm over Germany right now so all the flights going there were delayed.”

Jungkook opens his bag of chips and starts to walk away. “You were going to Germany too? What a coincidence.”

The other folds up his blanket and picks up his pillow. “It is quite the coincidence. Maybe we should sit next to each other while we wait!”

Jungkook doesn’t really like spending lots of time with other people. He was going to tell Jimin no, but the other had already grabbed his arm and was dragging him to the sitting area.

“Where are you sitting?” the other asks.

Jungkook tries to wriggle his arm out of the man’s grip but fails because holy this guy is strong. “I’m not really sure if we should sit next together. I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Jimin. Now where is your seat?”

Jungkook takes a deep breath and decides to just go along with whatever this Jimin guy wants.

“I’m over here,” Jungkook says, leading Jimin over to his seat at the end of the row. Jungkook’s bag and laptop are sitting in the chair next to his so he tells Jimin to sit in the one next to that.

Jimin pouts because he really wanted to sit next to the other but he takes a seat anyway.

“You never told me your name.” Jimin says, adjusting his blanket to cover his body.


“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Jungkook.”


Fort the next hour or so, Jungkook just types away at his computer, trying to put the finishing touches on the report he needs to give the person he’s meeting in Germany.

He actually forgot Jimin was there. Until the other started talking again.

“Whatcha working on there, Kookie?”

“Kookie? I don’t think we are close enough for nicknames.”

“Well I think it’s cute,” Jimin coos.

“Well I don’t, so I’d really like it if you didn’t call me that.”

“Okay, Mr. Grumpy, but you never told me what you were doing.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I’m trying to finish something for work.”

“Oh! Is that why you are going to Germany?”


For another twenty minutes, Jimin persistently tries to get Jungkook to pay attention to him. He asks him numerous questions ranging from “what’s your favorite food” to “have you ever peed your pants in public?” All of which were answered with one word.

Jimin gives up for a bit and Jungkook finally finishes his report. He puts his laptop down and stands up to stretch. Jimin is practically bouncing.

“You’re finished?”


“Okay, now how about we play a game!” Jimin suggests.

“I’m not in the mood to play a game.” Jungkook replies.

“Okay…what if we just talk some more?”

Jungkook sighs and sits back down. There was an announcement a bit earlier telling all the passengers that the flight to Germany would be rescheduled to 5 am. That left him with Jimin for approximately five more hours. He supposes he could entertain the other for a while before dozing off.

“Okay, Jimin. We can talk.”

Jimin is ecstatic and practically throws Jungkook’s bag out of the chair so they can sit next to each other.

“Hey! You’re lucky my laptop wasn’t in that!”

“So Jungkook, where are you from?”


“Oh? Me too!” Jimin exclaims. “How old are you?”


“I’m older than you! You have to call me hyung!”

Jungkook scoffs, “Yeah, sure.”

“Are you not going to call me hyung?”

“Why should I? It’s not like we’re close.”

“But we’ve known each other for like 2 hours!” Jimin says, grabbing Jungkook’s hands.

“Exactly. 2 hours is nothing.” Jungkook says, yanking his hands out of Jimin’s.

Jimin reaches for his bag and pulls out some honey buns. “Do you want one, Kookie?”

“I told you not to call me,” Jungkook snaps. “And no, I don’t.”

But of course in that moment, Jungkook’s stomach growls and although Jungkook tries to cover it up with a cough, Jimin still hears it.

“Are you sure you don’t want one?”

“I’m not hungry.” His stomach growls again. He sighs and snatches the honey bun from Jimin.

Jimin is beaming. “We’re bonding over a meal”

“I’d hardly call this a meal.” Jungkook sneers, taking another bite.

“But we’re eating together and I think this is a sweet moment.”

Jungkook just eats in silence. What is wrong with this guy? He’s so clingy. They barely know each other and Jimin is acting like they are best friends.

But if Jungkook was being honest with himself, he would say he kind of enjoyed Jimin’s presence. It would have been quite boring if he had just sat here by himself for hours on end.

Jungkook subtly peeks at Jimin. The other had taken off his hoodie and so now he sits there in only a tank top. And Jungkook has to say, Jimin is y as . But Jungkook would never say these things aloud.

“Did you hear what I said?” Jimin asks.


“I asked what seat number on the plane you had.”

Jungkook pulls out his ticket to examine it. “Seat B12.”

“Really? I sit right next to you! This is so exciting!”

“Yeah…” Jungkook sighs.

“It’s like destiny! Don’t you think? I mean you practically tackled me, then you tripped over me, and then we talk for like hours, and now we get to sit next to each other on the plane! It’s like the heavens planned this!”

