Chapter Six

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One Week Later


Wendy woke up to her phone ringing. She looked at the caller ID, it was Joohyun.

“Hello?” Wendy groggily answered, with her eyes closing again. She heard Irene chuckle on the other side.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Irene greeted, Wendy knew Irene was smiling on the other side. “Let’s go out today,” Irene said.

“Joohyun, it’s seven in the morning, you could’ve told me this later,” Wendy grumbled in annoyance.

“But I wanna go out now, plus I’m already outside of your house,” Irene pouted.

“You’re what!?” Wendy sat up in an instant and checked out her window, sure enough, Irene was out there in the cold. Wendy rushed down to her front door and opened it with much haste. The two of the made eye contact and hung up their phones.

“Hey,” Irene cheerfully waved.

“Oh my god Irene, it’s cold, get inside before you get sick,” Wendy motioned Irene to come inside her house.

“Nice bunny slippers,” Irene smiled when she saw the slippers Wendy was wearing.

“Would you like some breakfast?” Wendy ignored the comment and walked off to the kitchen, as Irene took off her shoes and followed.

“Sure, why not? What are you cooking?” Irene asked as she stopped and just stared at Wendy.

“French toast,” Wendy replied in perfect English.

“Pu-lench to-su-tu?” Irene tried to copy the other girl’s pronunciation, but failed miserably.

“Aww, how cute.” Wendy laughed at Irene, who was leaning against the fridge. Wendy walked over to her and stopped right in front of her. Irene’s mind went blank again and her blood rushed to her face, causing her to blush. Wendy wanted to hug Irene really tightly at that moment. And since Irene had the courage last time, Wendy decided she would take initiative this time.

Right when both of them had their eyes closed and were so close to their lips crashing together, they were stopped.

“SEUNGWAN!” Naeun shouted as she came downstairs.

Wendy sighed and leaned her forehead against Irene’s instead.

“I’m sorry,” Wendy mumbled to Irene before taking a step back, “I needed to get the orange juice,” Irene stepped aside when Wendy motioned for the fridge.

“Yah, Wendy, why is it so-,“ Naeun rubbed the sleep from her eyes then saw Irene.

“Oh hi Irene, nice seeing you again,” Naeun smiled brightly. Irene thought that bright smiles must’ve ran in Wendy’s family. Wendy only gave her older sister a glare.

“What?” Naeun asked Wendy, “Anyway, are you guys doing anything today?”

“We were already doing something,” Wendy angrily mumbled to herself, as she put bread in the toaster. Irene held in her laughter.

“What was that?” Naeun looked at her sister again, unaware of what she stopped. “Well it’s way too cold for you guys to go outside, there’s a cold-warning in all of Seoul. As the responsible older sister I am, I’m not letting you two go outside,” Naeun told Wendy.

“But unnie,” Wendy pouted.

“I don’t mind, I haven’t stayed in like this in a long time,” Irene smiled.

“You picked a good one Seungwan,” Naeun sister and quickly grabbed a slice of toasted bread from the toaster. Before Wendy could hit her sister, Naeun was already rushing back upstairs.

“Sorry about her,” Wendy sheepishly laughed.

“No, it’s okay,” Irene waved it off.

“And sorry about um… earlier, when I was going to uh, kiss you,” Wendy mumbled the last part.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind,” Irene smiled again.

“You don’t mind that I was going to kiss you?” Wendy jokingly asked.

“Oh not at all. I just mind the fact that we were interrupted. That was the second time,” Irene grabbed a glass of orange juice that Wendy had just poured.

“Well third time is always the charm, am I right?” Wendy joked. Irene almost chocked on her orange juice.

“Since when were you so upfront?” Irene asked with a slightly shocked expression.

“Since when were so easily caught off guard like this?” Wendy asked.

“Touché,” Irene narrowed her eyes at Wendy, “Are you implying that you want to try and kiss me again?”

“I don’t know, am I?”

“I think you are,”

“Then I guess I am,”

“So why don’t you?”

“I have to save my dessert for after breakfast.” Wendy winked at

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Chapter 1: Loving it
Damn 💗💛💙💚💜
Chapter 4: That mint chocolate tho hahahah
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