Jonghyun Might Be Right... For Once

Young Spies

    "I will not allow you to send our daughter to a boarding school." Kibum growled.

    "Well I don't care what you allow because Jinbum needs a strong adult figure who lays down rules for her. You're not doing your job as a parent, Kibum. She needs a mother not someone who will fight her on everything she says." Jinki mocked.


Kibum narrowed his eyes upon hearing his own words being thrown back at him.

    "Father, I don't want to go to boarding school." Jinbum said softly.

    "I don't want to send you either but this all depends on you and your mother. You two have given me no more options." Jinki shrugged.

Jinbum nodded and Kibum scoffed.

    "You're putting this all on me and Jinbum?" Kibum laughed.

Jinki looked at the pile of papers on his desk and smirked.

    "Oh look, a pamphlet all about a boarding school in Japan with contact information. How did that get here?" Jinki said, in a monotone voice.

Jinbum's eye widened but Kibum didn't seem fazed.

    "You're funny, Jinki." Kibum sneered.

    "Wow, it's an all girl school with strict rules and has no tolerance for electronics or pink things. Oh, it's also got a pool." Jinki said, looking through the pamphlet.

    "Mother!" Jinbum exclaimed.

    "Relax honey, he won't do it. You're his pride and joy." Kibum said, crossing his arms.

    "I'm so convinced by this conveniently placed pamphlet that I'm going to enroll Jinbum right now." Jinki said, pulling his phone out.

    "Jin, do you want me to tuck you in and read you a bed time story?" Kibum asked, panic in his voice.

    "I would enjoy that a lot mother." Jinbum responded, his eyes filled with fear.

They left the study and Jinki smiled to himself. He put his phone down on the desk and put the pamphlet aside.

    "I don't want to send my daughter to a boarding school. Kibum on the other hand, now that's another story." Jinki said to himself.

He put the pamphlet away in a safe place and left the study, smiling to himself. Taemin and Minho were looking through past pictures and smiled. Yoogeun was so young and now he is becoming rebellious, which only concerned Taemin.

    "Minho, what if Yoogeun is turning into Jonghyun right now?" Taemin asked.

     "So he's being rebellious, it's nothing major. I remember when Jinki went through that phase." Minho said.

    "Jonghyun only got worse when he went through it. Now that I look back on it, he hurt our parents before he...killed them." Taemin said softly.

Minho stared at Taemin and kissed his hand.

    "Taemin we can make sure Yoogeun doesn't turn into him. We just have to show him that we love and care for him." Minho said.

    "What difference does that make? He's going to start trying to hurt us soon, I just know it." Taemin said covering his face.

Minho hugged Taemin and chuckled.

    "You have the right to be worried but I don't think he'll be able to hurt us as much as Jonghyun did your parents." Minho said.

    "What makes you say that?" Taemin asked, wiping his eyes.

    "Because he's too much like you. You've never hurt anybody unless it was necessary. He'll get bored after a couple of attempts, I'm sure of it. We just have to endure it for a while." Minho said. 

Taemin closed his eyes and smiled.

    "I'm hoping you're right." Taemin hugged Minho tightly and sniffled. 

    "I promise you, Yoogeun is just like you, and is just going through a phase." Minho said.

Minho kissed Taemin's cheek and gave him a reassuring look. Taemin nodded, trusting Minho's words, and smiled. Yoogeun was hiding behind a wall nearby and scoffed.

    "They think they're so smart. I laugh at them." Yoogeun said in a low voice.

    "Actually I think they're right." Jonghyun said.

Yoogeun rolled his eyes and walked into his room.

    "You don't have time for this, being cute is hard. Now you're going to be cute and evil? How will you be able to deal with it?" Jonghyun asked.

    "You don't know me, uncle Jong." Yoogeun said.

    "So if your mother says she loves you, what would you respond with?" Jonghyun asked, sitting on Yoogeun's bed.

    "I love-" Yoogeun started.

Jonghyun rose an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

    "Leave me alone!" Yoogeun exclaimed.

    "You're so much like your mother." Jonghyun said, smiling.

Jonghyun got up, walked towards Yoogeun and poked his forehead. Yoogeun felt like he was falling backwards and closed his eyes. He quickly reopened his eyes and saw he was standing alone in the room. He growled and wondered if he's just seeing things. He laid down on his bed and sighed. Could Jonghyun be right? He shook his head and convinced himself he was doing the right thing. Taemin knocked his door and let himself in.

    "Hi Yoogeun." Taemin said.

Yoogeun sat up from his bed and stared at his mother.

    "Hello." Yoogeun said.

    "We got a call from the principal and she said you were shoving people to the ground in the halls." Taemin said, keeping his voice calm.

Yoogeun crossed his arms and kept quiet. Taemin sighed and stared at his son.

    "I really don't want to believe you're hurting people. It's just not your nature." Taemin said.

    "You don't know me, mom! You're don't know what I'm capable of!" Yoogeun exclaimed.

    "I just want the best for you." Taemin said, his voice cracking.

    "I don't care what you want for me, because I don't want it!" Yoogeun exclaimed.

Yoogeun noticed something in his mother eyes. Tears? How would his mother, who killed his uncle, be crying? He didn't understand and he felt bad for see his mother that fragile.

    "I'm sorry Umma." Yoogeun said, getting up from his bed and hugged his mother.

Taemin hugged Yoogeun and blinked back his tears. Yoogeun didn't like what he was doing but he had to be convincing.

    "I love you." Taemin said.

    "I love you too." Yoogeun cringed.

Taemin let him go and left the room, feeling better about the situation. Yoogeun looked at the floor and felt conflicted before going to bed.

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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?