Jimin rambles on and Jungkook grabs his headphones and settles down into the chair to try and get some sleep.

Jimin looks over and sees Jungkook with his eyes closed and earbuds in. Jimin had instantly liked Jungkook the moment he saw him. Yeah, that was cliché, but it was true. He just felt an overwhelming need to be with the younger.

He wasn’t really put off by Jungkook’s cold behavior; he really enjoyed just being with the other. Although Jungkook was right in saying they didn’t really know each other, Jimin wanted to spend all the time he could with him. He had felt instant attraction and wouldn’t hesitate to pursue it.

Jimin watched as Jungkook’s lips pursed and his eyebrows crinkled as he slept. Jungkook couldn’t get any cuter.

Jimin smiled to himself and leant over to wrap his own blanket around the other. He could smell Jungkook’s cologne and hovered over the boy a bit longer than necessary. When he pulled away and settle into the chair next to the other, Jungkook’s head had fallen onto his shoulder.

Jimin froze up, not knowing if he should push Jungkook’s head off or just let him sleep. He chose the second option because he didn’t want to wake the boy.

For the remaining hours spent in the airport, Jimin listened to Jungkook’s incoherent mumbling and watched the various emotions play out on his face while sleeping.


An announcement was made letting the passengers know that they could start boarding the plane. Jungkook was still asleep so Jimin quietly packed the other’s laptop up and put his own stuff away. He then carefully hoisted Jungkook onto his back, grabbed both of their bags, and headed off towards the gate.

Jimin had them both seated and Jungkook had slept right up until take-off.

Jungkook looks around, a little disoriented at the scenery change. “How did I even get on the plane?”

“I carried you,” Jimin replies, eyes practically shining.

“W-what?” Jungkook was blushing. “Why wouldn’t you just wake me up?”

“I didn’t want to wake you. Plus, you looked cute while you were sleeping.”

Jungkook just stares out the window. He really can’t believe this guy. But he’s also kind of flattered that Jimin would care for him like that. Jungkook really wanted to know why Jimin was so open about his thoughts and how unhesitant he was with his actions.

“Why are you so…” Jungkook starts, glaring at Jimin.

“Why am I what?”

“Ugh. Never mind,” Jungkook sulks and turns toward the window again.

Jimin laughs to himself and pulls out his own laptop. “Do you want to watch a movie with me?”

Jungkook wouldn’t mind watching a movie, but he’s still reeling with the embarrassment of Jimin carrying him. “No.”

“I’ve got High School Musical! It’s the sing along version!”

Jungkook just continues to look out the window while Jimin pops the movie in and gets settled.

It was when Jimin started humming to Start of Something New that Jungkook had moved closer and demanded one of Jimin’s earbuds.

The movie played on while the two dozed off. Jungkook’s head was resting against Jimin’s shoulder again and Jimin had his head on top of Jungkook’s.

The two awoke when they landed in Germany. It was Jungkook who asked what hotel Jimin was staying at and as fate would have it, they were both staying at the same one.


A/N: well thats that lol. I hope you guys liked it. idk why I always leave you with open-endings. I guess it because I want you guys to imagine your own ending. If you guys really wanted, I could try and write what happens at the hotel *wink wink* 

Leave me some nice comments~ They are what gets me through the school day~ Thank you to all who subscribed!! *hugs* 

visit me on tumblr! jhopes-suga-daddy

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Chapter 4: wow this is really so cute and sweet and <333 jikook is just the besttttt.
Chapter 4: awww soo cute
emmataeyang #3
Chapter 4: Awwwwww sooooo cute^^i really love this story^^
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 4: ahh, so cute.. i would be like kook if i should go to an amusement park though, i'm quite afraid of height-,- anyway, good chapter!! it is really good and see fluff is totally my style.. haha good.. can't wait for next updates!! you've write a , fluff.. how about an angst? i would like to see the jealous of either jimin or kook because there's a threewheel on their love story.. ung, it's okay if you don't want to, it's your own choice to write anything!!:) fighting for everything!!
Chapter 4: cute chapter
it's now how once in a while jungkook can be honestly scared about something in a story
BubbleLightBaek #6
Chapter 4: omg!! i cant believe you even considered the whole amusement park idea lol this is just so cute!!! i love this & tbh its just perfect! my exploding feels for cute jikook tho lmao xD
Chapter 4: awwwwhwhwhwh~!!!!!!!!!!! why are they so cute~!!!
Simplestsk #8
Chapter 4: Aww, very cute. Hoping for many more firsts together
Chapter 3: aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! yayayayayayy!!! what you write for my heart being like this?!! mygod!!!! update sooner !!!!!!!